第 46 期





財 政 局










一. 本特許合同的範圍為:CTM擁有專營權經營下列公共電信服務,並安裝及管理為此目的所需的一切電信系統和設備:

a) 本地服務:固定電話服務、電報服務、固定專線電報服務及固定數據傳輸交換服務;

b) 國際服務:具有通訊編址並實時進行的固定電話服務、電報服務和固定專線電報服務,以及固定數據傳輸交換服務。

二. 在不影響上款所述的經營公共電信服務、安裝及管理為此目的所需的一切電信系統和設備的權利情況下,該權利的專屬性將於2011年12月31日終止。

三. 從2012年1月1日起,CTM在經營上述公共電信服務時應遵守當時有效的法例,並將與獲批准提供該些電信服務的任何其他實體等同對待。

四. 本合同授予CTM的專營權將得到政府迅速和有效的保護直至2011年12月31日,且各方將實施相應機制以保護專營性。






c) 被特許人或CTM——澳門電訊有限公司;

d) 澳門——中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區;

e) 電信基礎設施或電信網絡——所有用以支持信號的傳輸、接收或發射的物理或電磁媒介;

f) 政府——澳門特別行政區政府;

g) 租賃線路服務——以透明模式從電信網絡中提供臨時或永久性的傳輸容量;

h) 固定數據傳輸交換服務——就截至2011年12月31日的服務而言,提供起止於電信網絡終端點的數據編址傳送,以容許任何用戶利用與其終端點連接的設備與其他終端點進行通訊;

i) 固定電話或音頻電話服務——提供起止於電信網絡終端點的實時話音編址傳送,以容許任何用戶利用與其終端點連接的設備與其他終端點進行通訊;

j) 固定專線電報服務——提供符合國際電信聯盟的有關建議,即F.60建議,使用S.1建議第二款的國際字母並以50波特傳送的,起止於電信網絡終端點的電報信息編址傳送,以容許任何用戶利用與其終端點連接的設備與其他終端點進行通訊;

k) 國際服務——指起始點或終止點在澳門內的服務;

l) 本地服務——指起始點和終止點均在澳門內的服務;

m) 公用電信服務——指由經營者透過其本身的系統直接地,或透過與其他經營者互連的系統間接地向公衆——使用者、或其他經營者提供的服務;

n) 電報服務——提供符合國際電信聯盟有關建議的接收、傳送、複制及向收件人遞交信息的服務;

o) 轉送服務——指起始點和終止點均在澳門以外,但會使用部分在澳門內的電信基礎設施;

p) 電信——利用有線、無線電、光學或其他電磁系統進行任何信號、文字、圖像、聲音或資訊的各種傳輸、發射或接收;

q) 特許網絡——指截至2011年12月31日為提供第一條款所述的公共電信服務而安裝的特許資產的設施和設備部分,即用戶固定接入系統、傳輸網絡、集合、交換或處理網點,以及截至本特許合同的中期檢討於《公報》 刋登之日用以提供租賃線路服務的設施和設備。



一. 在不論第一條款所規定本特許合同標的之情況下,CTM將維持權利在非專營方式下能不中斷和持續地安裝和經營本地租賃線路服務、國際租賃線路服務和轉送服務。

二. 政府將依職權給予CTM法定所需的牌照,以便其行使上款所述的權利。

三. 倘仍未存在經營本地租賃線路服務、國際租賃線路服務和轉送服務所需的牌照,則為保證服務得以持續,CTM應維持按照本特許合同的條款與條件繼續提供這些服務的權利,直至獲給予該些牌照。

四. 第二款和第三款所述的牌照不應是過渡或臨時性質的,且相關的條款與條件應等同任何可能獲給予權利經營該等服務的其他實體。

五. 倘政府向CTM以外的實體發出過渡或臨時性質的牌照,而CTM認為這些牌照所訂立的條款與條件比本特許合同的規定更有利,則該等條款與條件將適用於CTM。

六. 在經營競爭性服務時,CTM應與獲批准提供該等服務的任何其他實體等同對待,並受屆時生效的法例所規範。

七. 儘管有上面第六款的規定,亦可根據適用的法律、法規和發牌條件而採用符合市場情況的不同的規管機制。



一. 除非發生第十一條款b)至e)項所述的任何終止的原因,特許將於2016年12月31日終結。

二. 除非CTM嚴重違反適用的法律和法規,或出於具充分理據而為着公共利益的必要原因,此特許將按照相同的條件自動續期五年,至2021年12月31日。

三. 在特許期限屆滿時,CTM應將在專營制度下用於提供公共電信服務的整體設施,以下稱特許資產,在無任何負擔或責任,並且處於良好運作狀態下,移交給澳門特別行政區。

四. 倘出於公共利益的必要原因,特許未能如第二款規定自動續期五年,則CTM有權得到由以下所指價值之和訂定的賠償:

a) 擬用於特許網絡的未報廢庫存的價值,其載於經股東會和政府所核准的最近期的資產負債表內;

b) 相等於在本特許合同範圍內所開展的業務而產生的由最近三個年度帳目所整理出的平均稅前年利潤的二點五倍的補償。

五. 經雙方協議,本合同得以隨時修改。



一. 特許資產的主要類別列於附件一,而CTM應在 2011年12月31日之前提供進一步的具體細節。

二. CTM將於 2011年12月31日之前提交包括特許資產的財產清冊予政府審批。

三. 在向澳門特別行政區移交上兩款所述的特許資產後,政府將與CTM的一名代表一起檢查該等資產,以便對其良好運行的狀態作出核實。



一. 共同資產既用於提供競爭性服務又用於在專營制度下用以提供公共電信服務的資產,而撥歸的比重將根據於2011年12月31日所協議的分配作出。

二. 本特許合同終止時,雙方應就共同資產的分離、指配或分享,商定須遵守的處理方法。

三. 倘雙方根據第二款同意將共同資產指配給一方,則放棄方應就其對該資產享有的權利而獲得補償。

四. 第三款的規定適用於2012年1月1日起對特許資產所進行的投資。

五. 第三款所述的補償應按照指配當時的帳面淨值或重置成本的較高者計算。



一. 從本特許合同中期檢討於《公報》刋登之日起,CTM對本地和國際租賃線路服務以及轉送服務作出的投資應被視為CTM的獨有和專用財產,不構成特許資產的一部分。

二. 自2012年1月1日起,CTM對第一條款所述服務進行的所有投資應被視為CTM的獨有和專用財產,不構成特許資產的一部分。

三. CTM純粹為替換某項特許資產,而並無增加原有資產的利益的投資,不會得到任何補償。

四. 從本特許合同中期檢討於《公報》刋登之日起至2011年12月31日止,CTM應持續對第一條款所述的服務進行必要的投資,以維持刊登當日的高質素服務。

五. 第三款和第四款所述的投資視為特許資產的一部分。



一. CTM應維護特許資產和共同資產中用於經營公共電信服務、租賃線路和轉送服務的部分,包括進行必要的替換和更新,以確保這些資產的完整性和良好運作狀態。

二. CTM應每年向政府提交特許資產的財產清冊,包括屬於共同資產的部分,清冊應包含該等資產的更新和優化情況的說明。

三. 倘某具體特許資產報廢,且對某項服務再無商業性需求,CTM可經政府核准報廢受影響的特許資產並停止提供該項服務,而在此情況下,第一款列明的義務和根據第十四條款第一款a)項規定提供該項服務的義務將不再適用。



一. 在不妨礙以下各款規定的情況下,CTM不得歧視、拒絕或為難在競爭領域內的其他公共電信服務經營者接入/互連至其電信網絡,包括特許網絡。

二. 倘任何其他公共電信服務經營者未能遵守法律、法規和適用牌照或任何其他正式准許,以致CTM在接入/互連的權利受到影響,則上款列明的義務不再適用。

三. 除了接入特許管道之外,在第一條款第二款所述的專營權終止之前,未經CTM事前同意有關共用的條款與條件及政府的核准,特許資產不會被共用。

四. 因應接入特許資產或互連至其電信網絡,包括特許網絡,CTM有權根據第三十四條款的規定向其他公共電信服務經營者收取合理的補償。

五. 上款所述的合理補償和技術兼容性得以確定後,方可要求CTM履行接入或互連至其電信網絡,包括特許網絡的義務。



一. 按事先協議,CTM應供政府和持牌電信經營者接入和使用特許管道,以便其為提供電信和相關服務而根據附件二所述的條款與條件進行安裝、維護和拆除必要的電信系統。

二. 上款所述的條款與條件應包括以下各項:

a) 對CTM作出合理的補償;

b) 為CTM的網絡和特許網絡提供適當的安全保障;

c) 由CTM管理特許管道,包括對所有相關工程的監督;

d) 為CTM目前和未來所預見的需求,在特許管道內劃分和保留足够的空間;

e) 用戶就其使用特許管道而給CTM造成的或與該等使用有關的所有損失對CTM承擔責任。




a) 特許期屆滿;

b) 澳門特別行政區與CTM的協議;

c) 贖回;

d) 由於公共利益而解除;

e) 由於違約而解除。



一. 澳門特別行政區可在本合同終止前一年內贖回特許,但須提前一年通知CTM。

二. 倘上述權利被行使,特許資產應在無任何抵押、負擔或責任,且運作和保養使服務在不減低質量情況下得以繼續的狀態下歸還給澳門特別行政區,並將就此獲得由以下價值所指之和來訂定的賠償:



三. 倘贖回權在第四條款第二款所述的五年期限(2021年)結束的前一年內行使,第二款b)項所述的補償金額應相等於在本特許合同範圍內所開展的業務而產生的在贖回日前最近三個年度帳目所整理出的平均稅前年利潤。



一. 澳門特別行政區可在任何時候基於公共利益單方面解除特許,而不論CTM是否違反其任何義務。

二. 倘特許按照上款規定終止,CTM有權收取補償,其金額應按第十二條款第二款規定的標準計算。



一. 從本特許合同的中期修訂於《公報》刋登之日起,CTM 有以下義務:

a) 提供第一條款第一款和第三條款所指的服務;

b) 提供第一條款所指固定電話服務的普遍服務。

二. CTM將按適用法例的規定就提供普遍服務獲得補償。

三. CTM 將繼續提供其於本特許合同的中期修訂於《公報》刋登之日提供的公共電話和查號服務。






一. CTM必須採取一切必要措施,確保其所負責的通訊按照澳門特別行政區現行法例規定不可侵犯和得以保密。

二. 保密包括職業保密,CTM的職員及其機關據位人均負有責任,不得洩露其在履行職責過程中所得知的授話人或收話人的身份、以及通訊內容,並禁止向第三者透露上述所指通訊的任何資訊。



一. CTM必須遵守澳門特別行政區現行法例,以及對澳門特別行政區有約束力的國際電信條約、公約、協議及規章,不論這些條約、公約、協議及規章的形式。

二. CTM有權就任何有關電信方面及相關服務的立法草案文件獲得諮詢。



一. 在合同簽署日起,CTM享有適用法例賦予的和屬於郵政局(以下簡稱DSC)的有關建設電纜、電話線路及其他電信設備的一切權利,尤其有關公產的使用、地役權的設定、公用徵收、保護區的設立及進入私人土地或樓宇的權利。

二. 在CTM提出具理據的申請後,政府將確保CTM可行使上款所述的權利。





一. CTM的標的應包括公共電信和相關服務的經營。

二. 上款的規定並不限制CTM從事任何上述服務的補充、附屬或次要業務的權利。



一. CTM的總部和中央行政管理機關設在澳門,並應最少有一位常務董事居住於澳門。

二. 澳門特別行政區可委任一名具有法律規定權力的政府代表。



一. CTM的章程應遵守並符合澳門特別行政區的法律及本合同的規定。

二. 倘CTM欲就標的、公司資本的減少、組織變更、分拆及解散而修改章程,應先獲得政府的核准。

三. 當法律規定需要取得政府核准時,政府與CTM應就CTM公司架構的變更進行商討,以使CTM在確保遵守適用的法例和規章的同時能良好地開展其業務。



一. CTM的公司資本為$150,000,000.00(澳門幣壹億伍仟萬元整),已於本合同簽訂當日全數繳付。

二. CTM必須進行有必要的一次性完成的增資,以確保其公司資本在特許期內不低於特許資產中的有形不動產資產淨值的百分之四十(40%)。

三. CTM提出有理據的申請的情況下,及可能使投資增加時,政府可暫時批准其資本低於第二款所指的特許資產中的有形不動產資產淨值的百分比,並將同時確定適用的條件。

四. CTM公司資本的持有人或比例分配的任何變動均須得到政府的批准。



一. 未經政府批准,CTM不得臨時或永久轉讓或以任何方式轉移全部或部分特許權。

二. 上款所述的限制並不妨礙CTM以外的其他實體提供或進行特許範圍內的任何服務或工作,但該等服務或工作必須受命於CTM,並以其名義進行及由其負全部責任。













一. 為保證優質及安全的服務和履行提供第十四條款第一款b)項規定的普遍服務的義務,CTM有責任擴大電信網絡並對其作出調整,以滿足服務、用戶及通訊量增長的需要及要求。網絡的發展應參照第二十七條款所指的計劃進行。

二. CTM有責任在一特定期限內,與其他指定的實體合作,自付費用拆除所有屬其擁有的,在空中的或可見的,而不運作的一切配件、電纜及電話線路。



一. 每年十一月三十日或之前,CTM應提交下一相關期間的年度計劃以供政府審閱及核准。如可以,年度計劃應包括特許資產的更新、優化和替換,以及關於特許資產的非計劃性投資的補充資料。

二. 倘政府未要求解釋,而CTM在呈交計劃後兩個月未接獲任何通知,則第一款所指的計劃被視為已獲核准。

三. 當政府要求解釋時,核准期限中止。

四. 從2012年1月1日起,第一款所述的計劃在範圍上應限於第十四條款第一款b)項所述的CTM提供普遍服務義務所要求的方案。



一. 裝置的設計、使用的設備和設置的方法要經常符合有關技術的最佳規則,同時設備的特性應遵守國際電信聯盟T系列及國際電信聯盟R系列的建議中適用的規定,或其他經政府核准的一般使用的國際性規定。

二. 有關首層網絡用作話音頻率傳送的外部裝置應經常以地下電纜的形式安裝,但在政府個別批准的特殊情況除外。次層的傳輸網絡亦要設在市區範圍的地底下,接駁至使用者的分線箱。本地網絡分線箱的安裝及接駁應經常以謹慎的方式進行,尤其在旅遊點和文物保護區。

三. 根據第三十九條款第三款規定及按照CTM同意的標準,CTM必須經常並有責任盡可能在最短的時間內,對交換或傳輸系統、裝置上所使用的設備或任何其他零件,因品質、過時、消耗和損耗的關係而影響到所提供服務的質量而作出更新。

四. CTM同時有責任採取所有必須的措施來保護經營服務的裝置,使其免受火災、災禍、破壞或第三者干擾的損害。



一. 電信裝置的經營與維護應遵守國際電信聯盟T系列和國際電信聯盟R系列的適用建議、其他國際認可的標準、以及監察實體同意的標準。

二. CTM有責任維持其電信裝置,包括特許網絡的持續運作,並採取所有預防措施迅速處理因任何原因所引致的服務中斷。




a) 用於圖文傳真傳輸中文字電報的接收服務,而對方必須有能力提供此項服務;

b) 經過協議由CTM或郵政局提供傳送員派遞的服務,但盡可能作出事先的電話或電報傳輸。



一. CTM應按照現行收費表,並根據其申請的先後順序,盡快滿足所有電信裝置的要求。

二. CTM可獲政府授權,根據公用服務規章內規定的規則,對使用服務作出優先的安排。








一. CTM所提供服務的使用者不應支付超過經政府核准且在《公報》中刊登的收費表所定的適用收費。

二. 儘管有第三十五條款第三款的規定,CTM不得收取未載於上款所述收費表上的任何收費,亦不得收取不同於該表所載的收費或以任何方式增加服務價格負擔。

三. 收費應盡可能地按照接近服務成本水平來釐定,並考慮CTM有關投資的商業回報的需要;應促進電信服務的擴展,以及應將澳門特別行政區、中國其他地區和葡萄牙的關係置於優先地位。

四. 對於CTM向某些用戶提供未確定收費的特定服務,在向政府呈交核准的有關該服務收費的申請十五個工作日後,直至政府確定固定收費前,CTM可以使用根據商業基礎計算或與用戶商定的臨時收費。



一. 第九條款第四款所述的接入特許資產的合理補償應由CTM與相關的經營者通過商業協議確定,且不對CTM發展新服務和履行其在本合同內所述的義務產生負面影響。

二. 互連收費應按適用的法例訂定。



一. 倘沒有以其他方式達成協議,本地固定電話服務現行有效的合同制度維持至2011年12月31日。

二. 經政府與CTM雙方同意可提高收費。

三. CTM提交的修改收費建議應指明修改的必要性,並尤應考慮以下各方面因素:






四. 提高收費的建議應在其計劃生效日前不少於三十日向政府提交。

五. CTM應與政府每年商定CTM可自由決定的用於減少收費的百分比限度,但相關收費一旦生效後應通知政府。減少收費假如超出相關百分比限度則按照上款的規定執行。

六. CTM為了特別的商業目的,可以實行較依法批准的收費更低的收費,在非歧視性的基礎上給予折扣。但為此效力,CTM應在有關收費計劃生效日前最少十個工作日通知政府。

七. 在訂定和修改國際收費時,除第三款所述外,還應考慮在國際結算中澳門幣與用以計算的貨幣單位的兌換率以及國際條約、公約和協議的適用規定。








一. 政府保留採取一切認為適當的措施監察本合同的履行,並在其認為適當的時候查核CTM提供的資料和資訊的準確性的權利。

二. CTM必須向政府提供一切說明和資訊,並對其行使上款所述的權利給予一切必要的方便。

三. 由電信監管實體負責監察。




a) 允許進入其所有設施;

b) 向監察實體提供所有與CTM在有關本特許合同活動有關的簿冊、紀錄和文件,並就此向監察實體提供認為必要的說明;

c) 提供被要求提供的一切資料和資訊,包括用於管理和為監察而需要使用的統計數據;

d) 應監察實體的要求並在被如此要求時,在監察實體代表在場的情況下,進行測試以評估該設備的營運狀況和性能;

e) 在服務出現全部或局部中斷時,立即向監察實體通報,並在下一個工作日以書面確認並提供其認為可作解釋的理由。



一. CTM應提供一切可以持久審核各方面服務質量的資料和統計數據,尤其關於:

a) 組裝或拆除的電話、專線電報機及其他用戶設施;

b) 用戶設施安裝的申請、提供及停止服務的資料;

c) 輪候名單及其輪候時間;

d) 安裝基本及附屬電話機、專線電報機及提供其他服務的平均延誤時間;

e) 已經報告的、修理的服務中斷,及修理的平均延誤時間;

f) 本地和國際服務的經常性運作情況;

g) 包括帳單等各類投訴。

二. 提供資料和統計數據的形式及其周期由監察實體和CTM商定。

三. 監察實體在CTM的合作下制定服務質量基本指標和CTM必須達到的目標。








一. CTM的人員依本身通則及澳門特別行政區其他適用的勞動關係法例來規管。

二. 對人員通則的任何修改由CTM提出,並由政府核准。

三. 納入CTM編制的DSC電信服務方面的人員,得保留在其納入之日享有的一切權利,包括:

a) 退休;

b) 根據現行法例獲得的特別假期;

c) 假如DSC提供免費住房,則享有免費住房的權利;

d) 醫療福利,免費住院和醫藥。

四. 前DSC人員可與CTM協商上款c)和d)項所述的權利,前者可放棄該等權利,但並不影響其於a)項和b)項的權利。



一. CTM應為其人員提供適當的培訓,並建立合適的人員架構和擁有足够及具質素的人員,以確保所有服務完善運作,並全面遵守本合同所產生的所有義務。

二. CTM可臨時聘用專家處理非正常的服務中斷和引進新方案和技術。





一. CTM須在其澳門的總部保存適當編制和最新的帳目。帳目以澳門幣表示並應遵守適用的法例。

二. 特許有形不動產資產盤點清單應附以適當的文件作佐證,並應以能清楚地確認所有組成部分的方式編制。

三. 業務報告及年度營業帳目應在每年獲核准後的十五(15)日內以一種官方語言提交給政府。

四. CTM應為本特許合同下提供的服務設立獨立的會計。



一. CTM獲批准對特許資產加速折舊,以使其帳面淨值在2016年12月31日為零。

二. 除非政府與CTM考慮到技術的發展和改進而另有共識,CTM採用的正常折舊率應為適用法例規定的折舊率。

三. 逐年按照直線法並根據以上所述計算的折舊價值的金額視為營業成本。



一. CTM可對其特許資產中的有形不動產資產進行重新估價。

二. 重新估價的參數應由CTM和澳門特別行政區通過協議訂定,並考慮到不動產的不同等級及其技術過時和實際價值。





一. 作為特許的回報金,CTM應向澳門特別行政區支付因特許服務而產生的經營總收入百分之五(5%)的款額。該款額被視為向用戶收費的全部發票金額或倘未發出發票,向用戶收取的全部金額。

二. 當取得提供有關服務的准照後,回報金將不再適用於第三條款第一款所述的服務的經營收入。

三. 根據第一條款第三款規定,自2012年1月1日起,回報金將調整至法律對提供第一條款所述的每項公共電訊服務規定的收費或徵費的同一水平。

四. 回報金付款應按季度支付,並於相關季度後六十日內向財政局支付。



一. 在特許有效期內,CTM在特許範圍內購買貨物和服務以及提供貨物和服務被豁免交易稅,並且無須就進口任何經營所需物料而支付任何關稅。

二. 自2012年1月1日起,第一款所述的交易稅豁免應被限制在CTM為履行第十四條款第一款b)項規定的普遍服務義務而購買或提供貨物和服務的範圍內。按照本款而給予的豁免須獲得電信管理局的同意。

三. CTM可按現行法律規定並在情況合理時享有其他稅項、收費、費用的豁免和其他類別的稅務優惠。





一. CTM違反本合同的義務, 將按本章規定處罰。

二. 在科處以下各條款規定的任何處罰時,並不免除CTM對第三者應承擔的責任,也不妨礙相關實體按照澳門特別行政區現行法律而處以其他處罰。

三. 在發生不可抗力的情況下,CTM在本合同下的所有責任將得到免除,前提是其為防止後果發生已採取了一切合理措施,且被證實其並無過失或故意。

四. 為着本合同的效力,不可抗力包括戰爭、騷動、火災、自然災害、破壞或有充分證明的第三者干預。

五. 科處本章規定的處罰屬政府的權限。



一. 以下的違反將被處以$10,000.00(澳門幣壹萬元)至$500,000.00(澳門幣伍拾萬元)的罰款:









i) 違反根據本合同CTM應遵守的關於公用服務規章的法定規定或指示;

j) 在本合同未具體列明的其他違反。

二. 倘CTM拖欠根據本合同應繳付的回報金或其他款項,須向澳門特別行政區支付以下列方式計算的遲延利息:

a) 第一個月,月息百分之二(2%);

b) 以後各月,月息百分之三(3%)。

三. 罰款及遲延利息應於CTM接獲通知日起的三十日內支付,倘CTM未於此期限內清繳有關款項,澳門特別行政區有權從第五十二條款所規定的保證金存款帳戶中支取。



一. 倘出現下列違反情況,澳門特別行政區可單方面解除特許合同:

a) 放棄經營;

b) 遲繳依照本合同的規定所應支付的款項超過六個月;

c) 在第五十二條款規定的期限內未能補足保證金存款額;


e) 未經政府事先批准,修改CTM的標的;

f) 為獲取其在非專營服務中的競爭利益而無理拒絕其他電信經營者接入其網絡,包括特許網絡或線路,或未能排除在行政或操作上的障礙;

g) 被處以罰款的金額累積超過$1,500,000.00(澳門幣壹佰伍拾萬元)。

二. 因違約而解除合同,將由政府透過立法性法規予以宣告。

三. 因違約而解除合同一經宣告,則政府有權立即承擔服務的直接管理或授予其他經營者承擔。

四. 因違約而解除特許合同則特許資產須無償歸還給澳門特別行政區。



一. 特許可在下述情況下予以剝奪:

a) 當發生或即將發生有關經營業務的無理中斷時;

b) 當發現CTM的組織和運作,或有關的經營設施或物料的一般狀況存在嚴重混亂或缺陷時。

二. 在特許被剝奪期間,澳門特別行政區代表應確保特許業務的運作,而維持正常運作所需的任何開支均由CTM負擔。

三. 當認為有必要時,特許的剝奪將予以維持,澳門特別行政區可通知CTM在結束剝奪時恢復經營特許業務。假如CTM不接受,則特許將依照第五十條款的規定予以解除。

四. 當發生第一款a)項和b)項所述的任何情況時,政府將通知CTM在不超過十日的合理期限內恢復原來狀況和彌補後果;假如CTM不照此辦理,將實施以上數款的規定。



一. CTM根據本合同而須承擔的金錢性質的義務,應以受款人為澳門特別行政區,金額為$2,000,000.00(澳門幣貳佰萬元)的見票即付銀行擔保提供該擔保。

二. 上款所述金額在本合同有效期內應獲得保持,倘金額由於任何原因出現減少,則CTM應予以補足。CTM應在被通知須作補足之日起三十日內完成補足。





一. 所有對本合同的解釋及執行所產生的問題,將交由在澳門運作的仲裁庭審理。仲裁庭由三名仲裁員組成,其中一名由政府委任,另一名由CTM委任,第三名由雙方協議委任,並擔任主席。

二. 倘任何一方在接到另一方要求其任命仲裁員之日起一個月內沒有作出其對仲裁員的委任,或雙方未能就第三名仲裁員的人選達成協議,則應任何一方要求下,由澳門初級法院委任出缺的仲裁員。

三. 仲裁庭將按照澳門的法律審理,且只有在違法的情況下才得對仲裁庭的決定提出上訴。

四. 仲裁庭的組成和運作的開支由雙方按比例負擔其敗訴的部份。








一. 當澳門特別行政區不能擁有本身代表時,其在國際電信組織中的代表權,以及有關執行國際電信條約、公約和協議中的一切事務將由澳門特別行政區獲授權的電信業的監管實體透過相關國家主管機關行使。

二. 當澳門特別行政區不能擁有本身的代表或代表團時,可在認為需要的情況下,由CTM派代表參加國家代表團出席上述國際組織的會議。



一. 批准CTM向境外支付安裝、維護和擴展電信服務的款項,及根據本合同範圍的電信服務引起的而須支付予外國管理機構或經營者的一切必須款項。

二. 准許CTM把其營運所得的股息,以及因特許終止而由澳門特別行政區支付的任何款項匯到境外。

三. 批准CTM在國際上借款及支付上述借款的利息和本金。然而,在同等條件下,CTM應優先選擇本地銀行機構。



一. CTM設立和使用無線電通訊媒介須事先獲得按現行法例的規定而給予的批准。

二. CTM應採取一切所需措施,確保其營運的所有基站不對其他獲批准的基站造成可能的有害干擾,並有責任接受電信監管實體就這些基站的運作給予的指示和建議。

三. 電信監管實體應盡力確保CTM在合理時間內獲得分配為履行在本合同中承擔的義務所需的無線電頻譜的頻率。此外,還應採取任何所需的措施,防止CTM的無線電通訊運作受到任何有害干擾。



一. 本合同共有六份正本,兩份以中文撰寫,兩份以葡文撰寫,另外兩份以英文撰寫。政府及CTM各保留三份正本,即一份中文本,一份葡文本,及一份英文本。

二. 倘有任何疑問,概以中文本和葡文本為準。

三. 政府與CTM之間的往來應一概使用中文或葡文,但容許隨附英文譯本。

四. 政府根據本合同向CTM作出的任何通訊應一概發往CTM在澳門的總部。

五. CTM根據本合同向澳門特別行政區作出的任何通訊應一概發給政府。






一. 自2012年1月1日起,第四十一條款第二款應終止適用。

二. 第三十三條款、第三十五條款、第三十九條款及第四十九條款第一款g)項將在對本特許合同標的下有關提供公共電信服務的專門法例開始生效後終止適用。



財政局代專責公證員 何艷媚




a) 管道及檢修孔、管道室和接線箱等相關基礎設施;

b) 構成本地固定網絡的設施和設備,包括交換及傳輸系統,其中包含本地回路銅線及相關的電纜和接線箱和光纖主幹;

c) 構成國際固定網絡的設施和設備,包括交換及傳輸系統、衛星地球站和歐亞海底光纜系統(SEA-ME-WE3);


e) 特許網絡與為用於提供公用地面流動電信服務的其他公共電信網絡互連的設施和設備,包括交換及傳輸系統;

f) 用於固定數據傳輸交換服務的設施和設備;

g) 固定專線電報服務的設施和設備;







1. 說明






2. 接入特許管道






3. 特許管道內的空間






4. 特許管道的資料和保密



5. 特許管道的改建




6. 維護


7. 價格



8. 為獲發牌電信經營者提供的管道接入參考建議









iii) 當在實際上或技術上不可能滿足受益實體提出的接入申請,提供替代建議。

b) 有關CTM全部或部分拒絕或暫停對特許管道的接入的權利的詳細條件,尤應指出下列情況:

i) 無法提供可供分配的空間;

ii) 在實際、技術或法律上安裝的障礙;

iii) CTM人員的健康或安全風險;

iv) 網絡和設備的運作可能出現的惡化;

v) 給CTM的網絡或提供服務的質量的完整性可能帶來的負面影響;

vi) 受益實體一再違反適用的標準和程序。

c) 受益實體持有保險合同的詳細要求,須承保因接入和使用特許管道而產生的或與之有關的責任,包括但不限於民事責任的保險合同;

d) CTM與受益實體將簽訂的CAC的擬本,其中應預設服務指標及質量水平,以及規管不遵守相關規定的條款;

e) 下列以日曆日期表示的指示性時間區間:

i) 從CTM收到受益實體接入和使用特許管道的申請,直至CTM就申請是否可行而向受益實體作出回覆;

ii) 從預計安裝的可行性獲確認的日期,到實際所需工作開始的日期;

iii) 從預計拆除的可行性獲確認的日期,到實際所需工作開始的日期;

iv) 從預計維護操作的可行性獲確認的日期,到實際所需工作開始的日期。

f) 載有不同接入和使用特許管道項目和提供不同服務項目的標準價格表,當中需指出管理、監督、營運、可行性分析、行政管理、安裝和拆除的負擔;

g) 未有在標準價格表指出的其他項目和服務的價格;

h) 程序和技術規格手冊 (MPET),指出包括:

i) 特許管道的規格;

ii) 預計特許管道和相關基礎設施內空間的可提供性的指導原則;

iii) 在特許管道和相關基礎設施內進行基礎設施的安裝或拆除;

iv) 申請接入和使用特許管道和申請進行維護和修理工作的程序;

v) 授權人員的一般原則、規則和程序。

9. CAC的範圍
















10. 政府就CAC進行調解






批 示 摘 錄


根據十二月二十一日第87/89/M號法令核准之現行《澳門公共行政工作人員通則》第二十五條及第二十六條規定,何嘉慧 在本局擔任第一職階二等技術輔導員職務的散位合同轉為編制外合同,自二零零九年九月二十九日起,為期一年,職級和職階維持不變。


根據十二月二十一日第87/89/M號法令核准之現行《澳門公共行政工作人員通則》第二十五條及第二十六條規定,黃登城 在本局擔任第一職階二等技術輔導員職務的散位合同轉為編制外合同,自二零零九年十一月五日起,為期一年,職級和職階維持不變。



Midterm Review of Concession Agreement of the Public Telecommunications Service



Clause One

Purpose of the Concession

One. The scope of this Concession Agreement is CTM’s exclusive right to operate the following public telecommunications services and to install and manage all telecommunications systems and equipment required for that purpose:

a) Local: The fixed telephone service, telegram service, fixed telex service and switched fixed service for data transmission;

b) International: The fixed telephone service, telegram service and fixed telex service provide that they involve call addressing and be established in real time and switched fixed service for data transmission.

Two. Without prejudice to the right to operate the public telecommunications services, and install and manage all telecommunications systems and equipment required for that purpose, referred to in paragraph one above, the exclusive nature of this right will cease to apply on 31st December 2011.

Three. From 1st January 2012, in operating the public telecommunications services above mentioned CTM shall be subject to the legislation in force at the time and shall be treated on the same grounds as any other entity entitled to provide these services.

Four. Until 31st December 2011 the exclusive right granted to CTM by this Agreement shall be promptly and effectively protected by the Government, and the parties will implement mechanisms to protect the exclusivity.

Clause Two


For the purposes of the provisions of this Agreement, the expressions hereunder shall have the following meaning:

a) Access — sharing of facilities or services to the Government or to a licensed telecommunications operator, for the purpose of providing telecommunications services, including the access to network elements and associated facilities;

b) Interconnection — the physical and logical linking of public use telecommunications networks in order to allow the users of one telecommunications operator to communicate with users of CTM or to access services provided by the latter;

c) Concessionaire or CTM — Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau, S.A.R.L.;

d) Macao — the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (MSAR);

e) Telecommunications infrastructure or telecommunications network — all the physical or electromagnetic means that carry the transmission, reception or broadcasting of signals;

f) Government: the Government of the MSAR;

g) Rented circuit service — offer for transmission capacity from the telecommunications network, in transparent mode, of temporary or permanent nature;

h) Switching fixed service for data transmission — offer for addressed data, with origin and destination at the terminal points of the telecommunications network, enabling any user to utilise the equipment connected to its terminal point to communicate with another terminal point, as referred to the services provided at 31st December 2011;

i) Fixed telephone service or voice telephony — offer for addressed voice carrying in real time, with origin and destination at the terminal points of the telecommunications network, enabling any user to utilise the equipment connected to its terminal point to communicate with another terminal point;

j) Fixed telex service — offer for addressed telex messages carrying, with origin and destination at the terminal points of the telecommunications network, in conformity with the relevant recommendations of ITU, namely, Recommendation F. 60, and using the international alphabet no. 2 of Recommendation S. 1, and transmission at 50 Baud, enabling any user to utilise the equipment of his terminal point to communicate with another terminal point;

k) International service — means where either the originating or terminating points are within the MSAR;

l) Local service — means where both the originating and terminating points are within the MSAR;

m) Telecommunications service of public use — those provided by the operators for public use in general — users — or other operators, either in a direct way through its own systems, or in an indirect way through the interconnection to other operators systems;

n) Telegram service — offer for a service of reception, transmission, reproduction and delivery to the messages’ addressee, in conformity with the relevant recommendations of ITU;

o) Transit service — means where both the originating and terminating points are outside the MSAR but where part of the telecommunications infrastructure to deliver these services is within the MSAR;

p) Telecommunications — any kind of treatment, broadcasting or reception of signals, in writing, pictures, sound, or information of any kind, by means of wires, radio-electrical, optical or other electromagnetic systems;

q) Concession network — facilities and equipment part of the Concession assets, namely the users fixed access system, the transmission network, the concentration, switching or processing nodes, installed for the provision of the public telecommunications services referred to in clause one as at 31st December 2011, and those used for the provision of rental circuit services as at the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the midterm review of this Concession Agreement.

Clause Three

Competitive services

One. Regardless of the scope of this Concession Agreement as set out in clause one, CTM shall maintain the right to install and operate, on a non-exclusive basis, the local rental circuit services, the international rental circuit services and the transit services, without interruption and on-going.

Two. The Government shall automatically issue to CTM whatever licences are required by law, for the purposes of exercising the rights referred to in paragraph one above.

Three. In the event that the licences required for the operation of local rental circuit services, international rental circuit services and transit services are not available, to ensure continuity of service CTM shall maintain the right to continue to provide those services under the terms and conditions contained in this Concession Agreement, until the licences are granted to CTM.

Four. The licences referred to in paragraphs two and three above shall not be of a transitional or interim nature and shall be of equal terms and conditions applicable to any other entity to whom the right to operate such services may be granted.

Five. Should the Government issue licences of a transitional or interim nature to entities other than CTM, and these licences establish terms and conditions that CTM’s considers more favourable than those contained in this Concession Agreement, then such terms and conditions will be applicable to CTM.

Six. In operating competitive services, CTM shall be treated on the same grounds as any other entity entitled to provide these services and shall be subject to the legislation in force at the time.

Seven. Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph six above, different regulatory mechanisms may be adopted pursuant to the relevant laws, regulations and licensing conditions, provided that the market situation suggests it appropriate.

Clause Four

Term of the Concession

One. The Concession shall terminate on 31st December 2016 save in case of occurrence of any of the termination causes indicated in subsections b) to e) of clause eleven.

Two. Except in case of serious breach by CTM of the relevant laws and regulations, or for imperative reasons of public interest, duly justified, the Concession will be automatically renewed, under the same conditions, for another period of 5 (five) years until 31st December 2021.

Three. At the end of the term of the Concession CTM shall transfer to the MSAR the whole of the facilities assigned to the provision of the public telecommunications services provided under exclusive rights, hereinafter the Concession assets, without charge, free from any encumbrances and liabilities and in good operating condition.

Four. In the event that, for imperative reasons of public interest, the Concession is not automatically renewed for another period of five years as provided for in paragraph two above, CTM will be entitled to a compensation to be determined by the addition of the following values:

a) Non-obsolete stocks intended to be used on the Concession Network, reported to the values of the latest balance sheet approved by the General Meeting and by the Government;

b) A compensation equal to two point five times the average annual profit before taxes resulting of the activities developed under this Concession Agreement, as shown in the three latest annual accounts.

Five. The Agreement in hand may be amended at any time by mutual agreement of both parties.

Clause Five

Concession assets

One. The main categories of Concession assets are listed in Annex I, which shall be further detailed by CTM until 31st December 2011.

Two. Concession assets shall be included in an inventory to be submitted by CTM to the Government for approval until 31st December 2011.

Three. Upon the transfer to the MSAR of the Concession assets referred to in the above paragraphs, the Government will inspect those assets, together with a representative of CTM, in order to verify the good operating condition.

Clause Six

Common assets

One. Common assets are those assets assigned both for the provision of competitive services and for the provision of the public telecommunications services under exclusive rights, such assignment being based on the agreed apportionment as at 31st December 2011.

Two. Upon termination of this Concession Agreement the parties shall agree on the treatment to be observed with regard to the separation, assignment or sharing of common assets.

Three. If the parties agree under paragraph two above that a common asset shall be assigned to one of them then the relinquishing party shall be compensated for its rights over such asset.

Four. The provisions of paragraph three above shall apply to the investments carried out in Concession assets from 1st January 2012.

Five. The compensation referred to in paragraph three above shall be calculated according to the higher of net book value or the replacement cost at the time of the assignment.

Clause Seven

Investment carried out by CTM

One. From the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the midterm review of this Concession Agreement investments made by CTM on local and international rental circuit services, as well as on transit services, shall be considered as CTM sole and exclusive property and shall not form part of the Concession assets.

Two. From 1st January 2012 all investments carried out by CTM in the services referred to in clause one shall be considered as its sole and exclusive property and shall not form part of the Concession assets.

Three. The part of CTM’s investments that purely replaces a Concession asset, adding no benefit to the original asset, is not subject to any compensation.

Four. From the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the midterm review of this Concession Agreement up to 31st December 2011, CTM shall continue to invest in the services referred to in clause one to the extent necessary to maintain the high service quality existing at that date.

Five. The investments referred to in paragraphs three and four are part of the Concession assets.

Clause Eight

Maintenance of the Concession assets

One. CTM shall maintain the Concession assets and the portion of the common assets assigned to the operation of the public telecommunication services, rental circuit and transit services, including necessary replacement or update, so that the integrity and good operation of these assets can be ensured.

Two. CTM shall submit, annually, to the Government, an inventory of the Concession assets, including those that are part of common assets, which must include the description of the updates and upgrades made to such assets.

Three. In the case that specific Concession assets become obsolete and the demand no longer justifies the commercial provision of a service, CTM shall, subject to approval of the Government, be able to retire the affected Concession assets and cease provision of service, in the event of which the obligation set forth in paragraph one above and the obligation to provide that particular service, pursuant to subsection a) of paragraph one of clause fourteen, shall not apply.

Clause Nine

Access to network and Concession assets

One. Subject to the other provisions of this clause, CTM shall not in any way refuse, discriminate or render more difficult to another operator of the public telecommunications service, of the competitive regime, the access / interconnection to its telecommunications network, including the Concession network.

Two. The obligation set forth in paragraph one above shall fall away in the event that any other operator of the public telecommunications services fails to comply with the relevant laws, regulations, licences or any other formal permissions legally required, in a manner that impacts CTM’s rights regarding access / interconnection.

Three. Other than the access to the Concession ducts, the Concession assets will not be shared before the termination of the exclusivity referred to in paragraph two of clause one and without the prior agreement of CTM on the terms and conditions of that sharing and the approval from the Government.

Four. In consideration for the access to the Concession assets or interconnection to its telecommunications network, including the Concession network, CTM shall be entitled to receive fair compensation from the other operators of public telecommunications services under the terms of clause thirty-four hereof.

Five. CTM can only be requested to fulfil its obligation to establish the access or the interconnection to its telecommunications network, including the Concession network, once the value of the fair compensation referred to in the previous paragraph and technical compatibility have been established.

Clause Ten

Access to the Concession ducts

One. CTM shall make available to the Government and licensed telecommunications operators, by prior agreement, access and use of the Concession ducts for the installation, maintenance and removal of telecommunications systems necessary to the offer of telecommunications and associated services, under the terms and conditions set out in Annex II.

Two. The terms and conditions referred to in paragraph one above shall include the following:

a) Fair compensation to CTM;

b) Appropriate security safeguards for CTM’s network and the Concession network;

c) Management of the Concession ducts by CTM, including supervision of all related works;

d) Allocation and reservation of sufficient space in the Concession ducts for CTM current and foreseeable future requirements;

e) Liability of the users to CTM for all losses incurred by the latter howsoever arising out of or in connection with their usage of the Concession ducts.

Clause Eleven

Termination of the Concession

The Concession shall terminate:

a) At the end of the life of the Concession;

b) By mutual agreement between the MSAR and CTM;

c) In case of redemption;

d) Due to public interest;

e) Due to default.

Clause Twelve

Redemption of the Concession

One. The MSAR may redeem the Concession in the year prior to the term of this contract, giving CTM for such purpose one year’s prior notice.

Two. In the event of this right being exercised, the Concession assets shall revert to the MSAR, free from any charges, encumbrance or liability, and in such operating and upkeep conditions that will enable the continuity of the services in good working order, against a certain consideration to be determined by the addition of the following values:

a) Net tangible fixed Concession assets and non-obsolete stocks, reported to the values of the latest balance sheet approved by the General Meeting and by the Government;

b) A compensation equal to two point five times the average annual profit before taxes resulting of the activities developed under this Concession Agreement, as shown in the three latest annual accounts before the date of the redemption.

Three. Should the right of redemption be exercised in the year prior to the end of the period of five years referred to in paragraph two of clause four, that is 2021, the amount of the compensation referred to in subsection b) of paragraph two above shall be equal to the average annual profit before taxes resulting of the activities developed under this Concession Agreement, as shown in the three latest annual accounts before the date of the redemption.

Clause Thirteen

Termination due to public interest

One. The MSAR may terminate the Concession unilaterally at any time whenever the public interest so recommend, regardless of whether CTM has violated any of its obligations.

Two. Should the Concession be terminated as provided for in item one above, CTM shall be entitled to compensation. The amount of this compensation shall be calculated according to the terms established in item two of clause twelve above.

Clause Fourteen

Obligations of CTM

One. From the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the midterm review of this Concession Agreement CTM shall have the following obligations:

a) To provide the services referred to in paragraph one of clause one and clause three;

b) To provide universal service for the fixed telephone services referred to in clause one.

Two. CTM shall be compensated for the provision of the universal service, pursuant to the relevant legislation.

Three. CTM will continue to provide the public payphone and the directory services as they are provided at the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the midterm review of this Concession Agreement.

Clause Fifteen

Public use of services

Except for the restrictions laid down in the legislation in force or in future legislation, CTM shall not refuse to provide any services to any person or entity as provided for in this Agreement, as long as the relevant service applicant meets the requirements as laid down in the legal provisions and regulations in force.

Clause Sixteen

Inviolability and confidentiality of telecommunications

One. CTM shall undertake to take all the measures required to ensure that all communications under its responsibility are kept inviolable and confidential pursuant to the legislation in force in the MSAR.

Two. The confidentiality referred to above covers professional secrecy and all of CTM’s staff and managerial members shall in no circumstances disclose the identity of the applicant or addressee, and the contents of the communications they become aware of in the course of their duties. Furthermore the said confidentiality shall prevent staff from disclosing to third parties any information related to them.

Clause Seventeen

Governing legislation

One. CTM shall undertake to comply with the legislation in force in the MSAR as well as any international treaties, conventions, agreements and regulations on telecommunications to which the MSAR is bound irrespective of the name they shall be referred to.

Two. CTM has the right to be consulted on draft legislation on telecommunications and associated services.

Clause Eighteen

CTM’s rights

One. CTM shall enjoy all rights granted by the governing legislation and those awarded to Macau Post (hereinafter referred to as “DSC”) at the time of the execution of the Agreement in hand in respect of the provision of cables, lines and other telecommunications equipment, namely in what concerns the use of public areas, the setting up of servitudes, the expropriation based on public interest, the setting up of protection areas and the right of access to private land or buildings.

Two. Upon request submitted by CTM, the Government shall ensure that the rights referred to above can be exercised.



Clause Nineteen


One. The object of CTM shall include the operation of public telecommunications services and associated services.

Two. The provision of paragraph one above does not limit howsoever the right of CTM to carry out any activities that may be complementary, subsidiary or accessory to the services referred thereto.

Clause Twenty

Registered office and management bodies

One. CTM shall have its registered office and central management in Macao and, at least, one of its managing directors shall reside therein.

Two. The MSAR may appoint a Government delegate with the powers prescribed by the law.

Clause Twenty-One

Articles of Association

One. CTM’s Articles of Association shall comply with and meet the MSAR’s laws and the provisions under this Agreement.

Two. Whenever CTM wishes to amend the Articles of Association in what concerns the object, reduction of share capital, transformation, split-up, wind-up, the Government’s approval shall be sought.

Three. Where the Government’s approval is legally required, the Government and CTM will discuss changes to the corporate structure of CTM to enable CTM to best develop its business whilst ensuring compliance with the relevant legislation and regulations.

Clause Twenty-Two

Shareholders equity

One. The share capital of CTM is $150,000,000.00 (one hundred and fifty million patacas), and it has been fully paid up as of the date of signature hereof.

Two. CTM represents that it shall proceed to increases in its equity capital, in one lump sum, that may prove to be necessary to guarantee that, during the validity of the Concession, such capital is never under 40% (forty per cent) of the value of the net tangible fixed Concession assets.

Three. Upon a duly founded application of CTM, and in order to enable a significantly high investment, the Government may temporarily authorise the value of the equity capital to be lower than the percentage of the value of the net tangible fixed Concession assets referred to in number two above, and will fix at the same time the applicable conditions.

Four. Any change occurred in the ownership or percentage distribution of the share capital of CTM, shall have to be authorised by the Government.

Clause Twenty-Three

Transfer and sub-Concession

One. Unless otherwise approved by the Government, CTM shall not dispose of or in any way transfer the whole or part of its franchised rights on a permanent or temporary basis.

Two. The restriction referred to above shall not prevent a third party from providing or carrying out any services or works comprised in the exclusive services providing those services or works are provided or carried out under CTM’s orders and responsibility.



Clause Twenty-Four

Legislation governing public telecommunications networks

Without prejudice to the provisions of this Concession Agreement, the operation of CTM’s telecommunications network, including the Concession network, shall be governed by the legislation applicable to the public telecommunications networks and other legislation applicable to the telecommunications sector.

Clause Twenty-Five

Network components

CTM’s telecommunications network, including the Concession network, shall comprise the following:

a) The local networks allowing the services under the Agreement in hand to be provided, with all posts, terminals, interconnections and transmission and switching facilities;

b) The transmission and switching facilities for the provision of the international telecommunications services under this Agreement to meet the public needs and in accordance with the relevant ITU regional and worldwide plans as well as with other regional and worldwide traffic plans internationally agreed for regional and worldwide communications.

Clause Twenty-Six

Network expansion

One. With a view to secure good quality and safe services and meet its obligation to provide for the universal service set forth in subsection b) of paragraph one of clause fourteen, CTM shall undertake to expand and improve its networks in order to enable them to meet the needs and requirements of services, users and traffic increase. The network expansion shall be conducted in accordance with the plans set forth in clause twenty-seven below.

Two. CTM shall remove at its own expense and within the term fixed and in co-operation with other entities likely to be referred to it, all overhead or exposed telephone accessories, cables and lines owned by CTM which are not in use.

Clause Twenty-Seven


One. Every year, on or before the 30th November prior to the commencement of the period to which it refers, CTM shall present to the Government the annual plan for its analysis and eventual approval. If practicable the annual plan shall include updates, upgrades and replacements of Concession assets, as well as supplementary information regarding unplanned investments on Concession assets.

Two. Should the Government fail to ask for any clarification and if CTM does not receive any message two months from the date of the submission, the plan referred to in paragraph one above shall be considered approved.

Three. The period for approval shall be suspended if the Government asks for any clarification.

Four. From 1st January 2012 the plan referred to in paragraph one above shall be limited in scope to the projects dictated by CTM’s universal service obligation set forth in subsection b) of paragraph one of clause fourteen.

Clause Twenty-Eight

Rules governing the setting up of the service

One. The design of facilities, the equipment to be used as well as the assembly methods shall comply with best technical standards at all times. The equipment characteristics shall meet the rules applicable as set forth in ITU-T and ITU-R’s or any other international standards of general use providing those recommendations have been approved by the Government.

Two. In terms of the primary network, the external voice frequency transmission facilities shall be carried out on underground cables at all times, unless otherwise authorised by the Government. The secondary distribution network shall be underground as well in urban areas and up to the subscribers’ distribution boxes. Installing and connecting local network distribution boxes shall always take place in a discreet way namely in locations of interest to tourism and in terms of monument protection.

Three. CTM shall undertake to update as necessary, at the shortest period of time possible, the switching and transmission systems, the type of sets or any other facilities elements which affect the quality of the service provided due to their condition, obsolescence or wear and tear. The quality of service shall be assessed based on the criteria agreed with CTM in accordance with paragraph three of clause thirty-nine.

Four. Furthermore, CTM shall undertake to take all the measures required to protect any operation-related facilities against fire, cataclysms, malefactions and third parties’ actions.

Clause Twenty-Nine

Operation rules

One. The operation and maintenance of telecommunications facilities shall comply with the relevant ITU-T and ITU-R recommendations, other internationally accepted standards and those that are to be agreed with the inspection body.

Two. CTM shall undertake to keep its telecommunications facilities, including the Concession network, operating continuously and make the necessary arrangements to repair any outages promptly and irrespective of the cause.

Clause Thirty

Telegram service

Without prejudice to the cases in which providing a different service is convenient, CTM shall set up and keep, direct or indirectly an efficient telegram service for such a period as both the MSAR and CTM shall agree that such a service is in demand, namely:

a) Telegram acceptance service in Chinese characters for facsimile transmission subject to the correspondents’ ability to offer such a service;

b) Telegram delivery service by messenger to be provided by CTM or DSC subject to agreement and prior transmission by telephone or telex, when possible.

Clause Thirty-One

Fulfilling applications

One. CTM shall fulfil promptly all applications for telecommunication installations as included in the fee table in force following a chronological order of submission.

Two. The Government may grant CTM the right to assign priorities subject to the provisions set forth in rules governing the use of public services.

Clause Thirty-Two


CTM shall undertake to maintain all facilities and equipment in good operating conditions and provide permanent maintenance service of a current and extraordinary nature as may be required by the stations and equipment. The Concessionaire shall further undertake to repair promptly all malfunctioning and breakdowns, giving priority to those facilities related to the MSAR’s safety.



Clause Thirty-Three

General principles

One. Those who use the services provided by CTM shall pay no more than the relevant fees as laid down in the tariff schedule as approved by the Government and published in the Official Gazette.

Two. Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph three of clause thirty-five CTM shall not charge any fees that are not included in the said tariff schedule nor apply them in a manner different to that described in the said schedule or in any way increase the service prices.

Three. Fees shall be fixed as close to the cost of service as possible, taken as a whole, taking into consideration the need to obtain a return on the investments made by CTM; they must encourage the expansion of services and favour the relations between the MSAR, other regions of China and Portugal.

Four. As regards specific services provided by CTM to certain subscribers in respect of whom no fees have been fixed, CTM may, 15 (fifteen) working days after submitting an application to the Government to that effect, use a provisional fee, which shall be calculated on a commercial basis or agreed with the user to be effective until the Government fixes the final fee.

Clause Thirty-Four

Access/Interconnection Charge

One. The fair compensation for the access to Concession assets referred to in paragraph four of clause nine shall be established by commercial agreement between CTM and the interested operators, in a manner that does not negatively impact the development of new services by CTM and the fulfilment of its obligations under this agreement.

Two. The interconnection fee shall be established in accordance to the relevant legislation.

Clause Thirty-Five

Fees and Tariffs Revision

One. The current rental system in force for the Local Fixed Telephone Service shall remain unchanged until 31st December 2011 unless otherwise agreed.

Two. Tariff increases shall be effected by mutual agreement between the Government and CTM.

Three. Tariff revision proposals submitted by CTM shall show that the revision is needed and shall take into consideration among others the following aspects:

a) The inflation rate and the evolution of production costs, which correspond to an efficient service, based on wise management;

b) The fees and tariffs charged by other telecommunications operators in countries and territories with characteristics similar to those in Macao, notably Hong Kong and Singapore;

c) Reduction in costs based on technological developments;

d) The obligation imposed on CTM to promote the regular development of the service in terms of quality, quantity and diversity and to secure a permanent updating of the facilities;

e) The impossibility to obtain productivity gains, which would enable to cover for the increase in costs that, based the request for revision.

Four. Tariff increase proposals shall be submitted to the Government no less than 30 (thirty) days before the planned effective date.

Five. CTM and the Government shall agree annually a percentage range within which any tariff reductions may be applied at CTM’s full discretion, subject to notification to the Government once the tariff is effective. Tariff reductions greater than the percentage range shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph four above.

Six. For specific commercial purposes, CTM may apply fees lower than those legally approved, offering discounts on a non-discriminatory basis. In this case, CTM shall report the relevant fees to the Government at least 10 (ten) working days prior to the planned effective date.

Seven. When fixing and revising international service fees, the rate between the pataca and the accounting units used in settling the international accounts as well as the applicable provisions of international treaties, conventions and agreements shall be taken into consideration in addition to the aspects referred in paragraph three above.

Clause Thirty-Six

Liberalised service fees

As regards the approval and changing of the fees of the services provided in a competitive environment, CTM shall be subject to the framework, governing the other operators and that established in future legislation.



Clause Thirty-Seven

Power to inspect

One. The Government shall reserve the right to make all arrangements he may think fit to inspect whether the Agreement in hand is complied with and to check, when and in the manner he may think fit, the correctness of the data and information rendered by CTM.

Two. CTM shall undertake to provide the Government with all clarification and information and to facilitate as necessary to enable the latter to exercise the rights referred to in paragraph one above.

Three. The inspection shall be performed by a telecommunications overseeing entity.

Clause Thirty-Eight

Scope of inspection

For the purposes of clause thirty-seven above, CTM shall undertake to:

a) Give access to all facilities;

b) Make all books, records and documents concerning CTM’s activities under this Concession Agreement available to the inspection entity and providing all clarification that the said inspection entity may find necessary;

c) Supply all data and information that may be requested including statistics used by the management and required by the inspection;

d) At the inspection request and if so required, with the presence of inspection representatives, carry out tests to assess the equipment’s operating conditions and characteristics;

e) To report promptly to the inspection any total or partial outages and confirm them in writing on the following working day stating the reasons which in its opinion may explain it.

Clause Thirty-Nine

Assessment of Service Quality

One. CTM shall provide data and statistics, which enable the quality of the service in all of its features to be checked on an ongoing basis, namely as regards the following:

a) Telephone, telex posts and other subscribers’ facilities assembled or otherwise;

b) Subscribers’ installation applications submitted, provided and waivers;

c) Wait lists and their duration;

d) Average delay in installing basic and supplementary telephone posts, telex posts and other services;

e) Outages reported, repaired and average delay of repairs;

f) Regularity of operation in the local and international services.

g) Various complaints including billing.

Two. The inspection and CTM shall agree on how to supply the said data and statistics and how often they shall be supplied.

Three. With CTM’s co-operation, the inspection shall prepare basic quality indicators on the service provided and the objectives to which CTM shall undertake.



Clause Forty


CTM’s staff shall be as much as possible recruited amongst residents of the MSAR.

Clause Forty-One

Staff rules and regulations

One. CTM’s staff shall be governed by a specific statute and by the remaining law on labour relations applicable in the MSAR.

Two. Any modifications in the staff statute shall be approved by the Government under proposal of CTM.

Three. DSC’s staff assigned to the telecommunications services, who have been transferred to CTM’s staff structure, shall keep all rights they were entitled to at the time the said transfer took place in respect of the following:

a) Retirement;

b) Special leave pursuant the legislation in force;

c) Entitlement to free housing in case of free housing was granted by DSC;

d) Free medical scheme (hospital and medicines).

Four. The rights referred to in paragraph c) and d) above may be subject to negotiation between the ex-DSC staff and CTM; the former may waive such rights without prejudice to the rights set forth in paragraphs a) and b).

Clause Forty-Two

Staff training and structure

One. CTM shall provide its staff with suitable training and shall undertake to have a duly qualified staff structure and enough staff numbers to assure that all services are operated perfectly and all obligations arising from the Agreement in hand are fully complied with.

Two. CTM may recruit experts on a temporary basis to repair any abnormal service outages and introduce new projects and technologies.



Clause Forty-Three


One. CTM shall undertake to keep at its registered office in Macau, its books duly organised and up-to-date, expressed in patacas and in compliance with the relevant legislation.

Two. The tangible fixed Concession assets inventory shall be supported by suitable documentation and be prepared in such a way as to enable all of its components to be identified clearly.

Three. Every year, the Business Report duly prepared and the annual accounts shall be submitted, to the Government, in one of the official languages, within 15 (fifteen) days after being approved.

Four. CTM shall have separated accounting for the services provided under this Concession Agreement.

Clause Forty-Four

Depreciation of the Concession assets

One. CTM is authorised to proceed to accelerated depreciation of the Concession assets so as its net value can be annulled on 31st December 2016.

Two. Normal depreciation rates to be used by CTM shall be those set out in the relevant legislation unless otherwise agreed between the Government and CTM in view of the technological development and evolution.

Three. The depreciation values taken into consideration every year pursuant to the straight line method and in accordance with the aforesaid shall be considered operating costs.

Clause Forty-Five

Assets revaluation

One. CTM may carry out the revaluation of its tangible fixed Concession assets.

Two. The parameters for revaluation must be established by means of agreement between CTM and the MSAR, taking into consideration the different classes of fixed assets, and their technological obsolescence and actual value.



Clause Forty-Six


One. In consideration for the Concession CTM shall pay to the MSAR five per cent (5%) of the total operating revenue arising from the Concession services, this being considered as all amounts billed to the users or, if not billed, charged to the users.

Two. The consideration shall cease to apply to the operating revenue arising from the services referred to in paragraph one of clause three when licences are made available for the provision of these services.

Three. In accordance with paragraph three of clause one, from 1st January 2012 the consideration shall be adjusted to the same level of the fees or charges levied under the law on the provision of each of the public telecommunications services referred to in clause one.

Four. The payment of the consideration shall be made quarterly within 60 (sixty) days following the quarter it refers to, to the Government Financial Services Bureau.

Clause Forty-Seven

Tax system

One. During the life of the Concession, CTM shall not be liable to customs dues in respect of imports of any material required for the operation. CTM shall be further exempted from sales tax both in terms of goods and services it may purchase, as well as goods and services provided by CTM within the scope of the Concession.

Two. From 1st January 2012 the exemption from sales tax referred to in paragraph one above shall be limited in scope to goods and services purchased or provided by CTM to fulfil the universal service obligation set forth in subsection b) of paragraph one of clause fourteen. The granting of an exemption under this paragraph shall be subject to a favourable opinion of the Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation.

Three. CTM can also be exempted of other taxes, duties and fees and enjoy other type of tax benefits subject to the existing laws and if the circumstances so warrant.



Clause Forty-Eight

General principles

One. If CTM fails to comply with its obligations arising from the Agreement in hand the penalties laid down in this chapter shall apply.

Two. Where any of the penalties referred to herein are applied, CTM shall not be exempted from its responsibility before third parties nor does it prevent the relevant authority from deciding on any other penalties as provided for in the legislation in force in the MSAR.

Three. In case of an act of God CTM shall be exempted from all its undertakings under the Agreement in hand providing it has taken all reasonable measures to avoid its consequences and if it is found that there was no negligence or intent on the Concessionaire’s part.

Four. For the purposes of the Agreement in hand, an act of God shall include the following meaning: war, social unrest, fire, cataclysm, wrongdoing or third parties’ intervention duly evidenced.

Five. The Government of the MSAR shall decide on the application of the penalties referred to in this chapter.

Clause Forty-Nine


One. The following infringements shall be subject to fines of $10,000.00 (ten thousand patacas) to $500,000.00 (five hundred thousand patacas):

a) Poor quality of the service provided, according to clause thirty-nine, paragraph three of this agreement;

b) Infringement of telecommunications secrecy by fault that, pursuant to clause sixteen, is attributable to CTM or its staff on duty;

c) Failure to comply with the obligations undertaken by CTM concerning service set-up and operation;

d) Any unjustified refusal to provide the information required under the terms of clauses thirty-seven and thirty-nine; giving of false information; denial or creation of unjustified obstacles for the access to facilities of the supervisory body’s representatives;

e) Charging fees which have not been authorised by the Government or the levying of fees in a fashion other than that set forth in the approved tariff system;

f) Unjustified refusal to provide a service which CTM is obliged to provide under the terms of the Agreement;

g) The obligation imposed upon CTM to promote the steady development of the service in terms of its quality, its quantity and to ensure the permanent updating of its facilities;

h) Infringement of the provisions of clauses forty and forty-two;

i) Infringement of the legal norms forming part of the regulations governing public use which CTM is to obey under the terms of the Agreement in hand;

j) Other non-specified infringements under this agreement.

Two. Should there be any delay in the payment of the consideration or other sums required by the Agreement in hand, CTM shall pay the MSAR penalty interest which shall be determined in the following manner:

a) 2% (two per cent) a month during the first month;

b) 3% (three per cent) a month during all subsequent months.

Three. Fines and penalty interest shall be paid within 30 (thirty) days of the date on which CTM is notified that it is to be levied. The MSAR shall reserve the right to be paid from a pledge deposit as foreseen in clause fifty-two below if this deadline falls to be observed.

Clause Fifty

Termination by Default

One. The Concession agreement can be unilaterally terminated by the MSAR whenever one of the following infractions occurs:

a) Abandonment of operation;

b) Delay in the payment of sums due under the terms of the Agreement in hand exceeds six months;

c) Should the value of the pledge deposit not be replaced within the deadline indicated in clause fifty-two below;

d) Alienation or transmission, wholly or in part, of the Concession, and either temporary or definitive, without prior authorisation of the Government;

e) Modifications introduced into the object of CTM, without the prior authorisation of the Government;

f) Unfounded refusal to allow other operators access to its networks, including the Concession network, or circuits or failure to remove administrative or operational difficulties with the intention of gaining competitive advantages over them in the provision of liberalised services;

g) Imposing of fines of more than $1,500,000.00 (one million five hundred thousand patacas).

Two. Termination by default shall be pronounced in a law issued by the Government.

Three. Termination by default confers the right upon the Government to take on the direct management of the service forthwith or to grant it to another body.

Four. Termination by default shall entail the reversion of the Concession assets to the MSAR.

Clause Fifty-One


One. The Concession may be seized under the following circumstances:

a) Should the unfounded interruption to the respective operation occur or be imminent;

b) Should there be serious disruptions to, or shortcomings in, CTM’s organisation or operation or in the general state of repair of the installations and material used for the said operation;

Two. During the course of the seizure, MSAR representatives shall secure the operation of CTM. Any expenditure required for the upkeep and standardisation of the operation shall be borne by the Concessionaire.

Three. The seizure shall remain in force whilst deemed necessary, the MSAR being empowered to advise CTM to resume operation of the Concession upon completion of the said seizure. Should CTM be unwilling to resume operation, the Concession shall be terminated in accordance with clause fifty above.

Four. In the event of any of the situations referred to in items a) and b) of number one occurring, the Government shall notify CTM to remedy the situation and repair the consequences, within a reasonable period not exceeding 10 (ten) days; if CTM fails to do so, the provisions of the previous numbers shall apply.

Clause Fifty-Two


One. Commitments of a pecuniary nature undertaken by CTM under the terms of the Agreement in hand shall be assured by a bank guaranty first demand made payable to the MSAR for the sum of $2,000,000.00 (two million patacas).

Two. The figure indicated in item one above shall remain in force throughout the life of the Agreement, CTM having to replace it should it be reduced for whatever reason. This compensation shall be effected within 30 (thirty) days as from the date on which CTM has been advised to do so.



Clause Fifty-Three

Court of Arbitration

One. All disputes arising in connection with the interpretation and enforcement of the Agreement shall be finally settled by a Court of Arbitration operating in Macau and shall comprise three arbitrators, one being appointed by the Government, one by CTM and the third, who shall serve as Chairman, by the parties to the Agreement.

Two. Should one of the parties fail to appoint their arbitrator within one month of the date on which they have been invited to do so by the other party, or should the parties fail to reach an agreement with regard to the choice of the third arbitrator, the arbitrator (s) required shall be chosen by the Court of the First Instance of Macau at the request of either party.

Three. The Court of Arbitration shall pass sentence according to the law of Macau and no appeal may be made against its decisions, except in the case of violation of law.

Four. Any expenditure made setting up and running the Court of Arbitration shall be borne by the losing party proportionally to its blameworthiness.



Clause Fifty-Four

Property to be rented from the MSAR and the DSC

CTM shall rent the land, buildings and facilities allocated to the operation from the MSAR and the DSC for the agreed price, which shall be updated in accordance with the legislation in force in the MSAR.

Clause Fifty-Five

International Relations

One. Whenever the MSAR is unable to have direct representation, it shall be represented in international telecommunications organisations by the supervisory body empowered to oversee telecommunications in the MSAR, by means of the relevant national authority. This same body shall also ensure the co-ordination of the ratification of all international treaties, agreements and conventions.

Two. CTM may, should it deem fit, be represented at meetings of the said international organisations, its representatives forming part of national delegations, whenever the MSAR is unable to have direct representation, or of MSAR delegations.

Clause Fifty-Six

Exporting capital

One. CTM is hereby authorised to make payments abroad of any sums spent there on installation, maintenance and expansion of telecommunications’ services and also of any sums required to pay foreign administrations or operators for bills resulting from the operation of telecommunications’ services under the terms of the Agreement in hand.

Two. CTM is furthermore permitted to send overseas any sums resulting from the dividends of its operations as well as any payments made to them by the MSAR following the termination of the Concession.

Three. CTM is authorised to take out loans and to make payments of interest and principal in respect of the said loans on an international level. It shall, however, give preference to local banking institutions if the conditions offered are equal.

Clause Fifty-Seven

Radio frequencies

One. The setting up and use of radio communications by CTM requires the prior authorisation to be granted under the terms of the prevailing legislation.

Two. CTM shall undertake to take all measures required to ensure that all stations run by it do not cause interference which may harm other authorised stations and shall undertake further to accept the instructions and recommendations related to the operation of such stations as issued by the body overseeing telecommunications.

Three. The telecommunications supervisory body shall endeavour to ensure that CTM is allocated the frequencies in the radio spectrum it requires to comply with the commitments it has undertaken in the Agreement in hand within reasonable time. Furthermore, it shall take any measures required to prevent CTM’s radio communication resources from being effected by any harmful interference.

Clause Fifty-Eight


One. Six originals of the Agreement in hand have been drawn up, two being written in Chinese, two in Portuguese and two in English. The Government and CTM shall each keep three originals, one being in Chinese, one in Portuguese and one in English.

Two. In case of doubt the Chinese and Portuguese texts shall prevail.

Three. The Chinese or Portuguese languages shall always be used in any dealings between the Government and CTM, though a translation into English may be attached.

Four. Any communication the Government may make to CTM under the terms of the Agreement in hand shall always be addressed to the Concessionaire’s registered offices in Macau.

Five. Any communication CTM may make to the MSAR under the terms of the Agreement in hand shall always be addressed to the Government.

Clause Fifty-Nine

Enforcement of the Agreement

The enforcement of this Agreement shall be subject to the constitution of the bond referred to in clause fifty-two, and to its full publication in the Official Gazette.

Clause Sixty

Cessation of terms

One. From 1st January 2012 paragraph two of clause forty-one, shall cease to apply.

Two. Clauses thirty-three, thirty-five, thirty-nine, and subsection g) of paragraph one of clause forty-nine shall cease to apply from the enactment of specific legislation concerning the provision of the public telecommunications services subject to this Concession Agreement.

Annex I

Concession Assets

The following assets, as at the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the midterm review of this Concession Agreement, are considered Concession assets:

a) Ducts and the associated infrastructure of manholes, duct chambers and joint boxes;

b) Facilities and equipment that form the local fixed network, including switching and transmission systems, including local loop copper and the respective cable and joint boxes, and optical fiber backhaul;

c) Facilities and equipment that form the international fixed network, including switching and transmission systems, satellite earth stations, and the SEA-ME-WE 3 submarine cable system;

d) Facilities and equipment of the rented circuit service, including high speed data network with the respective transmission equipment and optical fiber distribution system, and the digital data network, including customer premise equipment;

e) Facilities and equipment for the interconnection between the Concession Network and other public telecommunications networks for the provision of land mobile telecommunications services for public use, including switching and transmission systems;

f) Facilities and equipment of the switched fixed service for data transmission;

g) Facilities and equipment of the fixed telex service;

h) Facilities and equipment of the payphone services, including public and private payphones;

i) Facilities and equipment for value added services over the local fixed network, including exchange equipment;

j) In-building wiring installed and owned by CTM;

k) Immovable assets built or installed by virtue of the Concession Agreement of the public telecommunications services on an exclusive basis, including remote line units.

Annex II

Terms and Conditions for the access to the Concession Ducts

1. Introduction

The Concession Agreement as revised on 6th of November 2009, establishes the obligation of CTM to make available to the Government and duly licensed telecommunications operators with the right to build their own facilities (Beneficiary Entities), subject to prior agreement, access and use of the Concession ducts for the installation, maintenance and removal of telecommunications systems necessary to the offer of telecommunications and associated services.

This Annex II sets out the terms and conditions on which CTM uses manages and operates the Concession ducts, in accordance with clause ten of the Concession Agreement.

The Government shall have the right of access and usage of the Concession ducts, for specific purposes and under terms and conditions previously agreed with CTM.

Access to the Concession ducts will also include access to the associated infrastructure of the manholes and duct chambers to the extent that they are indispensable for the specific installation, maintenance or removal of the telecommunications systems of the Beneficiary Entity.

The access and use of the Concession ducts shall only be made available to Beneficiary Entities who have been granted the right to build their own telecommunications infrastructure and hold all the relevant official permissions granted by MSAR.

2. Access to the Concession ducts

CTM shall provide, upon request of the Beneficiary Entities and after agreement is reached on the terms and conditions, access and use of those Concession ducts the management of which falls under CTM’s responsibility, for the installation, maintenance and removal of telecommunication systems necessary to offer telecommunications and associated services to the public.

Acceptable exceptions to the above, provided that they are duly reasoned and accepted by the Government are:

i) Physical and technical unfeasibility;

ii) Threat to the health and safety of the personnel that work in infrastructures.

CTM shall ensure the integrity and operation of the equipment and hardware existing inside the Concession ducts. As the Concession ducts manager, CTM may monitor and supervise all works carried out in the Concession ducts. CTM may refuse or stop any work that endangers the integrity and operation of the equipment and hardware existing inside the concession ducts.

3. Space in the Concession ducts

CTM shall have the right to allocate and reserve for its own use reasonable amount of space in the Concession ducts to meet all of its current and forecasted requirements, including space for maintenance or repair, operation and backup purposes. This forecast allocation shall be submitted to the Government for approval.

Once this space is reserved CTM shall not install cables or equipment that exceeds this said space allocation submitted to the Government, unless otherwise agreed with the Government.

CTM shall not take up space in the Concession ducts, other than the above, that would impede access of infrastructure by Beneficiary Entities.

Access to the Concession ducts shall be used solely and exclusively for the passage of the Beneficiary Entity’s own cables and be in compliance with the respective official permission, which has been used by the Beneficiary Entity to support its access request to the Concession ducts.

CTM has the right to terminate any agreement for space in the concession ducts in case of termination of the Concession Agreement.

4. Information on Concession ducts and confidentiality

CTM shall make available, upon request, to interested parties, at a price to be set, information on the defined technically and operationally feasible Concession ducts access routes that are to be offered as routes for Concession ducts sharing.

The information provided by CTM and Beneficiary Entities in any agreement involving the Concession ducts shall be treated as strictly confidential. Any plans made available concerning the Concession ducts shall be used exclusively for the preparation of access requests and neither the information contained in the access request nor the information provided shall be released to third parties, unless express written consent is otherwise granted by the disclosing party, or used for purposes other than those of access to the Concession ducts.

5. Concession Ducts restructuring

In the event that Concession ducts are to be rerouted or restructured, CTM as the Concession ducts manager is obligated to plan and co-ordinate the restructuring process in line with the Concession ducts access agreements with Beneficiary Entities.

In cases of emergency or force majeure, CTM may amend, terminate or restructure the Concession ducts, without notification to the Beneficiary Entities in order to preserve the integrity and working order of the concession ducts. CTM shall report such cases to the Government on the next working day following the day of the incident.

Should the Government require CTM to divert or remove Concession ducts or cables, and as a result CTM has no suitable duct or enough duct capacity available for the Beneficiary Entity, then CTM shall have no obligation to provide or construct additional duct capacity for the Beneficiary Entity. CTM will not be responsible for the costs associated to the diversion or removal of the Concession ducts or cables.

6. Maintenance

CTM has the obligation to ensure the integrity and good working order of the Concession ducts. CTM may temporarily interrupt or suspend the provision of access to the Concession ducts in order to give priority to maintenance work done in this regard. In such cases CTM shall give prior notice to Beneficiary Entities affected.

7. Prices

CTM is to provide a standard price schedule containing the different items for access and usage of Concession ducts. This standard price schedule is subject to approval by the Government.

The pricing shall ensure a fair compensation to CTM, an efficient allocation of the Concession ducts as a scarce resource, and be set at a level that encourages investment in ducts.

8. Reference Duct Access Offer for Licensed Telecommunications Operators

The Reference Duct Access Offer (RDAO) is a document that sets out the general principles and conditions that shall be met by the Duct Access Agreement (DAA) to be entered into between CTM and the Beneficiary Entities, prior to the provision of access and usage of the Concession ducts for the installation, maintenance and removal of telecommunications systems.

The RDAO shall be prepared by CTM eight months from the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the midterm review of the Concession Agreement.

The RDAO shall be updated at least every two years or upon Government’s request, in view of the evolution occurred in terms of market needs and development of infrastructures.

The RDAO and respective updates shall be approved by the Government.

The RDAO shall contain the following minimum information:

a) Detailed conditions related to the access to the Concession ducts, including technically and operationally feasible routes and access locations, whereby CTM shall consider:

i) The legitimate interests of all parties and that those conditions are not discriminatory between the Beneficiary Entities, and the technical and operational quality of access to Concession ducts;

ii) That the Beneficiary Entities receive access on a non-discriminatory basis or reasoning should access be impossible, within a reasonable period of time;

iii) Whenever it is physically or technically unfeasible to meet the access requests put forward by the Beneficiary Entities, that alternative proposals are provided.

b) Detailed conditions related to CTM’s right to reject or suspend, in whole or in part, the access to the Concession ducts, including without limitation the following situations:

i) Unavailability of space to be allocated;

ii) Physical, technical or legal barriers to the installation;

iii) Risk for the health or safety of CTM’s personnel;

iv) Possible deterioration in the operation of the networks and equipment;

v) Possible adverse impact on the integrity of CTM’s network or quality of services;

vi) Repeated violations by the Beneficiary Entity of the relevant rules and procedures.

c) Detailed requirements for the insurances to be maintained by the Beneficiary Entities to cover the liabilities arising out of or in connection with the access and usage of the Concession ducts including, without limitation, public-liability insurances;

d) Template of the DAA to be entered into between CTM and a Beneficiary Entity, which must provide for service indicators, quality levels and clauses that foresee any breach thereto;

e) The following indicative time intervals, in calendar days:

i) From when CTM receives from the Beneficiary Entity a request for access and use of the Concession ducts to when CTM replies to the Beneficiary Entity on the feasibility for the request;

ii) From the confirmation date of the feasibility for the desired installation and the start date of the necessary physical work;

iii) From the confirmation date of the feasibility for the desired removal and the start date of the necessary physical work;

iv) From the confirmation date of the feasibility for the desired maintenance operation and the start date of the necessary physical work.

f) Standard price schedule with indication of the different items of the access and usage of the Concession ducts and the different items of the provided services, including but not limited to management, supervision, operation, feasibility analyses, administration, and installation and removal charges;

g) Prices for different items and services other than those given in the standard price schedule;

h) Manual of Procedures and Technical Requirements (MPTR), including without limitation:

i) Specifications of the Concession ducts;

ii) Guiding principles on availability of space in the desired Concession ducts and associated infrastructures;

iii) Installation or removal of infrastructures in Concession ducts and associated infrastructures;

iv) Procedures regarding the request for access and usage of Concession ducts, and request for maintenance and repair operations;

v) General principles, rules and procedures for accreditation of personnel.

9. Scope of the DAA

The DAA between CTM and the Beneficiary Entity shall establish the terms and conditions of the access and use of the Concession ducts. The DAA shall include, but is not limited to, the following:

i) Term of the agreement;

ii) Specifics, size and volume of the Concession ducts and associated infrastructure being allocated for the Beneficiary Entity’s use;

iii) Service quality;

iv) Forecast requirements, if any, for duct space;

v) Pricing, billing and payment terms for access and use of the Concession ducts;

vi) Liability of the Beneficiary Entity and insurance;

vii) Terms and conditions on access and use of the Concession ducts for the installation, removal and maintenance of Beneficiary Entity’s equipment and infrastructure;

viii) Assignment;

ix) Terms and conditions on confidentiality;

x) Rights and responsibilities of CTM and the Beneficiary Entity in the daily operation of the concerned Concession ducts and associated infrastructure;

xi) Terms and conditions in the event of network restructuring;

xii) Termination;

xiii) Dispute resolution.

The DAA shall be reported to the Government within 10 (ten) days from the date of the respective signature by the parties.

10. Mediation by the Government on the DAA

If CTM and the potential Beneficiary Entity, after a reasonable period of time, fail to reach an agreement the Government can mediate the negotiation, provided it is demonstrated that best endeavours to reach an agreement have been used.

The Government mediation can consider only matters not provided for in the RDAO and which pertain to specific arrangements between the negotiating parties.

The Government may suggest matters to be included in the DAA, proposing specific conditions to be considered by the negotiating parties and setting out a reasonable timetable for agreement.

As part of this mediation process the Government may also request that CTM update the RDAO.

In case an agreement is not reached within the given timetable, then the Government, after due consideration of both negotiating parties positions, may resolve the matter under dispute by issuing a duly justified decision.