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行政長官 崔世安



辦公室代主任 郭華成



















a) 預防和遏止販賣人口,特別是販賣婦女和兒童;

b) 保護人口販賣的受害人、確保其返回並重返社會。











1. 蒙古國司法暨內政部和澳門特區保安司為本協定的實施當局。

2. 實施當局應:







1. 締約雙方應相互緊密合作以防止人口販賣、查找犯罪人並將其緝拿歸案、保護受害人。

2. 在被要求時,締約雙方應確保其權限當局按照域內法,並在其責任範圍內收集和交換情報資料,搜集有關人口販賣活動的證據,諸如人口販賣的路線、地點、網絡、手段和方法。

3. 在不妨礙第九條規定的前提下,確保所交換的資料、情報和證據的保密性,在沒有得到提供這些情報資料的締約方權限機關書面同意的情況下,不得將之轉給第三方。



1. 在本協定框架內進行的合作將以提出協助請求為依據。

2. 協助請求應以書面作出,緊急情況除外;緊急情況的協助請求可以口頭作出,但對之須於七日內以書面方式作出確認。

3. 協助請求應包含:




4. 協助請求應由實施當局的主管簽署。



1. 協助請求應儘快執行。

2. 應將任何延誤執行請求的情況立即通知請求方實施當局。

3. 如請求的執行不屬被請求方實施當局的管轄權限,應立即將此一情況通知請求方實施當局。

4. 被請求方實施當局可要求提供其認為對執行請求有必要的補充資料。

5. 如被請求方實施當局認為立即執行請求可能阻礙在其轄區內正在進行的刑事訴訟或刑事偵查,可延緩執行請求或允許按情況執行請求。

6. 被請求方實施當局應儘快告知請求方實施當局有關執行請求的結果。



1. 如執行請求可能違背被請求締約方的現行域內法或與適用於該締約方的國際條約相悖,則可拒絕執行協助請求。

2. 如一個請求已部分或全部被拒絕,則應將有關情況以書面通知請求方實施當局。



1. 如在實施本協定的過程中有需要時,方可交換個人資料。

2. 個人資料的提供和處理,由各締約方的域內法規範。

3. 在不影響第一和第二款的情況下,將適用以下規則:













4. 對個人資料的提供和接收應進行記錄;締約雙方應相互提供獲授權查閱該等記錄的當局或部門清單。






















1. 締約雙方應採取適當措施保護人口販賣活動的受害人,特別是:







1. 受害人,尤其是婦女和兒童,在等待其正式返回程序完成的期間,應受到公平對待和法律保護。

2. 締約雙方應採取適當措施確保:




3. 締約雙方應向受害人,特別是婦女和兒童,提供臨時住房、衛生護理和適當的保護。



1. 締約雙方應各指定一個聯絡點負責安排和執行受害人的正式返回,並確保受害人在返回程序過程中的安全。

2. 在執行對受害人的返回時,各聯絡點應提前將受害人的姓名、資料和相關信息通知締約他方的聯絡點。



1. 締約雙方應根據其域內法,遵守適用的國際條約,重視受害人的尊嚴和符合其最佳利益,迅速和安全地安排受害人的返回。

2. 在受害人返回之前,相關締約方的聯絡點應就移送日期、通行口岸及是否護送,提前以書面作出安排。

3. 任何返回通知須包括下列資料:





4. 應締約一方的請求,締約他方應在必要時立即向待返回的受害人簽發返回所需、有效期至少為六個月的旅行證件。如因法律或實際原因,受害人未能於旅行證件最初簽發的有效期內返回,應於十四日內重新簽發具同樣有效期的旅行證件。



1. 締約雙方將根據本協定對各自相關活動和責任的規定分別承擔由此而產生的費用。

2. 一切根據本協定進行的受害人返回所產生的運送和過境費用,將由返回人員作為國民或永久性居民所屬締約方承擔,但不影響締約雙方權限當局向第三方索回費用的權利。

3. 在具體情況下,締約雙方的實施當局可同意由任何一方全部或部分地分擔本條第二款所規定的費用。



1. 締約雙方應儘力幫助受害人,特別是婦女和兒童,安全和有效地重返社會和重返他們的家庭,以恢復其人格尊嚴、自由和自尊。

2. 締約雙方應為受害人開辦職業培訓課程,包括生活技巧培訓,以提高其選擇生活方式的機會和有效重返社會;為從事開展受害人(尤其是婦女和兒童)工作的官員舉辦提高認知的課程。





1. 本協定自締約雙方以書面通知對方其所需法律程序已完成之日後第三個月之首日起生效。

2. 本協定將無期限生效;但根據本條第三款被終止者除外。

3. 締約各方可隨時以書面通知締約他方終止本協定。本協定自締約他方收到該通知之日起計六個月後停止適用。



Agreement between the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China

and the

Government of Mongolia

on Cooperation to Combat Trafficking in Persons

The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, hereinafter referred to as “the Macao SAR”, duly authorized to conclude this Agreement by the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China,


The Government of Mongolia,

hereinafter referred to as the “Contracting Parties”,

Being concerned that trafficking in persons, especially women and children, constitutes a serious violation of human rights, undermines human dignity, adversely affects physical, psychological, emotional and moral development of a person and jeopardizes social cohesion and values,

Aiming at the cooperation to prevent and combat trafficking in persons and to protect and assist its victims,

Have agreed as follows:



Article 1


The object of this Agreement is the development of bilateral cooperation to prevent and combat trafficking in persons, based on reciprocity and in full respect of international law and internal law in force in the Contracting Parties.

Article 2


This Agreement shall apply to:

a) The prevention and suppression of trafficking in persons, especially women and children;

b) The protection, return and reintegration of the victims of trafficking in persons.

Article 3

Use of terms

For the purposes of this Agreement:

a) “Trafficking in persons” shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation; exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs;

b) “Child” shall mean any person under eighteen years of age;

c) “Permanent resident of the Macao SAR” shall mean any person who has the right to reside permanently in the Macao SAR.



Article 4

Implementing Authorities

1. The Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs of Mongolia and the Secretary for Security of the Macao SAR shall be the Implementing Authorities of this Agreement.

2. The Implementing Authorities shall:

a) Cooperate with each other and promote cooperation amongst the competent authorities of each Contracting Parties to achieve the purpose of this Agreement;

b) Seek as far as possible solutions to difficulties which arise in the application of this Agreement;

c) Review and assess the implementation of this Agreement every two years in order to evaluate experiences and make proposals for enhancing cooperation between the Contracting Parties;

d) Decide on establishment, management and direction over the operation of the focal points stipulated in Article 16 of this Agreement.

Article 5

Sphere and manner of cooperation

1. The Contracting Parties shall closely cooperate with one another to prevent trafficking in persons, locate offenders and bringing them to justice, and protect victims.

2. The Contracting Parties undertake to ensure that, when requested, their competent authorities shall, in compliance with internal legislation and within the limits of their responsibilities, compile and exchange information and collect evidence relating to trafficking in persons, such as routes, places, networks, means and methods of trafficking in persons.

3. Without prejudice to Article 9, the confidentiality of the exchanged data, information and evidence shall be ensured and not be transferred to a third party without the written consent of the competent authority of the providing Contracting Party.

Article 6

Requests for assistance

1. Cooperation within the framework of this Agreement shall be based on requests for assistance.

2. Requests for assistance shall be made in writing, with the exception of urgent cases in which requests for assistance may be made verbally, but must be confirmed in writing within seven days of the verbal request.

3. Requests for assistance shall include:

a) Type of requested assistance;

b) Information and details relating to the requested assistance, including the purpose and grounds for the request;

c) Any other information which could assist in the effective execution of the request.

4. Requests for assistance shall be signed by the head of the Implementing Authority.

Article 7

Execution of requests

1. Requests for assistance shall be executed as soon as possible.

2. The requesting Implementing Authority shall be immediately notified of any circumstances delaying the execution of the request.

3. If the execution of the request does not fall within the jurisdiction of the requested Implementing Authority, it shall immediately notify the requesting Implementing Authority accordingly.

4. The requested Implementing Authority may request additional information which it deems necessary to execute the request.

5. If the requested Implementing Authority considers that the immediate execution of the request may hinder criminal proceeding or investigations being carried out in its jurisdiction, it may delay the execution of the request or permit such execution under condition.

6. The requested Implementing Authority shall inform the requesting Implementing Authority about the results of the execution of the request as soon as possible.

Article 8

Refusal of execution

1. A request for assistance may be refused if such execution would be in conflict with the internal law or international law in force in the requested Contracting Party.

2. If a request has been refused, partially or totally, the requesting Implementing Authority shall be informed in writing thereof.

Article 9

Data protection

1. The communication of personal data shall only take place if such communication is necessary for the implementation of this Agreement.

2. The communication, processing and treatment of personal data shall be subject to the internal law of each Contracting Party.

3. Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 and 2 above, the following rules shall apply:

a) Personal data must be processed fairly and lawfully;

b) Personal data must be used by the recipient Contracting Party solely for the purposes for which the present Agreement stipulates that such data may be communicated; such data may be used for other purposes only with the prior authorization of the Contracting Party which communicated the data and in compliance with the internal law of the recipient Contracting Party;

c) Personal data may only be used by judicial or law enforcement authorities designated by the Contracting Party concerned, a list of which shall be communicated to the other Contracting Party;

d) The Contracting Party communicating the data shall be obliged to ensure the accuracy thereof; should it note that the data is inaccurate or should not have been communicated, the recipient Contracting Party must be informed thereof forthwith; the latter shall then be obliged to correct or destroy the data concerned;

e) A Contracting Party may not plead that another Contracting Party had communicated inaccurate data in order to avoid its liability under its internal law vis-à-vis an injured party;

f) Communication of and access to data shall be governed by the internal law of the Contracting Party which has been asked for such communication or access by the person concerned; however, data may only be communicated to that person with the authorization of the Contracting Party which originally supplied the data;

g) Personal data pertaining to victims of trafficking in persons must be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which they are collected and/or further processed; in particular, personal data communicated may concern only the following:

i) The particulars of the victim (e.g. surnames, given names, any previous names, nicknames or pseudonyms, date and place of birth, sex, current and any previous nationality and/or residence);

ii) Identity card or passport (number, period of validity, date of issue, issuing authority, place of issue);

iii) Stopping places and itineraries;

iv) Other information needed to identify or protect the victim;

h) Personal data pertaining to victims of trafficking in persons must be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than necessary for the purpose for which the data were collected or for which they are further processed.

4. The transmission and receipt of personal data shall be recorded; Contracting Parties shall communicate to each other a list of authorities or services authorized to consult such records.



Article 10

General principles of prevention

The Contracting Parties shall ensure the implementation of their laws and the exercise of their jurisdictions in conformity with international treaties relating to the suppression of trafficking in persons applicable to the Contracting Parties.

Article 11

Preventive measures

The Contracting Parties shall undertake to prevent trafficking in persons, especially women and children, in particular by:

a) Providing educational and vocational training programs in order to increase education and employment opportunities and reduce vulnerability to trafficking;

b) Improving social services, such as employment, income generation and health care for those who are vulnerable to trafficking in persons;

c) Enhancing public understanding on the issue of trafficking in persons, including disseminating to the public information regarding the risk factors that lead to trafficking in persons.

Article 12


The Contracting Parties shall individually and jointly provide training programs for their relevant authorities to enhance their capacity for implementation of laws, investigation, prosecution and protection in cases of trafficking in persons and related crimes.



Article 13

General principles of protection

The Contracting Parties shall respect and guarantee general principles of protection of victims, as prescribed in relevant international instruments, in particular the principles of non-discrimination, the rights to information, to privacy and confidentiality, and in case of child victims also the principles of the child’s best interest and of the respect for the child’s views.

Article 14

Specific measures of protection

1. The Contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures for the protection of victims of trafficking in persons, in particular:

a) No criminal proceedings shall be initiated against a victim and he or she shall not be temporarily detained for criminal offences related to trafficking, including illegal immigration or prostitution;

b) A victim of trafficking in persons shall not be held at a detention centre while waiting for the official return process;

c) While a victim of trafficking in persons is within the jurisdiction of a Contracting Party, his or her physical safety shall be ensured by the relevant authorities of that Contracting Party;

d) A victim of trafficking in persons shall be treated humanly throughout the process of protection and return and the judicial proceedings.

Article 15

Rights of the victims

1. Victims, especially women and children, shall receive justice and legal protection while awaiting the completion of the procedures for their official return.

2. The Contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that:

a) Victims shall have access to the due process of law, including the necessary legal assistance, to claim for criminal justice, recovery of damages, and any other judicial remedies;

b) Victims may claim compensation from the offender for any damages caused by trafficking in persons;

c) Victims may claim payment for unpaid services from the offenders that victims are forced to do by the offender’s acts.

3. The Contracting Parties shall provide temporary housing, health care and appropriate protection to the victims, especially women and children.

Article 16

Focal points

1. The Contracting Parties shall designate a focal point for the purpose of arranging and executing the official return of victims and of ensuring their security during the process of return.

2. In executing the return of victims, each focal point shall communicate in advance the names of and data and information relating to the victims to the focal point of the other Contracting Party.

Article 17

Return of victims

1. Return of victims shall be arranged quickly and safely and with respect for their dignity and be conducted in their best interest according to the internal law of the Contracting Parties and in consistent with applicable international treaties.

2. Before returning a victim, the Focal Point of the Contracting Party concerned shall make arrangements in writing and in advance regarding the transfer date, the border crossing point and possible escorts.

3. Any return communication is to contain the following information:

a) The particulars of the victim to be returned (e.g. given names, surnames, date of birth, and – where possible – place of birth, and the last place of residence);

b) Indication of the means which provide proof or valid presumption of nationality or permanent residence of the victim to be returned and, where possible, copies of documents;

c) To the extent possible, a statement indicating that the victim to be returned may need help or care, provided the person concerned has explicitly consented to the statement;

d) Any other protection or security measure which may be necessary in the individual return case.

4. At the request of a Contracting Party, the other Contracting Party shall, as necessary and without delay, issue the victim to be returned with the travel document required for his or her return that is of a period of validity of at least 6 (six) months. If, for legal or factual reasons, the victim concerned cannot be transferred within the period of validity of the travel document that was initially issued, a new travel document shall be issued with the same period of validity within 14 (fourteen) days.

Article 18


1. The Contracting Parties are separately responsible for costs associated with their respective activities and responsibilities outlined in this Agreement.

2. Without prejudice to the right of the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties to recover costs from third parties, all transport and transit costs associated with the return of a victim incurred pursuant to this Agreement shall be borne by the Contracting Party from which the person to be returned is a national or a permanent resident.

3. In specific cases, the Implementing Authorities of both Contracting Parties may agree that the costs under paragraph 2 of this Article shall be shared or fully or partially borne by either of the Contracting Parties.

Article 19


1. The Contracting Parties shall make all possible efforts to help victims, especially women and children, to safely and efficiently reintegrate themselves into society and their families in order that their dignity, freedom and self-esteem are restored.

2. The Contracting Parties shall create vocational training programs for victims, including training in life skills to increase the opportunities for alternative ways leading their life and their efficient reintegration into society, awareness-raising programs for the officials whose functions are concerned with the development of victims, especially women and children.



Article 20

Entry into force, duration and termination

1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the third month following the date on which the Contracting Parties have notified each other in writing that their required legal procedures have been complied with.

2. The Agreement shall remain in force indefinitely, unless terminated in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article.

3. Each Contracting Party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving written notification to the other Contracting Party. This Agreement shall cease to apply six months after the date of receipt by the other Contracting Party of such notification.

DONE at Macao on this day of 18th of October, 2010, in duplicate in the Mongolian, Chinese and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned representatives, duly authorized thereto, have signed the present Agreement.