行政長官 何厚鏵
(ii) 公司和合資企業中的股份、債券及各種利益所衍生的權利;
(iii) 對金錢、其他資產或任何具有經濟價值的行為的請求權;
(v) 按公法或合同授予的權利,包括勘探、開採、提煉和開發自然資源的權利。
(i) 在荷蘭王國方面,係指具有荷蘭王國國籍的自然人及按照該國適用法律設立的法人;
(ii) 在澳門特別行政區方面,係指持有居民身份證的自然人及按澳門特別行政區的法律設立的法人;
(iii) 對締約雙方而言,並非按另一締約方法律設立但由以上(i)及(ii)項所指的自然人或法人控制的法人。
1. 在受控投資者的財務權益,包括股權利益;
2. 對受控投資者的管理和經營有作出實質影響的能力;及
3. 對委任管理委員會或其他管理機構的成員有作出決定性影響的能力。
(i) 在荷蘭王國方面,係指荷蘭王國的領土,包括與其領海鄰接的地區,並按荷蘭王國適用的法律及國際法,該等地區所組成的專屬經濟區域或大陸架,由荷蘭王國對之行使管轄權或主權;
(ii) 在中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區方面,係指澳門半島、氹仔島及路環島。
1. 締約各方確保對締約他方投資者所作的投資得到公平、平等的待遇,不得以不合理或歧視性措施損害該等投資者的經營、管理、維持、使用、享有或處置。締約各方須給予該等投資全面實質保護及保障。
2. 在任何情況下,締約各方給予該等投資的待遇不應低於其給予本地投資者或任何第三方投資者的投資待遇,以對有關投資者較有利的為準。
3. 如締約一方基於有關設立關稅同盟、經濟同盟、貨幣同盟或同類機構的協定,或基於旨在設立該等同盟或機構的過渡協定而給予第三方投資者特別優惠,則該締約方無須給予締約他方的投資者該等優惠。
4. 締約各方須遵守其對締約他方投資者的投資所承擔的任何義務。
5. 如締約任一方的法律規定,又或締約雙方的現存或將來源自國際法的義務中包含給予締約他方投資者的投資較本協定所提供的更為有利的待遇的一般或特別規定,則在該等規定中較有利的部分優先於本協定。
6. 本條的規定不影響本協定第4條規定的適用。
a) 基於任何避免雙重徵稅的協定;
b) 基於其參與關稅同盟、經濟同盟或同類機構;或
c) 基於與第三方的互惠。
a) 利潤、利息、股息及其他經常收入;
b) 用於下列者的所需資金:
(i) 為購置原料、輔料、半製成品或製成品;
(ii) 為保證某項投資的持續性,用於更新資本資產;
c) 為發展某項投資所需的追加資金;
d) 貸款的償還金;
e) 知識產權使用費或服務費;
f ) 自然人的酬金;
g) 轉讓所得或投資清算;
h) 按第7條的規定所作的支付。
1. 締約任一方不得採取直接或間接措施剝奪締約他方的投資者的投資,但符合下列條件者,不在此限:
a) 所採取的措施以公共利益為由並依正當法律程序;
b) 所採取的措施屬非歧視性或不違背採取該措施的締約方所承擔的承諾;
c) 所採取的措施有合理補償。該補償:
(i) 相當於受影響的投資的實際價值,且至少相當於緊接實施或宣佈徵收或任何同等措施的前一日的被徵收的投資的價值;
(iii) 必獲支付且以任何為債權人所接納的、可自由兌換的貨幣無延誤地轉移至由債權人指定的國家或地區,從而使債權人能實際獲得有關補償。
2. 在不影響可求助於國際仲裁的情況下,投資者有權要求由促進徵收資產的締約方的有權限當局覆核徵收的合法性。
1. 締約一方與在其地區內投資的締約他方投資者關於投資的爭端,應儘可能由雙方友好解決。
2. 如爭端未能在一合理的期間內解決,應有關投資者的要求,得將該爭端:
a) 按一九六五年三月十八日在華盛頓開放簽署的《解決國家與他國國民間投資爭端公約》的規定,提交予“解決投資爭端國際中心”,以便通過仲裁和調解予以解決;
b) 按“解決投資爭端國際中心”秘書處《管理程序補充機制規則》(《補充機制規則》)提交予該中心;
c) 按聯合國國際貿易法委員會(UNCITRAL)仲裁規則的規定提交予一臨時仲裁庭。
3. 《解決國家與他國國民間投資爭端公約》第25條第2款b項的規定,適用於在爭端發生之前由締約他方的投資者控制的締約一方的法人。
4. 將爭端藉上述任一程序處理的決定不得有變。仲裁裁判屬終局裁判,對締約雙方均有約束力。
5. 投資者亦得選擇將爭端提交予有權限的域內法庭。
6. 締約雙方無條件同意將有關投資的爭端提交予以上數款所指的選擇性爭端解決方式解決。
1. 締約雙方關於解釋或適用本協定所產生的任何爭端,如雙方不能在一個合理期間內以談判解決,應締約任一方的要求,須將該爭端提交予一由三名成員組成的仲裁庭;但締約雙方另有協定者,不在此限。締約雙方各指派一名仲裁員,該兩名仲裁員應共同指派第三名既非荷蘭王國國民亦非澳門特別行政區居民的仲裁員為首席仲裁員。
2. 如締約任一方在締約他方請求作出此項指派後兩個月內未能指派並尚未著手指派其仲裁員,後者可請求國際法院院長作出必要的指派。
3. 如該兩名仲裁員未能自其被指派之日起兩個月內就選擇第三名仲裁員達成一致意見,則締約任一方可請求國際法院院長作出必要的指派。
4. 在本條第2款及第3款規定的情況下,如國際法院院長不能作出指派或其為荷蘭王國國民或澳門特別行政區居民,則應請副院長作出必要的指派。如副院長不能履行上述職責或其為荷蘭王國國民或澳門特別行政區居民,則應請該院資歷最高的、非為荷蘭王國國民或澳門特別行政區居民的成員作出必要的指派。
5. 仲裁庭依循法律規定作出裁判。仲裁庭在作出裁判之前,可在仲裁程序的任何階段建議締約雙方友好解決爭端。如締約雙方同意,以上規定不妨礙爭端可按衡平原則解決。
6. 仲裁庭須制定自己的程序;但締約雙方另有決定者,不在此限。
7. 仲裁庭的裁判以多數票作出。該裁判屬終局裁判,對締約雙方均有拘束力。
1. 本協定自締約雙方以書面通知對方已各自履行所要求的法律程序事宜之日起第二個月的首日生效,有效期為十五年。
2. 除非締約任一方在本協定終止之日前至少六個月通知終止協定,否則本協定將默示每十年續期一次,而締約各方保留在任何有效期屆滿前至少六個月通知終止本協定的權利。
3. 對於本協定終止生效日之前進行的投資,本協定上述各條自該終止之日起繼續有效十五年。
4. 荷蘭王國可就王國的任一部分對本協定作獨立終止,但不影響本條第2款規定的適用。
The Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, duly authorized to conclude this Agreement by the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China,
the Kingdom of the Netherlands,
hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties,
Desiring to strengthen their traditional ties of friendship and to extend and intensify the economic relations between them, particularly with respect to investments by the investors of one Contracting Party in the area of the other Contracting Party.
Recognizing that agreement upon the treatment to be accorded to such investments will stimulate the flow of capital and technology and the economic development of the Contracting Parties and that fair and equitable treatment of investment is desirable,
Have agreed as follows:
For the purposes of this Agreement:
a) the term “investments” means every kind of asset and more particularly, though not exclusively:
(i) movable and immovable property as well as any other rights in rem in respect of every kind of asset;
(ii) rights derived from shares, bonds and other kinds of interests in companies and joint ventures;
(iii) claims to money, to other assets or to any performance having an economic value;
(iv) rights in the field of intellectual property, technical processes, goodwill and know-how;
(v) rights granted under public law or under contract, including rights to prospect, explore, extract and win natural resources.
b) the term “investors” shall comprise:
(i) with regard to the Kingdom of Netherlands, natural persons having the nationality of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and legal persons constituted under the laws applicable in the Kingdom;
(ii) with regard to the Macao Special Administrative Region, natural persons entitled to the Resident Identity Card and legal persons constituted under the law of the Macao Special Administrative Region;
(iii) with regard to either Contracting Party legal persons not constituted under the law of the other Contracting Party but controlled by natural persons or by legal persons as defined in (i) or (ii) above.
For greater clarity as to whether a legal person not constituted under the law of a Contracting Party is controlled by natural or legal persons of that Contracting Party as referred to in 1 b) (i) or (ii), control means de facto control, determined after an examination of the actual circumstances. In any such examination, all relevant factors should be considered, including:
1. financial interest, including equity interest, in the controlled investor;
2. ability to exercise substantial influence over the management and operation of the controlled investor; and
3. ability to exercise decisive influence over the selection of members of the board of directors or any other managing body.
Where there is doubt as to whether direct or indirect control exists, an investor claiming such control has to provide the evidence.
With respect to physical persons, an individual who possesses both the nationality of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and is entitled to the Resident Identity Card of the Macao Special Administrative Region at the time of the investment, who invests in the Macao Special Administrative Region, shall not be considered an investor of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, for the purposes of this Agreement.
c) the term “area”:
(i) in respect of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, is the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and includes any area adjacent to the territorial sea which, under the laws applicable in the Kingdom of Netherlands, and in accordance with international law, is the exclusive economic zone or continental shelf of the Kingdom, in which it exercises jurisdiction or sovereign rights;
(ii) in respect of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, is the peninsula of Macao and the islands of Taipa and Coloane.
Either Contracting Party shall, within the framework of its laws and regulations, promote economic co-operation through the protection in its area of investments of investors of the other Contracting Party. Subject to its right to exercise powers conferred by its laws or regulations, each Contracting Party shall admit such investments.
1. Each Contracting Party shall ensure fair and equitable treatment of the investments of investors of the other Contracting Party and shall not impair, by unreasonable or discriminatory measures, the operation, management, maintenance, use, enjoyment or disposal thereof by those investors. Each Contracting Party shall accord to such investments, full physical security and protection.
2. More particularly, each Contracting Party shall accord to such investments treatment which in any case shall not be less favourable than that accorded either to investments of its own investors or to investments of investors of any third State, whichever is more favourable to the investor concerned.
3. If a Contracting Party has accorded special advantages to investors of any third State by virtue of agreements establishing customs unions, economic unions, monetary unions or similar institutions, or on the basis of interim agreements leading to such unions or institutions, that Contracting Party shall not be obliged to accord such advantages to investors of the other Contracting Party.
4. Each Contracting Party shall observe any obligation it may have entered into with regard to investments of investors of the other Contracting Party.
5. If the provisions of law of either Contracting Party or obligations under international law existing at present or established hereafter between the Contracting Parties in addition to the present Agreement contain a regulation, whether general or specific, entitling investments by investors of the other Contracting Party to a treatment more favourable than is provided for by the present Agreement, such regulation shall, to the extent that it is more favourable, prevail over the present Agreement.
6. The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to the provisions of article 4 of this Agreement.
With respect to taxes, fees, charges and to fiscal deductions and exemptions, each Contracting Party shall accord to investors of the other Contracting Party who are engaged in any economic activity in its area, treatment not less favourable than that accorded to its own investors or to those of any third State who are in the same circumstances, whichever is more favourable to the investors concerned. For this purpose, however, there shall not be taken into account any special fiscal advantages accorded by that Party:
a) under an agreement for the avoidance of double taxation; or
b) by virtue of its participation in a customs union, economic union or similar institution; or
c) on the basis of reciprocity with a third State.
The Contracting Parties shall guarantee that payments relating to an investment may be transferred. The transfers shall be made in a freely convertible currency, without restriction or delay. Such transfers include in particular though not exclusively:
a) profits, interests, dividends and other current income;
b) funds necessary
(i) for the acquisition of raw or auxiliary materials, semi-fabricated or finished products, or
(ii) to replace capital assets in order to safeguard the continuity of an investment;
c) additional funds necessary for the development of an investment;
d) funds in repayment of loans;
e) royalties or fees;
f) earnings of natural persons;
g) the proceeds of sale or liquidation of the investment;
h) payments arising under Article 7.
1. Neither Contracting Party shall take any measures depriving, directly or indirectly, investors of the other Contracting Party of their investments unless the following conditions are complied with:
a) the measures are taken in the public interest and under the due process of law;
b) the measures are not discriminatory or contrary to any undertaking which the Contracting Party, which takes such measures, may have given;
c) the measures are taken against just compensation. Such compensation:
(i) shall represent the genuine value of the investments affected and shall be at least equal to the value of the expropriated investment on the date immediately prior to that in which expropriation, or any other proceeding of similar force, has taken place or became public knowledge;
(ii) shall include interest at a normal commercial rate until the date of payment; and
(iii) shall, in order to be effective for the claimants, be paid and made transferable, without delay, to the country or region designated by the claimants concerned in any freely convertible currency accepted by the claimants.
2. Without prejudice to the right to seek international arbitration, the investor shall be entitled to have the legality of the expropriation reviewed by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties having induced the expropriation.
Investors of the one Contracting Party who suffer losses in respect of their investments in the area of the other Contracting Party owing to war or other armed conflict, revolution, a state of national emergency, revolt, insurrection or riot shall be accorded by the latter Contracting Party treatment, as regards restitution, indemnification, compensation or other settlement, no less favourable than that which that Contracting Party accords to its own investors or to investors of any third State, whichever is more favourable to the investors concerned.
If the investments of an investor of the one Contracting Party are insured against non-commercial risks or otherwise give rise to payment of indemnification in respect of such investments under a system established by law, regulation or government contract, any subrogation of the insurer or re-insurer or agency designated by the one Contracting Party to the rights of the said investor pursuant to the terms of such insurance or under any other indemnity given shall be recognized by the other Contracting Party.
1. Disputes which might arise between one of the Contracting Parties and an investor of the other Contracting Party concerning an investment of that investor in the area of the former Contracting Party shall, whenever possible, be settled amicably between the parties concerned.
2. If the dispute cannot be settled amicably within a reasonable lapse of time, the dispute shall at the request of the investor concerned be submitted to:
a) the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, for settlement by arbitration or conciliation under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of other States, opened for signature at Washington on 18 March 1965;
b) the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes under the Rules Governing the Additional Facility for the Administration of Proceedings by the Secretariat of the Centre (Additional Facility of Rules);
c) an international ad hoc arbitral tribunal under the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade law (UNCITRAL).
3. With respect to a legal person of one Contracting Party, which before such a dispute arises is controlled by an investor of the other Contracting Party, Article 25 (2) (b) of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of other States is applicable.
4. The decision to submit the dispute to one of the preceding procedures is irreversible. The arbitral awards shall be final and binding on both parties to the dispute.
5. An investor may also decide to submit a dispute to a competent domestic court.
6. Each Contracting Party hereby gives its unconditional consent to submit investment disputes for resolution to the alternative disputes settlement fora mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.
The provisions of this Agreement shall, from the date of entry into force thereof, also apply to investments, which have been made before that date, but not to investment disputes that arose before its entry into force.
Either Contracting Party may propose to the other Party that consultations be held on any matter concerning the interpretation or application of the Agreement. The other Party shall accord sympathetic consideration to the proposal and shall afford adequate opportunity for such consultations.
1. Any dispute between the Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of the present Agreement, which cannot be settled within a reasonable lapse of time by means of negotiations between the Parties, shall, unless the Parties have otherwise agreed, be submitted, at the request of either Party, to an arbitral tribunal, composed of three members. Each Party shall appoint one arbitrator and the two arbitrators thus appointed shall together appoint a third arbitrator as their chairman who is not a national of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and not a resident of the Macao Special Administrative Region.
2. If one of the Parties fails to appoint its arbitrator and has not proceeded to do so within two months after an invitation from the other Party to make such appointment, the latter Party may invite the President of the International Court of Justice to make the necessary appointment.
3. If the two arbitrators are unable to reach agreement, in the two months following their appointment, on the choice of the third arbitrator, either Party may invite the President of the International Court of Justice to make the necessary appointment.
4. If, in the cases provided for in the paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Article, the President of the International Court of Justice is prevented from discharging the said function or is a national of the Kingdom of the Netherlands or a resident of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the Vice-President shall be invited to make the necessary appointments. If the Vice-President is prevented from discharging the said function or is a national of the Kingdom of the Netherlands or a resident of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the most senior member of the Court available who is not a national of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and not a resident of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be invited to make the necessary appointments.
5. The tribunal shall decide on the basis of respect for the law. Before the tribunal decides, it may at any stage of the proceedings propose to the Parties that the dispute be settled amicably. The foregoing provisions shall not prejudice settlement of the dispute ex aequo et bono if the Parties so agree.
6. Unless the Parties decide otherwise, the tribunal shall determine its own procedure.
7. The tribunal shall reach its decision by a majority of votes. Such decision shall be final and binding on the Parties.
As regards the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the present Agreement shall apply to the part of the Kingdom in Europe, to the Netherlands Antilles and to Aruba, unless the notification provided for in Article 14, paragraph (1) provides otherwise.
1. The present Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which the Contracting Parties have notified each other in writing that their required legal procedures have been complied with, and shall remain in force for a period of fifteen years.
2. Unless notice of termination has been given by either Contracting Party at least six months before the date of the expiry of its validity, the present Agreement shall be extended tacitly for periods of ten years, whereby each Contracting Party reserves the right to terminate the Agreement upon notice of at least six months before the date of expiry of the current period of validity.
3. In respect of investments made before the date of the termination of the present Agreement, the foregoing Articles shall continue to be effective for a further period of fifteen years from that date.
In case the present agreement has been terminated for any of the parts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands separately, the period of fifteen years shall apply to those parts of the Kingdom for which the present Agreement has been terminated.
4. Subject to the period mentioned in paragraph (2) of this Article, the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall be entitled to terminate the application of the present Agreement separately in respect of any of the parts of the Kingdom.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned representatives, duly authorised thereto, have signed the present Agreement.
DONE in two originals at Macao, on the 22 of May 2008, in the Chinese, Portuguese, Netherlands and English languages, all texts being authentic. In case of difference of interpretation the English text will prevail.