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相關法規 : | |||
相關類別 : | |||
《LegisMac》的法例註釋 | |||
行政長官 何厚鏵
辦公室主任 何永安
BWAMBALE | Frank Kakolele | Frank Kakorere Frank Kakorere Bwambale |
Former RCD-ML leader, exercising influence over policies and maintaining command and control over the activities of RCD-ML forces, one of the armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), responsible for trafficking of arms, in violation of the arms embargo. | ||
KAKWAVU BUKANDE | Jérôme | Jérôme Kakwavu | Congolese
Known as: "Commandant Jérôme" |
Former President of UCD/FAPC. FAPC's control of illegal border posts between Uganda and the DRC — a key transit route for arms flows. As President of the FAPC, he exercises influence over policies and maintains command and control over the activities of FAPC forces, which have been involved in arms trafficking and, consequently, in violations of the arms embargo. Given the rank of General in the FARDC in December 2004. | |
KATANGA | Germain | Congolese Under house arrest in Kinshasa from March 2005 for FRPI involvement in human rights abuses. | FRPI chief. Appointed General in the FARDC in December 2004. Involved in weapons transfers, in violation of the arms embargo. | ||
LUBANGA | Thomas | Ituri | Congolese
Arrested in Kinshasa from March 2005 for UPC/L involvement in human rights abuses violations. |
President of the UPC/L, one of the armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), involved in the trafficking of arms, in violation of the arms embargo | |
MANDRO | Khawa Panga | Kawa Panga
Kawa Panga Mandro Kawa Mandro Yves Andoul Karim |
Bunia 20.08.73 |
Bunia Known as: |
Ex-President of PUSIC, one of the armed groups and militia referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003) involved in arms trafficking, in violation of the arms embargo. In prison in Bunia since 04/05 for sabotage of the Ituri peace process. |
MPANO | Douglas | Congolese. Based in Goma |
Manager of the Compagine Aérienne des Grands Lacs and of Great Lakes Business Company, whose aircraft were used to provide assistance to armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003). Also responsible for disguising information on flights and cargo apparently to allow for the violation of the arms embargo. | ||
MUDACUMURA | Sylvestre | Rwandan
Known as: |
FDLR Commander on the ground, exercising influence over policies, and maintaining command and control over the activities of FDLR forces, one of the armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), involved in trafficking of arms, in violation of the arms embargo. | ||
MURWANASHY- AKA | Dr Ignace | Ignace | Butera (Rwandan)
14 May 1963 |
Resident in Germany International travel documents issued by German
authorities in Mannheim, Germany: |
President of FDLR, exercising influence over policies, and maintaining command and control over the activities of FDLR forces, one of the armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), involved in trafficking of arms, in violation of the arms embargo. |
MUTEBUTSI | Jules | Jules Mutebusi
Jules Mutebuzi |
South Kivu | Congolese (South Kivu) Currently detained in Rwanda. Known as: |
Former FARDC Deputy Military Regional Commander of 10th MR in April 2004, dismissed for indiscipline and joined forces with other renegade elements of former RCD-G to take town of Bukavu in May 04 by force. Implicated in the receipt of weapons outside of FARDC structures and provision of supplies to armed groups and militia mentioned in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), in violation of the arms embargo. |
NGUDJOLO | Matthieu, | Cui Ngudjolo | "Colonel" or "General" | FNI Chief of Staff and former Chief of Staff of the FRPI, exercising influence over policies and maintaining command and control the activities of FRPIforces, one of the armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), responsible for trafficking of arms, in violation of the arms embargo. Arrested by MONUC in Bunia in October 2003. | |
NJABU | Floribert Ngabu | Floribert Njabu
FloribertNdjabu FloribertNgabuNdjabu |
Arrested and placed under house arrest in Kinshasa from March 2005 for FNI involvement in human rights abuses. | President of FNI, one of the armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), involved in the trafficking of arms, in violation of the arms embargo. | |
NKUNDA | Laurent | Laurent NkundaBwatare Laurent Nkundabatware Laurent NkundaMahoroBatware |
06.02.1967 North Kivu/ Rutshuru |
Congolese Currently unlocated. Sightings in Rwanda and Goma.
Known as: "General Nkunda" |
Former RCD-G General. Joined forces with other renegade elements of former RCD-G to take Bukavu in May 04 by force. In receipt of weapons outside of FARDC in violation of the arms embargo. |
NYAKUNI | James | Ugandan | Trade partnership with Commandant Jérôme, particularly smuggling across the DRC/Uganda border, including suspected smuggling of weapons and military material in unchecked trucks. Violation of the arms embargo and provision of assistance to armed groups and militia referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), including financial support that allows them to operate militarily. | ||
OZIA MAZIO | Dieudonné | Ozia Mazio | Ariwara, DRC
Known as: "Omari" "Mr Omari" |
President of FEC in Aru territory. Financial schemeswith Commandant Jérôme and FAPC and smuggling across the DRC/Uganda border, allowing supplies and cash to be made available to Commandant Jérôme and his troops. Violation of the arms embargo, including by providing assistance to armed groups and militia referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003). |
TAGANDA | Bosco | Bosco Ntaganda
Bosco Ntagenda |
Known as: |
UPC/L military commander, exercising influence over policies and maintaining command and control over the activities of UPC/L, one of the armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), involved in the trafficking of arms, in violation of the arms embargo. He was appointed General in the FARDC in December 2004 but refused to accept the promotion, therefore remaining outside of the FARDC. | |
TOUS POUR LA PAIX ET LE DEVELOPPMENT (NGO) | TPD | Goma, North Kivu | Implicated in violation of the arms embargo, by providing assistance to RCD-G, particularly in supplying trucks to transport arms and troops, and also by transporting weapons to be distributed to parts of the population in Masisi and Rutshuru, North Kivu, in early 2005. |
姓氏 | 名字 | 別名 | 出生日期/ 出生地點 |
護照/ 確認身份資料 |
職稱/理由 |
BWAMBALE | Frank Kakolele | Frank Kakorere Frank Kakorere Bwambale |
RCD-ML前領袖,對有關 決策具影響力,並操控該 組織屬下部隊的活動。該 組織為第1493(2003 )號 決議第20段所指的、負責 進行違反軍火禁運的武器 販賣活動的武裝集團和民 兵之一。 |
KAKWAVU BUKANDE | Jérôme | Jérôme Kakwavu | 剛果 被稱為: “Jérôme指揮官” |
UCD/FAPC前主席,替FAPC監控烏干達與剛果民主共和國接壤的非法邊境站——其中一條販運軍火的要道。擔任FAPC主席時,對有關決策具影響力,並操控該組織屬下部隊進行涉及違反軍火禁運的武器販賣活動。2004年12月獲授予FARDC將軍的軍銜。 | |
KATANGA | Germain | 剛果 因牽涉FRPI的侵犯人權行為而自2005年3 月起被軟禁於金沙薩。 |
FRPI首領,2004年12月獲任命為FARDC的將軍,牽涉進行違反軍火禁運的武器販運活動。 | ||
LUBANGA | Thomas | 伊圖里 | 剛果 因牽涉UPC/L的侵犯及違反人權行為而自2005年3月起被拘禁於金沙薩。 |
UPC/L主席,該組織為第1493(2003)號決議第20段所指的、牽涉進行違反軍火禁運的武器販賣活動的武裝集團和民兵之一。 | |
MANDRO | Khawa Panga | Kawa Panga
Kawa Panga Mandro Kawa Mandro Yves Andoul Karim |
布尼亞 1973年8月20日 |
剛果 被稱為: “Khawa首領” “Kawa” |
PUSIC前主席,該組織為第1493(2003 )號決議第20 段所指的、牽涉進行違反軍火禁運的武器販賣活動的武裝集團和民兵之一。其本人因妨礙伊圖里的和平進程而自2005年4月起被拘禁於布尼亞。 |
MPANO | Douglas | 剛果 以戈馬為基地 |
Compagnie Aérienne des Grands Lacs及Great Lakes Business Company的經理,該兩所公司屬下的航空器曾用於協助第1493(2003) 號決議第20段所指的武裝集團和民兵。其本人亦負責掩飾航班及貨物的資料,公然容許違反軍火禁運。 | ||
MUDACUMURA | Sylvestre | 盧旺達 被稱為: “Radja” “MupenziBernard” “Mupenzi少將” |
FDLR戰地指揮官,對有關決策具影響力,並操控該”組織屬下部隊的活動。該組織為第1493(2003)號決議第20段所指的、牽涉進行違反軍火禁運的武器販賣活動的武裝集團和民兵之一。 | ||
MURWANASHY- AKA | Dr Ignace | Ignace | Butera
(盧旺達) 1963年5月14日 |
盧旺達 德國居民 由德國Mannheim當局簽發的國際旅遊證件: -編號A0089711(簽發於2001年11月27日;有效期至2007年11月26日) -編號A0131463(簽發於2003年6月12日;有效期至2007年11月26 日) |
FDLR主席,對有關決策具影響力,並操控該組織屬下部隊的活動。該組織為第1493(2003)號決議第20段所指的、牽涉進行違反軍火禁運的武器販賣活動的武裝集團和民兵之一。 |
MUTEBUTSI | Jules | Jules Mutebusi
Jules Mutebuzi |
南基伍 | 剛果(南基伍) 正被拘留於盧旺達。 被稱為: “Mutebutsi上校” |
FARDC第十軍區的前軍區副指揮官,2004年4月因違反紀律而被革職,2004年5月聯同其他前RCD-G的叛軍以武力佔領布卡武。曾牽涉在FARDC以外接收武器,並向第1493(2003) 號決議第20段所指的武裝集團和民兵提供補給,違反軍火禁運。 |
NGUDJOLO | Matthieu, Cui | Cui Ngudjolo | “上校”或“將軍” | FNI參謀長及FRPI前參謀長,對有關決策具影響力,並操控FRPI屬下部隊的活動。該組織為第1493(2003)號決議第20段所指的、負責進行違反軍火禁運的武器販賣活動的武裝集團和民兵之一。2003年10月於布尼亞遭聯合國組織剛果民主共和國特派團逮捕。 | |
NJABU | Floribert Ngabu | Floribert Njabu
Floribert Ndjabu Floribert Ngabu Ndjabu |
因牽涉FNI侵犯人權行為而自2005年3月起被軟禁於金沙薩。 | FNI主席,該組織為第1493(2003)號決議第20段所指的、進行違反軍火禁運的武裝集團和民兵之一。 | |
NKUNDA | Laurent | Laurent Nkunda Bwatare
Laurent Nkundabatware Laurent Nkunda Mahoro Batware |
1967年2月6日 北基伍/Rutshuru |
剛果 目前下落不明。曾在盧旺達及戈馬露面。 被稱為: |
RCD-G前將軍,2004 年5月聯同該組織的其他叛軍以武力佔領布卡武,並在FARDC以外接收武器,違反軍火禁運。 |
NYAKUNI | James | 烏干達 | Jérôme指揮官的貿易伙伴,主要在剛果民主共和國與烏干達接壤的邊境進行走私活動,其中懷疑以未經檢查的貨車走私武器及軍需用品;並違反軍火禁運,向第1493(2003)號決議第20段所指的武裝集團和民兵提供援助,包括資助該等組織,使其得以進行軍事活動。 | ||
OZIA MAZIO | Dieudonné | Ozia Mazio | 剛果民主共和國 Ariwara 1949年6月6日 |
剛果 被稱為 “Omari” “Omari先生” |
Aru地區的FEC主席,與Jérôme 指揮官及FAPC擬定財政計劃,並在剛果民主共和國與烏干達接壤的邊境進行走私活動,讓Jérôme指揮官及其軍隊取得補給品及現金。違反軍火禁運,包括向第1493(2003)號決議第20 段所指的武裝集團和民兵提供援助。 |
TAGANDA | Bosco | Bosco Ntaganda
Bosco Ntagenda |
剛果 被稱為: “Terminator” “少校” |
UPC/L的軍事指揮官,對有關決策具影響力,並操控該組織的活動。該組織為第1493(2003)號決議第20段所指的、牽涉進行違反軍火禁運的武器販賣活動的武裝集團和民兵之一。2004年12月獲任命為FARDC的將軍,但其拒絕接受有關晉升,因而仍然不屬於該部隊。 | |
TOUS POUR LA PAIX ET LE DEVELOPPMENT (非政府組織) | TPD | 北基伍戈馬 | 因向 RCD-G提供援助,特別是供應用作運輸軍火及軍隊的貨車,以及於2005年初輸入分發給北基伍Masisi及Rutshuru部分人民的武器,而牽涉違反軍火禁運。 |
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