葡文名稱“Espaço Creativo Vale Exuberante de Macau”,葡文簡稱為“ECVE”;
英文名稱“Macao Lush Valley Creative Space”,英文簡稱為“LVCS”;
公證員 盧瑞祥
第一條——本會定名為澳門國際體育舞蹈協會,葡文為Associação de Dança Desportiva Internacional de Macau,英文為Macao International Dance Sport Association,以下稱為本會。
Está conforme.
Segundo Cartório Notarial de Macau, aos nove de Dezembro de dois mil e onze. — A Ajudante, Wong Wai Wa.
第一條——本會定名為澳門群星歌舞文化協會,葡文為Associação Cultural de Canção e Dança Kuan Seng de Macau,英文為Macao Kuan Seng Song and Dance Culture Association,以下稱為本會。
Está conforme.
Segundo Cartório Notarial de Macau, aos nove de Dezembro de dois mil e onze. — A Ajudante, Wong Wai Wa.
第一條——本會中文名稱為“聯同體育會”,中文簡稱為“聯同”,葡文名稱為“Associação Desportivo Lun Tong”,葡文簡稱為“A.D.L.T.”。
a) 參加會員大會及表決;
b) 有選舉或被選舉權;
c) 參加本會舉辦之活動;
d) 享受本會之福利及設施。
a) 遵守本會章程及內部規章;
b) 遵守會員大會及常務理事會之議決;
c) 支持及協助本會舉辦之活動;
d) 繳交會費。
a) 會員本人自行申請資格;
b) 做出有損本會名聲和利益的行為;
c) 不履行會員義務。
a) 會員大會;
b) 常務理事會;
c) 監事會。
a) 領導、管理及維持本會的活動,促進體育運動的發展;
b) 執行會員大會的決議;
c) 審議及通過入會申請;
d) 制定活動計劃及財政預算;
e) 管理本會財產;
f) 制定本會內部規章。
Está conforme.
Segundo Cartório Notarial de Macau, aos nove de Dezembro de dois mil e onze. — A Ajudante, Wong Wai Wa.
第一條——本會定名為“中國澳門國際文化交流促進會”,英文名稱“Association for Promotion of Intercultural Communication of Macao China”。
一等助理員 林志堅
第二條——會址為澳門媽閣街22-I 號地下B座。
A. 監督行政法人行政管理機關之運作;
B. 就其監察活動編制年度報告。
二等助理員 束承玫 Chok Seng Mui
第一條——本會定名為“澳門軟式飛鏢協會”,英文名為“Macao Soft Darts Association”,英文簡稱為“MSDA”。
I. 選舉權與被選舉權;
II. 批評及建議;
III. 遵守會章及決議;
IV. 繳納會費。
I. 制定或修改會章;
II. 選舉會員大會主席團及理、監事會成員;
III. 決定會務方向。
IV. 通過會議及財務報告。
一等助理員 林志堅
1. 澳門足球總會是依據澳門特別行政區法律而成立之私人組織,其存續不設期限。
2. 澳門足球總會總部位於澳門氹仔偉龍馬路科技大學足球場I座。
3. 澳門足球總會為國際足球協會及亞洲足球聯合總會的成員。
4. 澳門足球總會的會旗為
5. 澳門足球總會的會徽為
6. 澳門足球總會之英文簡稱為“MFA”,而葡文簡稱為“AFM”。
7. 澳門足球總會會徽依法在澳門註冊。
1. 澳門足球總會對政治及地區事務保持中立。
2. 嚴禁對任何國家、個人或人群有種族、性別、語言、宗教、政治或其他方面的任何歧視,否則將受到暫停或開除會員資格的處罰。
1. 澳門足球總會應促進各會員間、屬會間、官方人員間和球員間的友好關係,以及為人道主義目標促進社會中的友好關係。
2. 所有參與足球運動的個人和組織都應遵守章程、規程和公平競賽原則,以及忠誠原則、誠實原則和體育精神原則。
3. 澳門足球總會應提供必要的制度上的方法來解決會員間、屬會間、官方人員間和澳門足球總會球員間可能出現的爭端。
1. 執行委員會應按照國際足球協會現行相關規程來管理球員身份和球員轉會的事宜。
2. 球員必須按照國際足球協會的規程註冊。
1. 澳門足球總會的官方語言為中文和葡萄牙文。官方文件及文本均應以上述語言作出。如文本在各語言間之解釋出現分歧,則以中文為準。
2. 在會員大會上之官方語言應為澳門其中一種官方語言(優先使用中文)。
1. 由會員大會決議是否批准、暫停或開除一個會員的會員資格。
2. 如申請者完全符合澳門足球總會之要求,可被批准成為會員。
3. 會員資格基於退出或開除而終止。失去會員資格並不免除該會員對澳門足球總會或其他會員的財政上之義務,但導致取消其一切涉及澳門足球總會之權利。
1. 澳門足球總會的會員必須為正式註冊的足球會。
2. 擬申請成為澳門足球總會會員的球會必須向澳門足球總會秘書處遞交書面申請。
3. 申請書必須附有以下法定要件:
4. 本條並不影響現有會員的身份。
1. 批准程序由澳門足球總會執行委員會通過之特別規程所規範。
2. 執行委員會應請求會員大會作出批准或不批准申請人的決定。申請人可向會員大會陳述申請的理由。
3. 一經批准,新會員將馬上擁有會員的權利和義務。新會員的代表的選舉權和被選舉權也立即生效。
1. 會員享有以下權利:
2. 行使以上權利時須遵守本章程和適用規程的規定。
1. 澳門足球總會會員承擔以下義務:
2. 任何會員如違反上述義務,將根據本章程之規定受到制裁。
1. 會員大會負責暫停會員的資格。然而,對於嚴重和屢次違反其義務的會員,執行委員會可以立即暫停其會員資格。除非執行委員會其間取消該暫停會員資格之處罰,否則該處罰將持續至下一次會員大會。
2. 在下一次會員大會上,該暫停會議資格的處罰須由所投之票的絕對多數票(百分之五十加一)確認,否則處罰自動取消。
3. 被暫停會員資格的會員將失去其會員權利,其他會員不得同被暫停會員資格者進行體育方面的聯繫。紀律委員會還可實施進一步的處罰。
4. 如任何會員不論基於任何理由連續兩年沒有參加澳門足球總會舉辦之賽事或活動,則暫停其在會員大會的投票權且其代表將不被選任或被委派,直至該會員履行這方面的義務為止。
1. 會員大會可在以下情況下開除會員協會的資格:
2. 會員大會有絕對多數(百分之五十加一)的有投票權的會員出席時,才可有效議決開除會員資格,而有關開除動議須獲所投有效票中的四分之三多數票通過。
1. 倘會員打算退出澳門足球總會,必須在擬退出日期三個月前向澳門足球總會秘書處提交退出通知。
2. 打算退出的會員必須完全履行其對澳門足球總會和其他會員的財政義務。
1. 各級聯賽或任何其他屬會必須經澳門足球總會承認並隸屬之。本章程訂明該等屬會及團體的權力範圍、權利和義務。該等組織的章程和規程必須由澳門足球總會執行委員會核准。
2. 澳門足球總會之屬會及所屬團體應就其會員資格的任何事務作出所有決定,而不受外部機關影響。不論其所採用的法人結構為何者,此義務一概適用。
3. 在任何情況下,只要任何比賽的完整和競爭性受到威脅,任何自然人或法人(包括控股公司和子公司)不得同時控制一家以上的屬會或團體。
1. 會員大會可因某人對足球的傑出貢獻而授予其名譽主席或名譽會員的稱號。
2. 名譽主席和名譽會員由執行委員會提名。
3. 名譽主席或名譽會員可參加會員大會及討論,但無投票權。
1. 會員大會是最高權力及立例機關。
2. 執行委員會是執行機關。
3. 各常務委員會和特別委員會之職責在於協助執行委員會的工作並向其提供諮詢。常務委員會和特別委員會的組成、工作和職責由本章程及/或執行委員會制定的專門規程規定。
4. 秘書處是行政機關。
5. 審判機關為紀律委員會及上訴委員會。
6. 審計機關負責澳門足球總會財政的審計事務。
7. 澳門足球總會在不受任何外部影響下,根據本章程規定的程序選擇或任命各機關。
1. 會員大會為澳門足球總會所有會員定期召開的會議,具有澳門足球總會最高權力及立例權力。僅定期召開的會員大會具有作出決議的權力。
2. 會員大會可以是一般會員大會和特別會員大會。
3. 主席須根據會員大會標準程序安排會員大會的議題。
4. 會員大會可任命觀察員參與會員大會,但無討論權及投票權。
5. 名譽主席或名譽會員可參加會員大會及討論,但無投票權。
1. 會員大會由83名代表組成,每人各自代表澳門足球總會會員83個屬會其中之一者。
2. 代表必須屬於其所代表的會員,並由該會員之適當機構選派。他們必須提供符合上述要求的證明。
3. 所有代表必須填寫表格,指出他們為有關會員之正式代表且在會員大會上具有投票權。該表格必須在召開會員大會五日前填妥並提交至澳門足球總會秘書處。
4. 同一類別會員之每名代表在會員大會上具有相同數目的選票。只有出席大會的代表方有權投票。
5. 如會員在會員大會召開前連續超過兩年沒有參加至少三項由澳門足球總會舉辦之賽事或活動,則其在會員大會的投票權將被暫停,直至其履行此方面的義務為止。
6. 執行委員會及秘書長亦須參加會員大會,但無投票權。任期內的執行委員會成員不得擔任其團體的代表。
1. 如在點名時有絕對多數(百分之五十加一)的有權投票之會員出席,則由會員大會通過之決議為有效。
2. 如法定人數不足,則第二次會員大會將以相同議程在第一次會員大會三十分鐘(或由本協會訂定之另一期間)後舉行。
3. 第二次會議無需出席會員之法定人數,但有關議程涉及澳門足球總會章程之修訂、主席、副主席及執行委員會成員之選任、撤銷澳門足球總會機關之一名或一些成員的職務、開除會員資格、解散或擴大澳門足球總會者則除外。
1. 除本章程另有規定外,有效的投票取決於絕對多數的有投票權的會員(百分之五十加一)之投票和出席。有效投票的數目將用來計算多數票。損壞的、空白的選票或任何其他棄權之方式在計算多數票時將不作理會。
2. 需要投票之決議將透過舉手或電子計算表決。如舉手表決不能明確某一動議是否獲得多數通過,則按字母順序排列以點名方式進行表決。
1. 選舉投票為不記名投票。
2. 獲得有效的已作記錄之投票的絕對多數(百分之五十加一)者方被選出。
3. 如在一個職位空缺上有兩名以上的候選人,獲得最低投票數目的候選人將被淘汰參與第二輪投票,直至剩下兩名候選人。
1. 一般會員大會每年舉行一次。
2. 由執行委員會訂定開會地點及時間。須提前十五日以書面方式及/或以兩種官方語言透過報紙通知各會員。
3. 應在會員大會召開日至少八日前以書面及掛號信方式進行召集。召集書內應指出會議之日期、時間及地點,以及議程、主席工作報告、財務報表、核數師報告及相關文件。
1. 秘書長應根據執行委員會及各會員的提議制定大會議程。任何會員應在會員大會召開日至少十日前以書面方式向秘書處提交動議,並附有簡要說明。
2. 會員大會議程須包括以下法定項目:
3. 如有投票權的澳門足球總會會員全部出席,則可以更改會員大會的議程。
4. 會員大會不應對非議程項目作出決議。
1. 執行委員會可在任何時間召集特別會員大會。
2. 如三分之一之會員以書面方式提出請求時,執行委員會應召集特別會員大會。有關請求應指明議程項目。特別會員大會應在接收請求後三個月內舉行。如沒有召集特別會員大會,作出請求之會員得自行召集會員大會。作為最後手段,有關會員可請求國際足球協會的協助。
3. 各會員應在特別會員大會召開日至少十日前收到會議地點、日期和議程的通知。
4. 當特別會員大會由執行委員會主動召集時,其必須訂定議程。當特別會員大會按會員的請求召集時,議程必須載有由該等會員提出的項目。
5. 特別會員大會的議程不得更改。
1. 由會員大會負責修訂本章程(以及倘有之章程實施細則和會員大會議事規則)。
2. 修訂本章程之提議須由一名會員或執行委員會以書面形式向秘書處提出,並附有簡短說明。由一名會員提出的修訂提議需有至少二十個會員的書面支持方有效。
3. 絕對多數(百分之五十加一)的有投票權的會員出席會員大會時,方可投票修訂本章程。
4. 修訂本章程的提議須由出席且有投票權的會員的四分之三的贊同票通過。
5. 對章程實施細則和會員大會議事規則的修訂提議,須由一名會員或執行委員會以書面形式向秘書處提出,並附有簡短說明。
6. 對章程實施細則和會員大會議事規則的修訂提議,須由出席且有投票權的會員的絕對多數(百分之五十加一)的贊同票通過。
1. 執行委員會由十三名成員組成:
• 一名主席
• 一名副主席
• 一名司庫
• 十名成員
2. 執行委員會主席、副主席、司庫及成員應由會員大會選出。在執行委員會成員的選舉中,每名候選人至少由一名會員推薦。
3. 執行委員會主席、副主席、司庫及所有成員在履行兩年任期後自動續任兩年。每四年選舉一次,執行委員會所有成員均有資格競選連任。
4. 執行委員會成員不可年滿七十周歲及不可不足二十五周歲,且應活躍於足球,先前未被裁定犯有刑事罪行,以及在澳門足球總會地區內合法居住。
5. 候選人資格須提交至澳門足球總會的秘書處。候選人的正式名單須連同將選舉產生執行委員會的會員大會的議程送交至澳門足球總會各會員。
6. 執行委員會成員不得同時為澳門足球總會審判機關成員。
7. 如職位出缺,執行委員會應履行該職位,直至隨後之一般會員大會就剩餘任期的接替作出選舉為止。
1. 執行委員會每年至少召開十次會議。
2. 由主席召集執行委員會會議。如有執行委員會半數成員要求舉行會議,主席應在十日內召集會議。
3. 主席在秘書長的協助下編寫議程。每名執行委員會成員有權提出納入為會議議程的項目。執行委員會成員須在會議開始至少五日前向秘書處提交其擬納入議程的項目。議程必須在會議開始至少三日前送交至執行委員會各成員。
4. 秘書長應以顧問身份參加執行委員會會議。
5. 執行委員會會議不以公開形式舉行。然而,執行委員會可邀請第三人列席會議。該第三人沒有投票權,但在執行委員會的許可下可發表其意見。
1. 執行委員會之討論在二分之一以上成員出席時方視為有效。
2. 執行委員會之決議取決於出席成員的簡單多數票。當贊成票和反對票出現票數相同時,主席可投決定性的一票。不容許委任投票或信件形式投票。
3. 倘出現潛在或可能的利益衝突,任何執行委員會成員均必須退出討論及退出議決。
4. 所有作出之議決均須載於會議記錄內。
5. 執行委員會作出之所有議決即時產生效力,但執行委員會另有決定者除外。
1. 執行委員會可開除人員或解散機關。執行委員會可將開除成員或解散機關放在會員大會的議程上。
2. 執行委員會亦可暫時地開除人員或解散機關。
3. 執行委員會的任何成員均可提議,將暫時開除或解散的動議放在執行委員會的議程上,或將開除或解散的動議放在會員大會的議程上。
4. 開除或解散的動議須具備正當理由,並將連同議程送交至澳門足球總會的會員。
5. 被動議開除的人員或被動議解散的機關,有權發言為自己辯護。
6. 倘維持開除或解散的動議,會員大會或執行委員會應以秘密投票方式作出議決。該動議的通過須獲三分之二之有效贊同票。
7. 被(暫時)開除的成員或解散的機關須即時被免除其職務。
1. 主席依法代表澳門足球總會。
2. 主席主要負責以下事務:
3. 僅主席可提出任命或解除秘書長。
4. 主席應主持會員大會、執行委員會以及其他由其擔任主席的委員會會議。
5. 主席在執行委員會中擁有普通的一票,當贊成票和反對票出現票數相等時,主席可投決定性的一票。
6. 若主席缺席或無法出席會議,則由副主席代理主席職務。
7. 主席的其他權力須由澳門足球總會內部組織規程中規定。
1. 主席由會員大會選舉產生,其任期應在該會員大會結束後開始。主席可連續當選。
2. 對於主席的選舉,須以投票之絕對多數(多於百分之五十)為之。倘出現兩名以上的候選人,獲得最低投票數目的候選人將被淘汰參與第二輪投票,直至剩下兩名候選人。
3. 僅澳門足球總會會員得提名主席之候選人。各會員應在會員大會最少十日前以書面形式通知秘書處有關候選人之姓名。
4. 秘書處應在會員大會最少八日前通知各會員有關被提名候選人之姓名。
5. 如果主席長期或暫時無法行使其職務,則副主席代理其職務直至下一次會員大會。如有必要,下一次會員大會應選舉新主席。
1. 審計委員會負責監督執行委員會的財務往來,核實澳門足球總會的資產,編寫關於其活動的年度報告,以及符合本章程及澳門法律的要求。該委員會應由會員大會選舉產生的一名主席及兩名成員組成,任期為兩年。
1. 澳門足球總會設以下常務委員會:
2. 各常務委員會的主席和副主席由執行委員會成員擔任。各常務委員會的成員由執行委員會根據澳門足球總會會員或澳門足球總會主席的推薦指定。各常務委員會的主席、副主席和委員的任期為四年。
3. 常務委員會的主席是其委員會的代表,按照由執行委員會制定的有關組織規程處理該委員會的工作。
4. 常務委員會的主席應與秘書長合作以訂定會議的日期,確保所有工作得以進行並向執行委員會報告。
5. 各常務委員會可向執行委員會提議修訂該常務委員會的章程。
1. 秘書長為秘書處首席主管。
2. 秘書長應在受私法規範的協議基礎上予以指派,並應具備必要的專業資格。
3. 秘書長負責:
4. 秘書長不可為會員大會之代表或澳門足球總會任何機關之成員。
1. 澳門足球總會的審判機關為:
2. 上述機關的責任和職能由符合《國際足球協會紀律守則》的《澳門足球總會紀律守則》規定。
3. 審判機關不影響其他委員會的決策權力。
4. 審判機關之成員不可同時為澳門足球總會任何其他機關之成員。
1. 紀律委員會由一名主席、一名副主席和所需的若干名委員組成。主席須具有法定資格。
2. 該機關的職能由《澳門足球總會紀律守則》規定。
3. 委員會可以宣佈針對會員、執事人員、球員、球會、比賽及球員經紀人所施加的處罰,但處罰須是本章程和《澳門足球總會紀律守則》中有所規定的。
4. 對於暫停和開除會員資格的處罰,有關規定須指明會員大會和執行委員會的處罰權力。
1. 上訴委員會由一名主席、一名副主席和所需的若干名委員組成。主席須具有法定資格。
2. 該機關的職能由《澳門足球總會紀律守則》規定。
3. 上訴委員會負責審理針對紀律委員會非終局的決定所作出之上訴。
1. 對於自然人和法人:
2. 對於自然人:
3. 對於法人:
1. 澳門足球總會、其聯賽、聯賽成員、會員、球員、執事人員、比賽及球員經紀人均不可通過普通法院解決爭端,但本章程或國際足球協會另有特別規定者除外。
2. 上述之任何爭端將由國際足球協會、亞洲足球聯合總會或澳門足球總會所指定之適當之仲裁法庭全權管轄。
3. 澳門足球總會對所有內部爭端具有管轄權,例如:爭端雙方均從屬於澳門足球總會。
1. 根據《國際足球協會章程》之規定,針對國際足球協會最後及有約束力決定的上訴,又或針對亞洲足球聯合總會和澳門足球總會所作決定的上訴,應由位於瑞士洛桑市的體育仲裁法庭審理,且必須在獲通知有關決定後21天內提出上訴。
2. 在透過其他內部渠道都無法解決問題的情況下,才可向體育仲裁法庭提出上訴。
3. 然而,體育仲裁法庭不對違反比賽規則、停賽四場或三個月、又或由協會或洲際足球聯合總會獨立及正式組成的仲裁庭作出的裁判等情況作出審理。
4. 澳門足球總會應確保其會員、球員、執事人員、比賽及球員經紀人全面遵守由國際足球協會機關或體育仲裁法庭作出的決議。
1. 澳門足球總會的財政期為一年,從一月一日開始並於十二月三十一日結束。
2. 對澳門足球總會的收入和支出進行之管理應使財政期結束時達到收支平衡。澳門足球總會未來的主要職責通過創造儲備予以確保。
3. 秘書長負責在十二月三十一日編製出澳門足球總會及其各附屬機構的年度綜合帳目。
1. 每個會員應於每年的一月三十一日前交納會費。新會員第一年的會費應在接納其成為會員的會員大會結束後三十天內支付。
2. 會費的數額根據執行委員會的建議每年由會員大會決定。每名會員的會費相同,且最高不得超過500澳門元。
1. 澳門足球總會負責組織及協調所有在本地區的官方賽事。
2. 執行委員會可將組織賽事的權力委託予澳門足球總會屬下聯賽。由聯賽所組織的賽事不可妨礙由澳門足球總會組織的賽事。由澳門足球總會組織的賽事具有優先性。
3. 執行委員會可制定有關這方面的特別規程。
1. 澳門足球總會及其會員為由其管轄的各項賽事和其他活動所產生的所有權利的原始擁有人,且不受任何內容、時間、地點和法律的限制。這些權利尤其包括各種財務權利、視聽和廣播錄製、複製和播放版權、多媒體版權、市場開發和推廣權利、以及無形資產權如徽章和版權所產生的權利。
2. 執行委員會應決定如何使用這些權利以及權利的使用範圍,並就此方面制定特別的規程。執行委員會還應自行決定是否獨自使用此權利或同第三方合作或完全通過第三方來行使這些權利。
1. 舉辦協會之間、聯賽及/或屬會之間的國際比賽和賽事的權限僅屬於國際足球協會。未經國際足球協會執行委員會事先許可,不得舉行任何比賽或賽事。此外,根據國際足球協會的規程,亦可能需要有關洲際足球聯合總會之許可。
2. 澳門足球總會應遵守由國際足球協會制定的國際比賽日程表。
1. 任何有關解散澳門足球總會的決議需獲全體會員的四分之三多數通過,且須在為此專門召集之會員大會為之。
2. 如果澳門足球總會解散,其資產將移交給澳門有關當局。有關當局應以“善良家父”(小心及明智地管理)方式對這些資產進行託管,直至澳門足球總會重新成立。然而,會員大會可在三分之二多數的基礎上選擇另一名資產的接收者。
The terms given below denote the following:
MSAR: Macao Special Administrative Region
MFA: Macau Football Association
AFC: Asian Football Confederation
FIFA: International Federation of Association Football
EAFF: East Asian Football Federation
Association: a football Association recognized by and a Member of FIFA
League: an organization subordinate to an Association
Confederation: a group of Associations recognized by FIFA and belonging to the same continent (or a similar geographic area).
Casting vote: Chairman participates as other members in the voting, however when there is a draw, it will be automatically settled according to the vote of the Chairman.
Club: Member of a football Association (that is itself a Member of FIFA).
Officials: all board members, committee members, coaches, referees and attendants as well as other people responsible for technical, medical and administrative matters at FIFA, AFC, MFA, League or Club.
Player: a football player registered with MFA.
General Meeting: the supreme body of MFA.
Executive Committee: the executive body of MFA.
Member: a legal or natural person that has been admitted into membership of MFA by the General Meeting
Association Football: the game controlled by FIFA and organized in accordance with the Laws of the Game.
IFAB: the International Football Association Board
Ordinary Courts: state courts which hear public and private legal disputes.
Arbitration Tribunal: private court of justice acting instead of an Ordinary Court.
CAS: Court of Arbitration for Sport (Tribunal Arbritral du Sport) in Lausanne (Switzerland).
NB: References to natural persons include both genders. The singular case applies to the plural and vice-versa.
1. MFA is a private organization of an associative nature legally registered in compliance with the law of the Macau Special Administrative Region. It is formed for an unlimited period.
2. The headquarters of the MFA is in University of Science and Technology, Football Field Block 1, Av. Wai Long, Taipa, Macau.
3. MFA is a Member of FIFA and of AFC.
4. The flag of MFA is
5. The emblem of MFA is
6. The abbreviation of the Association is MFA and the Portuguese equivalent is «AFM».
7. The MFA emblem is legally registered in Macau.
The objectives of MFA are:
a) To improve the game of football constantly and promote, regulate and control it throughout the territory of Macau in the light of fair play and its unifying, educational, cultural and humanitarian values, particularly through youth and development programs;
b) To organize competitions in the Association Football in all its forms at the national level, by defining precisely, as required, the areas of authority conceded to the various Leagues of which it is composed;
c) To draw up regulations and provisions and ensure their enforcements;
d) To protect the legitimate interests of its Members;
e) To respect and prevent any infringement of the statutes, regulations, directions and decisions of FIFA, of AFC and MFA as well as the Laws of the Game and to ensure that these are also respected by its Members;
f) To prevent all methods or practices which might jeopardize the integrity of matches or competitions or give rise to abuse of Association Football;
g) To control and supervise all friendly football matches of all forms played throughout the territory of Macau;
h) To manage international sporting relations connected with Association Football in all its forms;
i) To host competitions at international and other levels; and
j) To settle disputes between and amongst Clubs, Members, Officials and Players.
1. MFA is neutral in matters of politics and religion.
2. Discrimination of any kind against a country, private person or group of people on account of ethnic origin, gender, language, religion, politics or any other reason is strictly prohibited and punishable by suspension or expulsion.
1. MFA shall promote friendly relations between its Members, Clubs, Officials and Players and in society for humanitarian objectives.
2. Every person and organization involved in the game of football is obliged to observe the Statutes, regulations and the principles of fair play as well as the principles of loyalty, integrity and sportsmanship.
3. MFA shall provide the necessary institutional means to resolve any internal dispute that may arise between Members, Clubs, Officials and Players of MFA.
1. The status of Players and the provisions for the transfer shall be regulated by the Executive Committee of MFA in accordance with the current FIFA Regulations for the Status and Transfer of Players.
2. Players shall be registered in accordance with the regulations of MFA.
MFA and each of its Members play Association Football in compliance with the Laws of the Game issued by IFAB. Only IFAB may amend the Laws of Game.
The bodies and Officials of MFA must observe the Statutes, regulations, directives, decisions of FIFA, AFC and MFA in their activities.
1. The official languages of MFA shall be Chinese and Portuguese. Official documents and texts shall be written in these languages. In the event of any divergence between the interpretation of texts in different languages, the text written in Chinese, shall be regarded as authoritative.
2. The official language at the General Meeting shall be one of the official languages of Macau, preferably Chinese.
1. The General Meeting shall decide whether to admit, suspend or expel a Member.
2. Admission may be granted if the applicant fulfils the requirements of MFA.
3. Membership is terminated by resignation or expulsion. Loss of membership does not relieve the Member from its financial obligations towards MFA or other Members of MFA, but leads to cancellation of all rights in relation to MFA.
1. The Members of MFA are duly registered football clubs.
2. Any club intending to apply to become a Member of MFA shall submit an application in writing to the general secretariat of MFA.
3. The application must be accompanied by the following mandatory items:
a) A copy of its legally valid statutes and regulations;
b) A declaration that it will always comply with the Statutes, regulations and decisions of MFA, FIFA and AFC and ensure that these are also respected by its own Members, Clubs, Officials and Players;
c) A declaration that it will comply with the Laws of the Game in force;
d) A declaration that it recognizes the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne as the tribunal to adjudicate on any dispute, as specified in these Statutes;
e) A declaration that it is located and registered in the territory of MFA;
f) A declaration that it will play all official home matches in the territory of MFA;
g) A declaration to the effect that the legal composition of the applicant guarantees that it can make decisions independently of any external entity;
h) A list of Officials, specifying those who are authorized signatories with the right to enter into legally binding agreements with third parties;
i) A declaration that it undertakes to organize or participate in friendly matches only with the prior consent of MFA; and
j) A copy of the minutes of its last general meeting or constitutional meeting.
4. This article does not affect the status of existing Members.
1. The procedure for admission shall be regulated by special regulations approved by the Executive Committee of MFA.
2. The Executive Committee shall request the General Meeting either to admit or not to admit an applicant. The applicant may state the reason for its application to the General Meeting.
3. The new Member shall acquire membership rights and duties as soon as it has been admitted. Its delegates are eligible to vote and be elected with immediate effect.
1. The Members of MFA have the following rights:
a) To take part in the General Meeting of MFA, to know its agenda in advance, to be called to General Meeting within the prescribed time and to exercise their voting rights;
b) To draw up proposals for inclusion in the agenda of the General Meeting;
c) To nominate candidates for all bodies of MFA to be elected;
d) To be informed of the affairs of MFA through the official bodies of MFA;
e) To take part in competitions and other activities organized by MFA; and
f) To exercise all other rights arising from the Statutes and regulations of MFA.
2. The exercise of these rights is subject to other provisions in these Statutes and the applicable regulations.
1. The Members of MFA have the following obligations:
a) To comply fully with the Statutes, regulations, directives and decisions of FIFA, AFC and MFA at all times and to ensure that these are also respected by its members;
b) To ensure the election of its decision- -making bodies;
c) To take part in competitions and other activities organized by MFA;
d) To pay their membership subscriptions;
e) To respect the Laws of the Game as laid down by IFAB and to ensure that these are also respected by its members through a statutory provision;
f) To adopt a statutory clause specifying that any dispute requiring arbitration involving itself or one of its members and relating to the Statutes, regulations, directives and decisions of FIFA, AFC and MFA shall be solely under the jurisdiction of the appropriate Arbitration Tribunal of FIFA, AFC or MFA and that any recourse to Ordinary Courts is strictly prohibited;
g) To communicate to MFA any amendment of its statutes and regulations as well as the list of its Officials or persons who are authorized signatories with the right to enter into legally binding agreements with third parties;
h) Not to maintain any relations of a sporting nature with entities that are not recognized or with Members that have been suspended or expelled;
i) To observe the principles of loyalty, integrity and good sporting behavior as an expression of fair play through a statutory provision;
j) To observe the mandatory items specified under article 10 paragraph 3 for the duration of their affiliation;
k) To administer a register of members which shall regularly be updated; and
l) To comply fully with all other duties arising from the Statutes and other regulations of FIFA, AFC and MFA.
2. Violation of the above-mentioned obligations by any Member may lead to sanctions provided for in these Statutes.
1. The General Meeting is responsible for suspending a Member. The Executive Committee may, however, suspend a Member that seriously and repeatedly violates its obligations as a Member with immediate effect. The suspension shall last until the next General Meeting, unless the Executive Committee has lifted it in the meantime.
2. A suspension shall be confirmed at the next General Meeting by an absolute majority (>50%) of the votes taken. If it is not confirmed, the suspension is automatically lifted.
3. A suspended Member shall lose its membership rights. Other Members may not entertain sporting contact with a suspended Member. The Disciplinary Committee may impose further sanctions.
4. Members that do not participate for whatever reason in competitions or official activities organized by MFA for two consecutive years shall be suspended from voting at the General Meeting and their representatives shall not be elected or appointed until they have fulfilled their obligations in these respect.
1. The General Meeting may expel a Member if:
a) It fails to fulfil its financial obligations towards MFA;
b) It seriously violates the Statutes, regulations, directives or decisions of FIFA, AFC and MFA;
c) It initiates legal proceedings in the Ordinary Courts for disputes pertaining to football-related matters either against MFA or another Member.
2. The presence of an absolute majority (>50%) of Members entitled to vote at the General Meeting is necessary for an expulsion to be valid, and the motion for expulsion must be adopted by a three-quarter majority of the valid votes cast.
1. If a Member wishes to resign from MFA, the notice of resignation must reach the general secretariat three months before the desired date of resignation.
2. The Member wishing to resign must fulfill its financial obligations towards MFA and the other Members of MFA.
1. Clubs and Leagues affiliated to MFA shall be subordinate to and recognized by MFA. These Statutes define the scope of authority and the rights and duties of these Clubs and groups. Their statutes and regulations must be approved by the Executive Committee of MFA.
2. The affiliated Clubs and groups of MFA shall take all decisions on any matters regarding their membership independently of any external body. This obligation applies regardless of their corporate structure.
3. In any case, no natural or legal person (including holding companies and subsidiaries) shall exercise control over more than one Club or group whenever the integrity of any match or competition could be jeopardized.
1. The General Meeting may bestow the title of honorary president or honorary member upon any persons for meritorious service to football.
2. The Executive Committee shall make these nominations.
3. The honorary president or honorary member may take part in the General Meeting. They may join the debates but are not entitled to vote.
1. The General Meeting is the supreme and legislative body.
2. The Executive Committee is the executive body.
3. Standing and ad-hoc committees shall advise and assist the Executive Committee in fulfilling its duties. Their duties, composition and function are defined in these Statutes and/or special regulations drawn up by the Executive Committee.
4. The general secretariat is the administrative body.
5. The judicial bodies are the Disciplinary Committee and the Appeal Committee.
6. The Audit Committee is responsible for matters relating to the auditing of MFA finances.
7. The bodies of MFA shall be either elected or appointed by MFA itself without any external influence and accordance with the procedures described in these Statutes.
1. The General Meeting is the meeting at which all of the Members of MFA regularly convene. It represents the supreme and legislative authority of MFA. Only a General Meeting that is regularly convened has the authority to make the decisions.
2. A General Meeting may be an ordinary or Extraordinary General Meeting.
3. The president shall conduct the General Meeting business in compliance with the standing orders of the General Meeting.
4. The General Meeting may appoint observers who take part in the General Meeting without the right to debate or vote.
5. The honorary presidents or honorary members may take part in the General Meeting. They may join the debates but are not entitled to vote.
1. The General Meeting is currently composed of 83 delegates, each representing one of the 83 Clubs that are currently Members of the MFA. The number of delegates may vary in accordance with the provisions of Articles 9 and 10 of the MFA Statutes.
2. Delegates must belong to the Member that they represent and be appointed or elected by the appropriate body of that Member. They must also be able to produce evidence of this upon request.
3. All Delegates must complete a form stipulating that they belong to the Member and are the official representative with the right to vote at the General Meeting. These forms must be completed and submitted to the MFA Secretariat no later than 5 days prior to the date of the General Meeting.
4. Each delegate of the same category of Member has an equal number of votes in the General Meeting. Only the delegates present are entitled to vote.
5. Members which do not participate in at least three MFA competitions or official MFA activities over a period of two consecutive years immediately prior to a General Meeting shall be suspended from voting at the General Meeting until they have fulfilled their obligations in this respect.
6. The Executive Committee and the General Secretary shall take part in the General Meeting without voting rights. During their terms of office, members of the Executive Committee may not be appointed as delegates for their association.
The General Meeting has the following authority:
a) Adopting or amending the Statutes, regulations governing the application of the Statutes and the standing orders of the General Meeting;
b) Appointing three Members to check the minutes and approving the minutes of the last meeting;
c) Electing the President and the vice-president and members of the Executive Committee;
d) Appointing the scrutineers;
e) Approving the financial statements;
f) Approving the budget;
g) Approving the President’s activity report;
h) Appointing the independent auditors upon the proposal of the Executive Committee;
i) Fixing the membership subscriptions;
j) Deciding, upon the nomination of the Executive Committee, whether to bestow the title of honorary president or honorary member;
k) Admitting, suspending or expelling a Member;
l) Revoking the mandate of one or a number of members of a body of MFA;
m) Dissolving MFA;
n) Passing decisions at the request of a Member in accordance with these Statutes.
1. Decisions passed by the General Meeting shall only be valid if the absolute majority (>50%) of the Members who are entitled to vote are represented at the roll call.
2. If a quorum is not achieved, a second General Meeting shall take place 30 minutes (or another period defined by the Association) after the first, with the same agenda.
3. A quorum regarding the number of Members present is not required for the second meeting unless any item on the agenda proposes the amendment of the Statutes of MFA, the election of the President and election of the vice-presidents and members of the Executive Committee, the dismissal of one or a number of members of a body of MFA, the expulsion of a Member of MFA or the dissolution of or extension of MFA.
1. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Statutes, an absolute majority (>50%) of the Members entitled to vote and are present is sufficient for a vote to be valid. The number of valid votes counted shall decide the majority. Spoiled or blank voting slips or any other forms of abstentions are disregarded in calculating the majority.
2. A decision that requires a vote shall be reached by a show of hands or by means of an electronic count. If a show of hands does not result in a clear majority in favour of a motion, the vote shall be taken by calling the roll in alphabetical order.
1. Elections shall be conducted by a secret ballot.
2. For a person to be elected, an absolute majority (>50%) of the votes recorded and valid is necessary.
3. If there are more than two candidates for one available position, the candidate that obtains the lowest number of votes is eliminated as from the second ballot until only two candidates are left.
1. The Ordinary General Meeting shall be held once a year.
2. The Executive Committee shall fix the place and date. The Members shall be notified in writing at least 15 days in advance and/or through newspapers in both official languages.
3. The formal convocation shall be made in writing and sent via registered mail at least 8 days before the date of the General Meeting. This convocation shall contain the date, time and venue of the General Meeting as well as the agenda, the President’s activity report, the financial statements and the auditors’ report and any relevant documents.
1. The General Secretary shall draw up the agenda based on proposals from the Executive Committee and the Members. Any proposal that a Member wishes to submit to the General Meeting shall be sent to the general secretariat in writing, with a brief explanation, at least 10 days before the date of the General Meeting.
2. The General Meeting agenda shall include the following mandatory items:
a) A declaration that the General Meeting has been convened and composed in compliance with the Statutes of MFA;
b) Approval of the agenda;
c) An address by the President;
d) Appointment of three Members to check the minutes;
e) Appointment of three scrutineers;
f) Suspension or expulsion of Members (if applicable);
g) Approval of the minutes of the preceding General Meeting;
h) President’s activity report (containing the activities since the last General Meeting);
i) Presentation of the consolidated and revised balance sheet and the profit and loss statement;
j) Approval of the financial statements;
k) Approval of the budget;
l) Admission for membership (if applicable);
m) Votes on proposals for amendments to the Statutes, the regulations governing the application of the Statutes and standing orders of the General Meeting (if applicable);
n) Discussion of proposal submitted by the Members and the Executive Committee;
o) Appointment of independent auditors (if applicable) upon the proposal of the Executive Committee;
p) Dismissal of a person or a body (if applicable);
q) Election of the President, vice-presidents and members of the Executive Committee (if applicable);
r) Any further items proposed by the Members or the Executive Committee of MFA.
3. The agenda of an Ordinary General Meeting may be altered with the presence of all members of MFA that are eligible to vote.
4. The General Meeting shall not make a decision on any point not included in the agenda.
1. The Executive Committee may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time.
2. The Executive Committee shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting if one-third of the Members of MFA make such a request in writing. The request shall specify the items for the agenda. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held within three months of receipt of the request. If an Extraordinary General Meeting is not convened, the Members who requested it may convene the General Meeting themselves. As a last resort, the Members may request assistance from FIFA.
3. The Members shall be notified of the place, date and agenda at least 10 days before the date of an Extraordinary General Meeting.
4. When and Extraordinary General Meeting is convened on the initiative of the Executive Committee, it must draw up the agenda. When an Extraordinary General Meeting is convened upon the request of Members, the agenda must contain the points raised by those Members.
5. The agenda of an Extraordinary General Meeting may not be altered.
1. The General Meeting is responsible for amending the Statutes, (if applicable, the regulations governing the application of the Statutes and the standing orders of the General Meeting).
2. Any proposals for an amendment to the Statutes must be submitted in writing with a brief explanation to the general secretariat by a Member or by the Executive Committee. A proposal submitted by a Member is valid, provided it has been supported in writing by at least 20 other Members.
3. For a vote on an amendment to the Statutes to be valid, an absolute majority of (>50%) of the Members eligible to vote must be present.
4. A proposal for an amendment to the Statutes shall be adopted only if three-quarters of the Members present and eligible to vote agree to it.
5. Any proposal to amend the regulations governing the application of the Statutes and the standing orders of the General Meeting must be submitted in writing with a brief explanation to the general secretariat by a Member or by the Executive Committee.
6. A proposal for an amendment to the regulations governing the application of the Statutes and the standing orders of the General Meeting shall be adopted only if an absolute majority (>50%) of the Members present and eligible to vote agree to it.
The General Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the General Meeting. The minutes shall be checked by those Members designated and finally approved at the next General Meeting.
Decisions passed by the General Meeting shall come into effect for the Members 10 days after the close of the General Meeting, unless the General Meeting General Meeting fixes another date for a decision to take effect.
1. The Executive Committee consists of 13 members:
• 1 president
• 1 vice-president
• 1 treasurer
• 10 members
2. The President, the vice-president, treasurer and the members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the General Meeting. Every candidate in the election of Executive Committee members must be proposed by at least one Member.
3. The President, Vice-President, Treasurer and all members of the Executive Committee shall serve a second term automatically after serving an initial term of two years. Elections occur every four years and all members of the Executive Committee are eligible for re-election.
4. The members of the Executive Committee shall be no older than 70 and no younger than 25. They shall have already been active in football, must not have been previously found guilty of a criminal offence and have residency within the territory of MFA.
5. Candidatures must be sent to the general secretariat of MFA. The official list of candidate must be passed to the Members of MFA along with the agenda for the General Meeting at which the Executive Committee will be elected.
6. A member of the Executive Committee may not at the same time be a member of a judicial body of MFA.
7. If a position should become vacant, the Executive Committee shall fulfill that vacancy until the next Ordinary General Meeting, when a replacement will be elected for the remaining term of mandate.
1. The Executive Committee shall meet at least 10 times a year.
2. The President shall convene the Executive Committee meetings. If 50% of the Executive Committee members request a meeting, the President shall convene it within 10 days.
3. The President, with the assistance of the General Secretary shall compile the agenda. Each member of the Executive Committee is entitled to propose items for inclusion in the agenda. The members of the Executive Committee must submit the points they wish to be included in the agenda for the meeting to the general secretariat at least 5 days before the meeting. The agenda must be sent out to the members of the Executive Committee at least 3 days before the meeting.
4. The General Secretary shall take part in the meetings of the Executive Committee in a consultative role.
5. The meetings of the Executive Committee shall not be held in public. The Executive Committee may, however, invite third parties to attend. Those third parties shall not have voting rights, and may only express an opinion with the permission of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee
a) Shall pass decisions on all cases that do not come within the sphere of responsibility of the General Meeting or are not reserved for other bodies by law or under these Statutes;
b) Shall prepare and convene the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of MFA;
c) Shall appoint the chairman, deputy chairman and members of the standing committees;
d) Shall elect the chairman and members of the judicial bodies;
e) May decide to set up ad-hoc committees if necessary at any time;
f) Shall compile the regulations for the organization of standing committees and ad-hoc committees;
g) Shall appoint or dismiss the General Secretary on the proposal of the President. The General Secretary shall attend the meetings of all the committees ex officio;
h) Shall propose the independent auditors to the General Meeting;
i) Shall decide the place and dates of and the number of teams participating in the competitions of MFA;
j) Shall appoint the coaches for the representative teams and other technical staff;
k) Shall approve regulations and structure stipulating how MFA shall be organized internally;
l) Shall approve all tournament regulations for competitions of MFA as well as the Disciplinary Code of the MFA;
m) Shall ensure that the Statutes are applied and adopt the executive arrangements required for their application;
n) May dismiss a person or body or suspend a Member of MFA provisionally until the next General Meeting;
o) May delegate tasks arising out of its area of authority to other bodies of MFA or third parties;
p) Submit an annual report of the Executive Committee; and
q) Represent MFA (whenever this representation is not attributed by law or under these Statutes to another body of the MFA or a Member of MFA), or nominate someone to do so.
1. The Executive Committee shall not engage in valid debate unless 50% + 1 of its members are present.
2. The Executive Committee shall reach decisions by a simple majority of the members present. In the event of a tied vote, the President shall have the casting vote. Voting by proxy or by letter is not permitted.
3. Any member of the Executive Committee must withdraw from the debate and from taking a decision if there is any risk or possibility of a conflict of interests.
4. The decisions taken shall be recorded in the minutes.
5. The decisions taken by the Executive Committee shall come into effect immediately, unless the Executive Committee decides otherwise.
1. The General Meeting may dismiss a person or body. The Executive Committee may place the dismissal of a person or body on the agenda for the General Meeting.
2. The Executive Committee may also dismiss a person or body provisionally.
3. Any Executive Committee member may submit a proposal to place such a motion for provisional dismissal on the agenda of the Executive Committee or for dismissal on the agenda of the General Meeting.
4. The motion for dismissal must be justified. It will be sent to the Members of MFA along with the agenda.
5. The person or body in question has the right to speak in his or its own defence.
6. If the motion for dismissal is upheld, the General Meeting or the Executive Committee shall reach a decision by means of secret ballot. For the motion to be passed, a majority of two-thirds of the valid votes is required.
7. The person or body dismissed (provisionally) must be relieved of his or its functions with immediate effect.
1. The President represents MFA legally.
2. He is primarily responsible for:
a) Implementing the decisions passed by the General Meeting and the Executive Committee through the general secretariat;
b) Ensuring the effective functioning of the bodies of MFA in order that they achieve the objectives described in these Statutes;
c) Supervising the work of the general secretariat; and
d) Relations between MFA and its Members, FIFA, AFC, political bodies of Macau and other domestic and international organizations.
3. Only the President may propose the appointment or dismissal of the General Secretary.
4. The President shall preside over the General Meeting, the Executive Committee and those committees of which he has been appointed chairman.
5. The President shall have an ordinary vote on the Executive Committee and, whenever votes are equal, shall have a casting vote.
6. If the President is absent or unavailable, the vice-president shall deputise.
7. Any additional powers of the President shall be contained in the internal organization regulations of MFA.
1. The President shall be elected by the General Meeting. His mandate shall begin after the end of the General Meeting which has elected him. A President may be re-elected.
2. For the election of the President, an absolute majority of the votes (>50%) is sufficient. If there are more than two candidates, the candidate that obtains the lowest number of votes is eliminated as from the second ballot until only two candidates are left.
3. Only Members of MFA may propose candidates for the office of President. Members shall notify the general secretariat in writing of the name of a candidate for presidency of MFA at least 10 days before the date of the General Meeting.
4. The general secretariat shall notify the Members of the names of the proposed candidate at least 8 days before the date of the General Meeting.
5. If the President is permanently or temporarily prevented from performing his official function, the vice-president shall represent him until the next General Meeting. This General Meeting shall elect a new President, if necessary.
The President represents MFA legally and is entitled to sign for MFA. The Executive Committee may set up internal organization regulations regarding joint signature of officers, in particular, in case of the President’s absence and concerning all important business of MFA.
1. The Audit Committee shall supervise the financial dealings of the Executive Committee, verify the assets of the MFA, prepare an annual report on its activities and comply with the requirements under these Statutes and Macau law. The Committee shall consist of a chairman and two members elected at the General Meeting for a period of 2 years.
1. The standing committees of MFA are:
a) Finance Committee;
b) Competitions Committee;
c) Technical and Development Committee;
d) Referees’ Committee; and
e) Futsal Committee.
2. The chairman and deputy chairman of the standing committees shall be members of the Executive Committee. The members of each standing committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee on the proposal of the members of MFA or the President of MFA. The chairman, deputy chairman and the members of the standing committees shall be designated for a term of office for four years.
3. Each chairman shall represent his committee and conduct business in compliance with the relevant organization regulations drawn up by the Executive Committee.
4. Each chairman shall fix the dates of meetings in collaboration with the General Secretary, ensure that all tasks are carried out and report back to the Executive Committee.
5. Each committee may propose amendments to its regulations to the Executive Committee.
The finance Committe shall monitor the financial management and advise the Executive Committee on financial matters and asset management. It shall analyse the budget of MFA and the financial statements prepared by the General Secretary and submit them to the Executive Committee for approval. It shall consist of a chairman, deputy chairman and three members.
The Competitions Committee for MFA competitions shall organize the competitions of MFA in compliance with the provisions of these Statutes and the regulations applicable to MFA competitions. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and three members.
The Technical and Development Committee shall primarily analyse the basic aspects of football training and technical development. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and three members.
The Referees’ Committee shall implement the Laws of the Game. It shall appoint the referees for matches in competitions organized by MFA, organize refereeing matters within Macau in collaboration with the administration of MFA and monitor the education and training of referees. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and three members.
The Futsal Committee shall organize futsal competitions and deal with all matters relating to futsal. It shall consist of a chairman and two members.
The Executive Committee may, if necessary, create ad-hoc committees for special duties and a limited period of time. The Executive Committee shall appoint a chairman, a deputy chairman and the members. The duties and function are defined in special regulations drawn up by the Executive Committee. An ad-hoc committee shall report directly to the Executive Committee.
The general secretariat shall carry out all the administrative work of MFA under the direction of the General Secretary. The members of the general secretariat are bound by the internal organizational regulations of MFA and shall fulfil the given tasks in the best manner.
1. The General Secretary is the chief executive of the general secretariat.
2. He shall be appointed on the basis of an agreement governed by private law and shall have the necessary professional qualifications.
3. He shall be responsible for:
a) Implementing decisions passed by the General Meeting and Executive Committee in compliance with the President’s directives;
b) Attending the General Meeting and meetings of the Executive Committee, Audit Committee and the standing and ad-hoc committees;
c) Organizing the General Meeting and meetings of the Executive Committee and other bodies;
d) Compiling the minutes for the meetings of the General Meeting, Executive Committee and standing and ad-hoc committees;
e) Managing and keeping the accounts of MFA in a proper and professional order;
f) The correspondence of MFA;
g) Relations with the Members, committees, FIFA and AFC;
h) Organizing the general secretariat;
i) The appointment and dismissal of staff working in the general secretariat; and
j) Proposing managerial staff to the President.
4. The General Secretary may not be a General Meeting delegate or a member of any body of MFA.
1. The Judicial Bodies of MFA are:
a) The Disciplinary Committee; and
b) The Appeal Committee.
2. The responsibilities and functions of these bodies shall be stipulated in the Disciplinary Code of MFA, which shall comply with the FIFA Disciplinary Code.
3. The decision making powers of other committees remain unaffected.
4. The members of the judicial bodies may not belong to any other body of MFA at the same time.
1. The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of a chairman, deputy chairman and the number of members deemed necessary. The chairman shall have legal qualifications.
2. The function of this body shall be governed by the Disciplinary Code of MFA.
3. The committee may pronounce the sanctions described in these Statutes and the Disciplinary Code of MFA on Members, Officials, Players, Clubs and match and players’ agents.
4. These provisions are subject to the disciplinary powers of the General Meeting and the Executive Committee with regard to the suspension and expulsion of members.
1. The Appeal Committee shall consist of a chairman and the number of members deemed necessary. The chairman shall have legal qualifications.
2. The function of this body shall be governed by the Disciplinary Code of MFA.
3. The Appeal Committee is responsible for hearing appeals against decisions from the Disciplinary Committee that are not declared final.
The disciplinary measures are primarily:
1. For natural and legal persons:
a) A warning;
b) A reprimand;
c) A fine;
d) The return of awards.
2. For natural persons:
a) A caution;
b) An expulsion;
c) A match suspension;
d) A ban from the dressing rooms and/or the substitutes’ bench
e) A ban from entering a stadium;
f) A ban on taking part in any football-related activity.
3. For legal persons:
a) A transfer ban;
b) Playing a match without spectators;
c) Playing a match on neutral territory;
d) A ban on playing in a particular stadium;
e) Annulment of the result of the match;
f) Expulsion;
g) A fine;
h) Deduction of points;
i) Relegation to the lower division.
1. MFA, its Leagues, members of Leagues, Members, Players, Officials and match and players’ agents will not take any dispute to Ordinary Courts of law unless specifically provided for in these Statutes or FIFA regulations.
2. Any above-mentioned dispute shall be solely under the jurisdiction of the appropriate arbitration tribunal as decided by FIFA, AFC or MFA.
3. MFA shall have jurisdiction on all internal disputes, i.e. disputes between parties belonging to MFA.
1. In accordance with the FIFA Statutes, any appeal against a final and binding FIFA decision and against decision passed by AFC and MFA shall be heard by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne, Switzerland and shall be lodged with CAS within 21 days of notification of the decision in question.
2. Appeal may only be made to CAS after other internal channels have been exhausted.
3. CAS shall not, however, hear appeals on violations of the Laws of the Game, suspensions of up to four matches or up to three months, or decisions passed by an independent and duly constituted Arbitration Tribunal of an Association or Confederation.
4. MFA shall ensure its full compliance and that of its Members, Players Officials and match and players’ agents with any final decision passed by a FIFA body or CAS.
1. The financial period of MFA shall be 1 year and shall begin on 1 January and end on 31 December.
2. The revenue and expenses of MFA shall be managed so that they balance out over the financial period. MFA’s major duties in the future shall be guaranteed through the creation of reserves.
3. The General Secretary is responsible for drawing up the annual consolidated accounts of MFA with its subsidiaries as at 31 December.
The revenue of MFA arises specifically from:
a) Members’ annual subscriptions;
b) Receipts generated by the merchandising to which MFA is entitled;
c) Fines imposed by the authorised bodies;
d) Other subscriptions and receipts in keeping with the objectives pursued by MFA.
MFA bears:
a) The expenses stipulated in the budget;
b) Other expenses approved by the General Meeting and expenses that the Executive Committee is entitled to incur within the scope of its authority; and
c) All other expenses in keeping with the objectives pursued by MFA.
The independent auditors appointed by the General Meeting shall audit the accounts approved by the Finance Committee in accordance with the appropriate principles of accounting and present a report to the General Meeting. The auditors shall be appointed for a period of two years. This mandate may be renewed.
1. Membership subscriptions are due on 31 January. The annual subscription for new Members for the year in question shall be paid within 30 days of the close of the General Meeting at which they are admitted.
2. The General Meeting shall fix the amount of the annual subscription every year on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. It shall be the same for every Member and amount to no more than MOP500.
MFA may debit any Member’s assets to settle claims.
MFA may demand that a levy be paid by its Members for matches.
1. MFA organizes and coordinates all official competitions held within its territory.
2. The Executive Committee may delegate to MFA’s subordinate Leagues the authority to organize competitions. The competitions organised by the Leagues shall not interfere with those competitions organised by MFA. Competitions organised by MFA shall take priority.
3. The Executive Committee may issue special regulations to this end.
The Executive Committee of MFA will set up regulations regarding a club licensing system governing the participation of Clubs in competitions.
1. MFA and its Members are the original owners of all of the rights emanating from competitions and other events coming under their respective jurisdiction, without any restrictions as to content, time, place and law. These rights include, among others, every kind of financial rights, audiovisual and radio recording, reproduction and broadcasting rights, multimedia rights, marketing and promotional rights and incorporeal rights such as emblems, and rights arising under copyright law.
2. The Executive Committee shall decide how and to what extent these rights are utilized and draw up special regulations to this end. The Executive Committee shall alone decide whether these rights shall be utilized exclusively, or jointly with a third party or entirely through a third party.
MFA is exclusively responsible for authorising the distribution of image and sound and other data carriers of football matches and events coming under their respective jurisdiction, without any restrictions as to content, time place and technical and legal aspects.
1. The authority for organising international matches and competitions between Associations and between Leagues and/or Club teams lies solely with FIFA. No match or competition shall take place without the prior permission of the FIFA Executive Committee. In addition, permission from the relevant Confederation may be required in accordance with the FIFA regulations.
2. MFA is bound to comply with the international match calendar compiled by FIFA.
MFA shall not play matches or make sporting contacts with Associations that are not members of FIFA or with provisional members of a Confederation without the approval of FIFA.
Clubs, Leagues or any other group of Clubs that are affiliated to MFA cannot belong to another Association or participate in competitions on the territory of another Association without the authorisation of MFA and AFC, EAFF, FIFA and/or any FIFA affiliated association, except in exceptional circumstances.
The Executive Committee shall have the final decision on any matters not provided for in the Statutes or in cases of force majeure.
1. Any decision relating to the dissolution of MFA requires a majority of three-fourths of all of the Members of MFA, which must be obtained at a General Meeting specially convened for the purpose.
2. If MFA is disbanded, its assets shall be transferred to the appropriate authority in Macau. It shall hold these assets in trust as “bonus in pater familiae” [to manage carefully and wisely] until MFA is re-established. The General Meeting may, however choose another recipient for the assets on the basis of a two-thirds majority.
These Statutes were adopted at the Ordinary General Meeting in Macau on January 11, 2011 and will come into force on July 21, 2011.
Contabilista, | Director-Geral, |
Carrie Lou | Paulo Barbosa |
O exercício de 2010 foi marcado pela expressiva expansão da actividade da Sucursal Ramos Gerais da Companhia de Seguros Fidelidade Mundial em todas as principais áreas de negócios e pelo significativo aumento do resultado alcançado.
A Sucursal registou um crescimento de 251% no volume de prémios brutos, passando de MOP 18,3 milhões e uma quota de mercado de 2% no ano de 2009 para MOP 64,3 milhões e uma quota de mercado de 5,9% em finais de 2010.
No período em análise os custos operativos totalizaram MOP 12,6 milhões, reflectindo um crescimento de 67% face ao ano de 2009 com MOP 7,6 milhões. Os custos de 2010 estão em linha com a política de desenvolvimento da Sucursal, nomeadamente na sua dotação de meios humanos qualificados indispensáveis à prestação de um serviço de qualidade e eficiente aos nossos clientes. De referir que o peso dos custos operativos foi reduzido de 41% dos prémios brutos em 2009 para 20% no ano de 2010.
Em virtude da melhoria operacional registada e da manutenção da sinistralidade a níveis bastante aceitáveis, os resultados líquidos da Sucursal evoluíram dos MOP 5 milhões negativos em 2009 para MOP 2,9 milhões positivos em 2010.
Por último, agradecemos aos nossos clientes, aos colaboradores da Sucursal e às competentes Autoridades de Macau a confiança depositada nesta Sucursal.
Paulo Barbosa
Para o Gerente da Sucursal da Companhia de Seguros Fidelidade — Mundial, S.A. — Ramos Gerais (a «Sucursal»)
Procedemos à auditoria das demonstrações financeiras da Companhia de Seguros Fidelidade — Mundial, S.A. — Ramos Gerais (a «Sucursal») relativas ao ano de 31 de Dezembro de 2010, nos termos das Normas de Auditoria e Normas Técnicas de Auditoria da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau. No nosso relatório datado de 29 de Junho de 2011, expressámos uma opinião sem reservas relativamente às demonstrações financeiras das quais as presentes constituem um resumo.
As demonstrações financeiras a que acima se alude compreendem o balanço, à data de 31 de Dezembro de 2010, a demonstração de resultados, a demonstração de movimento de capitais e a demonstração de fluxos de caixa relativas ao ano findo, assim como um resumo das políticas contabilísticas relevantes e outras notas explicativas.
As demonstrações financeiras resumidas preparadas pela gerência resultam das demonstrações financeiras anuais auditadas a que acima se faz referência. Em nossa opinião, as demonstrações financeiras resumidas são consistentes, em todos os aspectos materiais, com as demonstrações financeiras auditadas.
Para a melhor compreensão da posição financeira da Companhia de Seguros Fidelidade — Mundial, S.A. — Ramos Gerais (a «Sucursal») e dos resultados das suas operações, no período e âmbito abrangido pela nossa auditoria, as demonstrações financeiras resumidas devem ser lidas conjuntamente com as demonstrações financeiras das quais as mesmas resultam e com o respectivo relatório de auditoria.
Quin Va
Auditor de Contas
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu — Sociedade de Auditores
Macau, aos 29 de Junho de 2011.
Contabilista, | Director-Geral, |
Carrie Lou | Paulo Barbosa |
O exercício de 2010 foi marcado pela expressiva expansão da actividade da Sucursal Ramo Vida da Companhia de Seguros Fidelidade Mundial, fundamentalmente em produtos de capital e rendimento garantidos.
A Sucursal registou um crescimento de 3,622% no volume de prémios brutos, passando de MOP 0,8 milhões no ano de 2009 para MOP 29,1 milhões em finais de 2010, os quais representam uma quota de mercado de 1,1%.
Na sua actividade de fundos privados de pensões, a Sucursal registou um acréscimo de 10% no volume de activos sob gestão, os quais passaram de MOP 393 milhões em 2009 para MOP 433 milhões em 2010, representando uma quota de mercado de 6,9%.
No período em análise os custos operativos totalizaram MOP 3,4 milhões, reflectindo um significativo crescimento face ao ano de 2009 com MOP 0,5 milhões.
Em virtude do acréscimo dos custos operativos, em linha com a política de desenvolvimento da Sucursal, nomeadamente na sua dotação de meios humanos qualificados indispensáveis à prestação de um serviço de qualidade e eficiente aos nossos clientes, os resultados líquidos da Sucursal evoluíram de MOP 0,5 milhões positivos em 2009 para MOP 0,7 milhões negativos em 2010.
Por último, agradecemos aos nossos clientes, aos colaboradores da Sucursal e às competentes Autoridades de Macau a confiança depositada nesta Sucursal.
Paulo Barbosa
Para o Gerente da Sucursal da Companhia de Seguros Fidelidade — Mundial, S.A. — Ramo Vida (a «Sucursal»)
Procedemos à auditoria das demonstrações financeiras da Companhia de Seguros Fidelidade — Mundial, S.A. — Ramo Vida (a «Sucursal») relativas ao ano de 31 de Dezembro de 2010, nos termos das Normas de Auditoria e Normas Técnicas de Auditoria da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau. No nosso relatório datado de 29 de Junho de 2011, expressámos uma opinião sem reservas relativamente às demonstrações financeiras das quais as presentes constituem um resumo.
As demonstrações financeiras a que acima se alude compreendem o balanço, à data de 31 de Dezembro de 2010, a demonstração de resultados, a demonstração de movimento de capitais e a demonstração de fluxos de caixa relativas ao ano findo, assim como um resumo das políticas contabilísticas relevantes e outras notas explicativas.
As demonstrações financeiras resumidas preparadas pela gerência resultam das demonstrações financeiras anuais auditadas a que acima se faz referência. Em nossa opinião, as demonstrações financeiras resumidas são consistentes, em todos os aspectos materiais, com as demonstrações financeiras auditadas.
Para a melhor compreensão da posição financeira da Companhia de Seguros Fidelidade — Mundial, S.A. — Ramo Vida (a «Sucursal») e dos resultados das suas operações, no período e âmbito abrangido pela nossa auditoria, as demonstrações financeiras resumidas devem ser lidas conjuntamente com as demonstrações financeiras das quais as mesmas resultam e com o respectivo relatório de auditoria.
Quin Va
Auditor de Contas
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu — Sociedade de Auditores
Macau, aos 29 de Junho de 2011.