Versão Chinesa

Aviso do Chefe do Executivo n.º 6/2013

O Governo da República Federal da Nigéria e o Governo da República Popular da China concluíram, por troca de notas, o acordo relativo à manutenção do Consulado Geral da República Federal da Nigéria na Região Administrativa Especial de Hong Kong da República Popular da China. Neste sentido, o Chefe do Executivo manda publicar, nos termos do n.º 1 do artigo 6.º da Lei n.º 3/1999 da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau, por ordem do Governo Popular Central, a Nota do Governo da República Federal da Nigéria no seu texto autêntico em língua inglesa e a Nota do Governo da República Popular da China no seu texto autêntico em língua chinesa.

Em conformidade com o disposto no referido acordo, o Consulado Geral da República Federal da Nigéria na Região Administrativa Especial de Hong Kong pode, desde a data em que o Governo da República Popular da China voltou a assumir o exercício da soberania sobre Macau, em 20 de Dezembro de 1999, exercer funções consulares na Região Administrativa Especial de Macau.

Promulgado em 14 de Março de 2013.

O Chefe do Executivo, Chui Sai On.


Gabinete do Chefe do Executivo, aos 19 de Março de 2013. — O Chefe do Gabinete, Alexis, Tam Chon Weng.

NOTE NO. 35/1997

The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in China presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China and, on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, has the honour to confirm that the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Government of the People’s Republic of China reached the following agreements on the maintenance by the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria of its Consulate-General in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China:

1. The Government of the People’s Republic of China agrees to the maintenance by the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria of its Consulate-General in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

2. The Government of the People’s Republic of China agrees to the performance by the Consulate-General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of its consular functions in the Macao Special Administrative Region after the Government of the People’s Republic of China resumes the exercise of sovereignty over Macao with effect from 20 December 1999.

3. The Government of the People’s Republic of China shall, in accordance with applicable principles of international law and relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, accord necessary assistance and facilities to the Consulate-General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the performance of its consular functions.

4. The operations of the Consulate-General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be regulated by applicable principles of international law. Consular matters shall be handled on the basis of equality and mutual benefit and in a friendly and cooperative spirit.

lf the above points receive the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ confirmation in a note in reply made on behalf of the Government of the People’s Republic of China, the present note and the Ministry’s return note shall constitute an agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Government of the People’s Republic of China, and shall enter into force with effect from 1 July, 1997.

The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China the assurances of its highest consideration.
