行政長官 何厚鏵
辦公室主任 何永安
(Document Ref. ACSB 054/2007, of 12 December 2007;
Ref. EN/S/LEG/JS/nv)
Instructed by his Government, the Embassy has the honor to submit to Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD the Instrument of Accession of the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the Framework Agreement for International Collaboration on Research and Development of Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”) signed at Washington on 28 February, 2005, and to notify and state, on behalf of the Government of the People’s Republic of China, the following:
The Government of the People’s Republic of China designates China Atomic Energy Authority and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China as its Implementing Agents.
In accordance with the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, the Government of the People’s Republic of China decides that the Agreement applies to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
(二零零七年十二月十二日第ACSB 054/2007號文件;
大使館謹奉示向經濟合作與發展組織總幹事Angel Gurría先生閣下轉交中華人民共和國政府加入二零零五年二月二十八日在華盛頓簽訂的《第四代核能系統研究和 開發國際合作框架協議》(以下簡稱“協議”)的加入書,並代表中華人民共和國政府通知及陳述如下:
根據《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法》和《中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區基本法》的規定,中華人民共和國政府決定,協議適用於中華人民共和國香港特別行政區和 澳門特別行政區。
The Parties to the present Framework Agreement,
Considering the expected increase in energy demand worldwide, and the contribution that the development and deployment of innovative technologies and fuels can make to meet future global energy demand in a sustainable manner;
Considering that collaboration on research and development by many countries on the development of advanced next generation nuclear energy systems will aid progress toward the realization of such systems;
Considering that Parties or their ministries, departments, agencies or other entities have signed a Charter for the Generation IV International Forum (hereinafter referred to as “GIF”) as a basis for international collaboration in research and development for the next generation of nuclear energy systems (hereinafter referred to as “Generation IV Systems”);
Considering that GIF members have created a standing governance structure composed of a Policy Group, Experts Group, and Secretariat, to implement the Charter;
Considering that the GIF has completed “A Technology Roadmap for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems: Technical Roadmap Report” (December 2002) (hereinafter referred to as “Technology Roadmap”) which identifies the six most promising Generation IV Systems as well as the research and development necessary to advance these Systems to technical maturity;
Noting that the Generation IV Systems are: Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor System, Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor System, Molten Salt Reactor System, Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor System, Supercritical-Water-Cooled Reactor System, and Very-High-Temperature Reactor System;
Desiring to facilitate the pursuit of collaborative research and development of the Generation IV Systems by the Parties and their ministries, departments, agencies and other entities, together with the industrial, academic, governmental and non-governmental sectors of the international research community, to advance the Generation IV Systems identified in the Technology Roadmap; and
Noting the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 20 March 1883, as revised and amended;
Have agreed as follows:
The objective of this Framework Agreement is to establish a framework for international collaboration to foster and facilitate achievement of the purpose and vision of the GIF: the development of concepts for one or more Generation IV Systems that can be licensed, constructed, and operated in a manner that will provide a competitively-priced and reliable supply of energy to the country(ies) where such systems may be deployed, while satisfactorily addressing nuclear safety, waste, proliferation and public perception concerns.
Collaboration under this Framework Agreement shall be conducted only for peaceful purposes and in accordance with non--proliferation objectives and the Parties’ international obligations relating thereto; and on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, and reciprocity.
The forms of collaboration under this Framework Agreement may include, but are not limited to:
a) joint research and technology development;
b) exchange of technical information and data on scientific and technical activities and methods and results of research and development;
c) support for the organization of technological demonstrations;
d) conduct of joint trials/experiments;
e) participation of staff (including scientists, engineers, and other specialists) in experiments, analysis, design and other research and development activities conducted at research centres, academic institutions, laboratories and other facilities;
f) exchange or loan of samples, materials and equipment for experiments, testing and evaluation;
g) organization of, and participation in, seminars, scientific conferences and other meetings;
h) monetary contributions to the deployment of necessary experimental facilities; and
i) training and enhancing the skills of scientists and technical experts.
1. The Parties shall encourage and facilitate, where appropriate, the development of direct contacts and cooperation between government agencies, academies of science, universities, science and research centres, institutes and institutions, private sector firms, and intergovernmental organizations.
2. Each Party shall, upon signature or deposit of an instrument of accession, designate itself or one or more of its ministries, departments, agencies or other entities as its Implementing Agent(s) to accomplish the objective set forth in Article I of this Framework Agreement. The Implementing Agents are identified in the Annex, which constitutes an integral part of this Framework Agreement.
3. A Party may designate additional Implementing Agent(s), or change its Implementing Agent(s) by written notification to the Depositary (identified in Article XI). The additional or changed Implementing Agent designations shall take effect in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article XII.
1. Implementing Agents of two or more Parties may enter into a System Arrangement for each of the six Generation IV Systems identified in the Technology Roadmap; provided, however, that:
a) there shall be only one System Arrangement for each Generation IV System; and
b) if a Party has more than one Implementing Agent, only one of them may be a signatory to a System Arrangement.
2. Each System Arrangement, which shall be consistent with and governed by the provisions of this Framework Agreement, shall establish a framework for collaboration to plan and conduct the research and development work necessary to establish the viability and performance of the Generation IV System concerned.
3. Each System Arrangement shall include implementing provisions concerning, inter alia:
a) collaboration to be undertaken;
b) management of the research and development activities undertaken to realize the objective of the GIF;
c) financial arrangements;
d) protection, use and disclosure of background proprietary information; and
e) adequate and effective protection and allocation of intellectual property created or furnished in the course of the collaboration under this Framework Agreement, including provisions for the resolution of disputes concerning intellectual property rights.
4. In the event of any inconsistency between a System Arrangement and this Framework Agreement, the provisions of this Framework Agreement shall prevail.
1. Each System Arrangement will be implemented through one or more Project Arrangements for research and development (R&D) projects designed to contribute to establishment of the viability and performance of the Generation IV System to which the project relates.
2. Implementing Agents may be signatories to Project Arrangements. Other entities in the public and private sectors may be signatories to Project Arrangements subject to the unanimous approval of a System Steering Committee to be established by the signatories to each System Arrangement to manage R&D collaboration for each Generation IV System.
3. Each Project Arrangement should address matters such as, but not limited to, scope of work, estimated cost, proposed schedule, project management responsibilities, intellectual property rights, reporting requirements, and provisions concerning withdrawal of signatories.
4. Each Project Arrangement shall be consistent with and governed by the provisions of the System Arrangement to which the subject project relates and of this Framework Agreement.
5. In case of any inconsistency between a System Arrangement and a Project Arrangement, the provisions of the System Arrangement shall prevail. In case of any inconsistency between a System Arrangement or Project Arrangement on the one hand, and this Framework Agreement on the other hand, the provisions of this Framework Agreement shall prevail.
With respect to collaboration under this Framework Agreement, each Party shall, to the extent permitted by its international obligations, national laws and regulations:
a) facilitate entry into and exit from its territory of appropriate personnel, equipment and materials of the other Parties used in collaboration under this Framework Agreement; and
b) facilitate the exchange and use of scientific and technical data resulting from R&D conducted under this Framework Agreement.
The activities of each Party under this Framework Agreement are subject to the availability of appropriated funds, personnel, and other resources.
Each Party shall conduct the collaboration under this Framework Agreement in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations to which it is subject.
Scientific and technological information resulting from collaboration under this Framework Agreement, other than information which is not made available to the public for national security, commercial, or industrial reasons, shall be made available to the world scientific community through customary channels and in accordance with normal procedures of the Parties and their respective participating ministries, departments, agencies and other entities.
1. Any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of this Framework Agreement shall be resolved through consultation between or among the Parties concerned.
2. Any dispute between two or more Project Arrangement signatories may be resolved in accordance with any method(s), set forth in a Project Arrangement, to which the Project Arrangement signatories concerned mutually agree in writing.
1. The original of this Framework Agreement shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, who is hereby designated as Depositary. The Depositary shall fulfil his duties in accordance with Article 77 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 23 May 1969.
2. Following entry into force of this Framework Agreement in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article XII, the Depositary shall transmit a certified true copy of this Framework Agreement to the Secretary General of the United Nations for registration and publication in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations; and likewise shall transmit certified copies of any amendments to this Framework Agreement which enter into force.
1. This Framework Agreement shall be open for signature only on 28 February 2005. A state, one or more of whose ministries, departments, agencies or other entities is a GIF member, or any GIF member composed of more than one state may become a Party to this Framework Agreement:
a) by signature not subject to ratification, acceptance or approval; or
b) by signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval followed by deposit of an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval; or
c) by deposit of an instrument of accession, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article XIV.
2. This Framework Agreement shall enter into force when three Parties have indicated their consent to be bound; by signature not subject to ratification, acceptance or approval; or by deposit of an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval. Thereafter this Framework Agreement shall enter into force for a signatory on the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval; and shall enter into force for additional Parties in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article XIV.
3. Subject to paragraph 5 of this Article, this Framework Agreement shall remain in force for a period of 10 years, and may be extended for additional periods by agreement of the Parties, in accordance with procedures to be elaborated by the Parties.
4. This Framework Agreement may be amended at any time by agreement of all Parties. Except as provided in paragraph 2 of Article XIV, an amendment shall enter into force for all Parties 30 days following the date of receipt by the Depositary of the last written notification of acceptance of the amendment.
5. This Framework Agreement may be terminated at any time by agreement of all Parties. Termination shall be effective 30 days following the date of receipt by the Depositary of the last written notification of acceptance of the termination.
1. A Party may withdraw from this Framework Agreement upon six months’ written notice to the Depositary. The Annex shall thereafter be amended to delete the name of the Party and that of its Implementing Agent(s) in accordance with procedures to be elaborated by the Parties.
2. A Party’s withdrawal from this Framework Agreement shall constitute withdrawal by its Implementing Agent from any System Arrangement to which that Implementing Agent is a signatory.
1. After entry into force of this Framework Agreement, any state, one or more of whose ministries, departments, agencies or other entities is a GIF member, and any GIF member composed of more than one state, may become a Party to this Framework Agreement by depositing with the Depositary an instrument of accession and a written notification of the Implementing Agent(s) to be designated in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article III.
2. When an additional Party deposits its instrument of accession and notification in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, the Depositary shall circulate a proposed amendment to the Annex to specify the Implementing Agent(s) notified by that Party. Such amendment shall enter into force 90 days after the date of receipt by the Depositary of that Party’s notification, provided that no other Party has notified the Depositary that it objects to the proposed amendment. In the event that the Depositary receives an objection, the proposed amendment shall not enter into force, and the additional Party shall submit to the Depositary a revised notification of its Implementing Agent(s), which shall be subject to the same procedure.
3. This Framework Agreement shall enter into force as to each additional Party 90 days following the Depositary’s receipt of the instrument of accession of a state, one or more of whose ministries, departments, agencies or other entities is a GIF member, and any GIF member composed of more than one state.
4. Each Party that accedes to this Framework Agreement after the entry into force of any amendment shall become a Party to the Framework Agreement as amended.
Any collaboration initiated under this Framework Agreement but not completed at the expiration or termination of this Framework Agreement may continue to completion under the provisions of this Framework Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized, have signed this Framework Agreement.
DONE at Washington, in a single original, on the twenty-eighth day of February, 2005, in the English and French languages, each text being equally authentic.
Party | Designated Implementing Agent | |
Government of Canada | Department of Natural Resources | |
Government of French Republic | Comissariat à l’Énergie Atomique | |
Government of Japan | Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute |
Government of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Department of Trade and Industry | |
Government of the United States of America | Department of Energy |
考慮到締約方或它們的政府部門、機構或其他實體已經簽署第四代國際論壇(以下稱“GIF”)憲章作為下一代核能源系統(以下稱“第四代系統”)研究與開發國際合作的 基礎;
考慮到GIF已經完成“第四代核能源系統技術路線圖:技術路線圖報告”(2002年12月)(以下稱“技術路線圖”);該報告確定了6個最有希望的第四代系統,以及 為使這些系統達到技術成熟所需要進行的研究與開發工作;
希望促進締約方及其政府部門、機構或其他實體與國際研究界的產業、學術、政府和非政府的部門一道開展第四代系統的合作研究和開發,以推進技術路線圖中確定的第四代系 統;
1)本框架協議的目的是為推動和促進實現GIF的下述目的和設想而進行的國際合作建立一個框架;即開發出一個或多個能夠獲得許可、建造和運行的第四代系統概念,並且 其運行既能向採用這些系統的國家提供價格有競爭性的和可靠的能源供應,又能夠令人滿意地解決核安全、廢物、擴散和公眾接受問題。
2)各締約方必須從簽署或交存加入書之日起,指定其本身或其一個或多個政府部門、機構或其他實體作為其執行代理,以實現本框架協議第一條規定的目標,執行代理列於作 為本框架協議的一個組成部分的附件中。
2)每個系統安排必須與本框架協議的規定相一致,並且受本框架協議的規定支配,它必須為計劃和開展確定所論第四代系統的可行性和性能所需的研究與開發工作建立一個合 作框架。
2)執行代理可以是項目安排的簽署者。經每個系統安排的簽署者為管理每個第四代系統的研究和開發合作而建立的系統指導委員會的一致認可,公有部門和私有部門的其他實 體可以是項目安排的簽署者。
除了那些由於國家安全原因、商業或工業原因不可向公眾提供的信息外,在本框架協議下開展的合作活動產生的科學技術信息必須通過通常的渠道,並且按締約方及其各自參加 政府部門、機構和其他實體的正常程序,向世界科學界披露。
2)本框架協議按照第十二條第2款的規定生效後,保存人必須將本框架協議的一份經核實無誤的副本轉交給聯合國秘書長按《聯合國憲章》第102條的規定予以登記和公佈 ;並且以同樣方式轉交對本框架協議的任何已生效的修正案的經核實副本。
2)本框架協議必須在3個締約方表示同意簽署而無須批准、接受或認可或交存批准、接受或認可文書後生效。此後,本框架協議對於簽署者必須在其交存批准、接受或認可文 書之日生效,對於附加締約方必須按照第十四條第3款的規定生效。
4)本框架協議可在任何時候經全體締約方協商一致修正。除第十四條第2款規定的以外,修正案必須在保存人收到修正案被接受的最後書面通知之日起30日對全體締約方生 效。
1)本框架協議生效後,其一個或多個政府部門、機構或其他實體為GIF成員的任何國家,以及由一個以上國家組成的GIF成員,都可以通過向保存人交存加入文書和按照 第三條第2款的規定指定的執行代理的書面通知成為本框架協議的締約方。
2)當附加締約方按照本條第1款的規定交存加入文書和通知時,保存人必須分發對附件的建議修正,以詳細說明該締約方所通知的執行代理。如果其他締約方均未通知保存人 對所建議的修正的反對意見,這類修正案必須在保存人收到該締約方的通知之日起90日生效。如果保存人收到反對意見,則所建議的修正案不得生效,而且附加締約方必須向保存人 提交經修正的有關其執行代理的書面通知,這種提交必須按同樣的程序進行。
3)在保存人收到其一個或多個政府部門、機構或其他實體為GIF成員的任何國家或由一個以上國家組成的GIF成員的加入文書之日起90日,本框架協議必須對每個附加 締約方生效。
締約方 | 指定執行代理 |
加拿大政府 | 自然資源部 |
法蘭西共和國政府 | 原子能委員會 |
日本政府 | 自然資源和能源機構 |
日本原子力研究所 | |
日本核燃料循環開發機構 | |
大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國政府 | 貿易工業部 |
美利堅合眾國政府 | 能源部 |